






如果您担心虐待老人,请拨打免费帮助热线 0800 32 668 65、短信 5032 或电子邮件 support@elderabbuse.nz

· 虐待老年人往往很复杂,涉及的因素更可能随着年龄的增长而出现。例如住在老年护理设施中:精神、认知和身体健康恶化以及依赖人们日常支持时的脆弱性。

世界卫生组织估计,全世界每六个60岁以上的人中就有一人受到虐待, 多达四分之三的例子未报告,超过75%的施虐者是家庭成员。

· 老年人办公室是社会发展部的一部分,MSD 与新西兰各地的提供商签订合同,提供虐待老年人响应服务,该服务支持遭受虐待或忽视或面临虐待或忽视风险的老年人
· 2021年6月,老年人办公室和家庭暴力以及性暴力等机构联合在奥克兰、罗托鲁瓦和基督城开展了一系列会议,重点讨论虐待老年人问题,作为消除新西兰家庭暴力和性暴力国家战略和行动计划草案协商的一部分。

A new movement is illuminating the abused elderly

A new campaign is shining a spotlight on elder abuse, and urging people to protect older New Zealanders.

Launched on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the Office for Seniors’ campaign encourages friends, whānau and neighbours to look for the signs of abuse, which is often hidden in plain sight.

“Research suggests around one in 10 people will experience elder abuse. But only a very small number of cases are ever reported,” Minister for Seniors Ayesha Verrall said.

“I’m pleased this year’s campaign is highlighting the least understood, but more common, forms of abuse – such as financial and psychological.

“It’s important to understand that elder abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of their background.

“Most abuse is committed by someone close to the victim; often by a family member or a caregiver. It’s a devastating abuse of trust, and people find it hard to speak out against someone they rely on,” Ayesha Verrall said.

The key message of this year’s multimedia campaign is ‘It’s ok to help’.

“We want to encourage people to call out elder abuse when they see it,” Ayesha Verrall said.

In Budget 2020, the Elder Abuse Response Service received an additional $25 million over the following four years. This funding addressed cost pressures, and improved the coverage of services.

The service, which was established in 2017, includes a free national helpline and 28 regional providers.

If you are concerned about elder abuse call the free helpline 0800 32 668 65, text 5032 or email support@elderabuse.nz

· Elder abuse is often complex, and involves factors that are more likely to arise with advanced age, such as living in aged care facilities; deteriorating mental, cognitive, and physical health; and vulnerability when relying on people for daily support
· The World Health Organisation estimates elder abuse affects as many as one in six people over the age of 60 worldwide
· As many as three out of four cases go unreported
· More than 75% of abusers are family members
· The Office for Seniors is part of the Ministry of Social Development
· MSD contracts providers across Aotearoa to deliver the Elder Abuse Response Service, which supports older people experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect
· In June 2021, the Office for Seniors and the Joint Venture on family violence and sexual violence ran a series of hui in Auckland, Rotorua, and Christchurch focused on issues of elder abuse, as part of the consultation for the draft National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand


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