9月30日司法部长克里斯·法福伊表示对今天议会三读通过的《反恐立法法案》欢迎,该法案赋予执法机构更大的权力,以保护新西兰人免受恐怖活动之害。 司法部长克里斯·法福伊说:”该法案加强了我们的法律,以打击恐怖主义不断变化的性质,并弥补了我们反恐立法中长期存在的空白,以更好地保护新西兰人″。

新的反恐法的主要变化是增加了策划或准备恐怖行为的刑事罪。 司法特别委员会还完全赞同建议修改恐怖主义行为的定义,以包括现行法律所界定的恐吓意图,而不是诱发恐怖的意图。 “这些变化使我们对恐怖主义行为的定义符合澳大利亚和联合王国等其他国家的反恐法律,意味着我们有我们需要的工具,以便我们能够尽早采取行动,防止、应对和破坏恐怖活动。恐怖主义的性质已经改变。在世界各地,独立的扮演者更多,而不是更大的有组织的团体:正如我们两年前在基督城的清真寺发生的3月15日袭击,以及本月早些时候在奥克兰西区一家超市发生的对购物者的袭击所看到的那样。
部长说:”新西兰也不能幸免于这种伤害,我要承认受这些恐怖袭击影响的受害者、家庭和社区的创伤”。 该法案将2002年《制止恐怖主义法》和2012年《搜索和监视法》修订为:将策划或准备恐怖行为定为刑事犯罪(对该罪行适用无证入境、搜查和监视权),更新恐怖行为的定义,以提高清晰度,更清楚地为恐怖主义目的进行武器训练或战斗训练。将前往、从新西兰或途经新西兰的旅行定为犯罪,意图根据《制止恐怖主义法》实施犯罪,将恐怖主义金融犯罪扩大到向恐怖主义个人或团体提供更广泛的支助,如货物和服务,定为刑事犯罪。 “制定这一重要立法的过程经过了认真和深思熟虑。这包括让市民有充分机会向专责委员会提出意见。我要感谢那些就条例草案和专责委员会的建议提出意见的人”克里斯·法福伊说。 预计《反恐立法法案》将在皇家议会通过后于2021年10月4日起生效。
Counter-Terrorism Bill passes into law
Minister of Justice, Kris Faafoi, has welcomed the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Bill which passed its third reading at Parliament today, giving enforcement agencies greater powers to protect New Zealanders from terrorist activity.
“The Bill strengthens our laws to fight the ever evolving nature of terrorism and closes longstanding gaps in our counter terrorism legislation to better protect New Zealanders,” Kris Faafoi said.
“The new counter terrorism law’s major change is to add the criminal offence of planning or preparation for a terrorist act.
“The Justice Select Committee also fully endorsed a recommended change to the definition of a terrorist act to include the intention to intimidate, rather than to induce terror, as is defined in the current law.
“These changes bring our definition of a terrorist act into line with counter terrorism laws in other countries such as Australia and the United Kingdom, and mean we have the tools we need so we can act early to prevent, respond to, and disrupt terrorist activity.
“The nature of terrorism has changed. Across the world there are more lone actors, rather than larger organised groups; as we saw with the March 15 attack on mosques in Christchurch two years ago, and the attack on shoppers in a West Auckland supermarket earlier this month.
“New Zealand is not immune to this harm, and I want to acknowledge the trauma of the victims, families and communities affected by those terrorist attacks,” Kris Faafoi said.
The Bill amends the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002, and the Search and Surveillance Act 2012 to:
criminalise planning or preparation for a terrorist act (and apply warrantless powers of entry, search, and surveillance to that offence)
update the definition of a terrorist act to improve clarity
more clearly criminalise weapons training or combat training for terrorist purposes;
criminalise travel to, from, or via New Zealand with the intention to carry out an offence under the Terrorism Suppression Act
extend the terrorism finance offences to also criminalise providing wider forms of support to terrorist individuals or groups, such as goods and services
“The process for developing this important piece of legislation has been careful and considered. This included the full opportunity for the public to provide their view to the Select Committee. I want to thank those who made submissions on the Bill and the Select Committee for its recommendations,” Kris Faafoi said.
It is expected that the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Bill, following Royal Assent, will come into effect from 4 October 2021.
The Bill also amends the Terrorism Suppression (Control Orders) Act 2019 so that people who have been convicted and imprisoned for a terrorism-related offence in this country can be eligible for a control order.
The Counter-Terrorism Legislation Bill was introduced in April this year and received its first reading and referral to the Justice Committee on 5 May.
It was the Government’s first step towards implementing recommendation 18 of the Royal Commission into the Terrorist Attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019.
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