





       学校和早期教学工作人员及与儿童和学生接触人士,在2022年1月1日之前完全接种疫苗,并在11月15日前接受第一剂疫苗。  COVID-19响应部长克里斯·希普金斯今天说,两类高风险病毒传播的工作人员中的很大一部分需要接种疫苗。 

克里斯·希普金斯说:”在整个大流行期间,我们的教育和卫生及残疾工作人员为保护自己和人民的安全做了令人难以置信的工作。目前疫苗接种仍然是我们抵御感染和疾病的最有力和最有效的措施。我们需要尽努力让更多的工人接种疫苗,使各部门能够应对这一流行病,能正常地提供日常服务。虽然在这些部门工作的大多数人已经完全或部分接种了疫苗,但我们仍不要遗留任何人接种机会,而要强制接种疫苗。  虽然这是一个艰难的决定,但我们需要那些与尚未接种疫苗的弱势社区合作的人采取这一额外步骤。卫生和残疾部门包括一系列高风险职业,5至11岁儿童的疫苗接种尚未获得批准。人们有理由期望我们的劳动人员采取一切合理的预防措施,防止疾病的传播。政府机构一直在与他们合作,以确保他们得到尽可能的保护。   

高疫苗接种率将有助于保护员工不生病,并将阻止COVID-19传给亲人。它还将让那些担心孩子上学和早期学习服务的人放心。  在某些情况下,可能会有豁免。我们的 MIQ 以及机场和港口的工人已经需要接种疫苗。卫生和残疾部门2021年COVID-19公共卫生应对(疫苗接种)令将更新,要求任何在卫生和残疾部门从事高风险工作的人在2021年12月1日之前全面接种疫苗。 

根据这些新要求,全科医师、药剂师、社区卫生护士、助产士、护理人员以及脆弱患者接受治疗的场所(包括重症监护病房)的所有卫生保健工作者必须在 10月30日之前获得第一剂疫苗。 


教育部门从 2022 年 1 月 1 日起,学校和早期教学服务和提供者将需要保持登记,并确保只有接种疫苗的工作人员和支持人员才能与儿童和学生接触。他们需要在11月15日之前第一次注射。这包括家庭教育工作者,以及我们学校的所有支持人员和早期教学服务,如教师助理、行政和维护人员和承包商。  中学和学校也将被要求为学生保留COVID-19疫苗接种登记册。没有接种疫苗证据的学生将被视为未接种疫苗。 

奥克兰和其他 3 级警报区的所有学校员工在返回现场工作之前,必须返回 COVID-19 测试结果。在2022年1月1日前未完全接种疫苗的人,也必须接受每周COVID-19测试。高等教育部门是否需要强制接种疫苗的工作还在研究中。 

11 October 2021,Mandatory vaccination for two workforces
·         High-risk workers in the health and disability sector to be fully vaccinated by 1 December, 2021, and to receive their first dose by 30 October
·         School and early learning staff and support people who have contact with children and students to be fully vaccinated by 1 January, 2022, and to receive their first dose by 15 November
Large parts of two workforces critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19 will be required to be vaccinated, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.
“Our education and health and disability workforces have done an incredible job throughout this pandemic to keep themselves and people safe,” Chris Hipkins said.
“Vaccination remains our strongest and most effective tool to protect against infection and disease, and we need as many workers as possible to be vaccinated to allow sectors to respond to the pandemic and deliver everyday services with as little disruption as possible.
“While most people working in these sectors are already fully or partially vaccinated we can’t leave anything to chance and are making it mandatory.
”It’s not an easy decision, but we need the people who work with vulnerable communities who haven’t yet been vaccinated to take this extra step.
“Vaccinations for children aged 5 to 11 are not yet approved and the health and disability sector includes a range of high risk occupations.
“People have a reasonable expectation that our work forces are taking all reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of disease, and government agencies have been working with them to ensure they are as protected as possible.   
“A high rate of vaccinations will help to protect staff from getting sick and passing COVID-19 onto loved ones. It will also reassure those who are anxious about their children attending school and early learning services.
“Exemptions may be possible under some circumstances.
“Workers at our MIQ and at airports and ports are already required to be vaccinated.
Health and Disability sector      
“The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 will be updated to require anyone conducting high-risk work in the health and disability sector to be fully vaccinated by 1 December, 2021.
“Under these new requirements, general practitioners, pharmacists, community health nurses, midwives, paramedics, and all healthcare workers in sites where vulnerable patients are treated (including Intensive Care Units) must receive their first dose of the vaccine by 30th October.
“These requirements also include certain non-regulated healthcare work, such as aged residential care, home and community support services, kaupapa Māori health providers and Non-Government Organisations who provide health services.”
The full list will be provided in the next few days.
Education sector
“From 1 January, 2022, schools and early learning services and providers will need to maintain a register, and ensure only vaccinated staff and support people have contact with children and students. They need to have their first dose by 15 November.
“This includes home-based educators, and all those support people in our schools and early learning services such as teacher-aides, administration and maintenance staff and contractors.
“Secondary schools and kura will also be required to keep a COVID-19 vaccination register for students. Students that do not produce evidence of vaccination will be considered unvaccinated.
“All school employees in Auckland and other Alert Level 3 regions will be required to return a negative COVID-19 test result before they can return to work onsite.
“Those who are not fully vaccinated in the period leading up to 1 January 2022, will also be required to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing.
“Work is continuing on whether mandatory vaccinations will be required in the tertiary education sector.”


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