达米安·奥康纳说; “从与乳品和兽医部门的谈话中可以明显看出,他们正面临劳动力压力。这些边境例外将大大缓解这些压力”。
达米安·奥康纳表示: 我们还向行业领导者表明,我们需要确保有强大的动力鼓励新西兰人担任入门级角色,并发展乳品行业的职业生涯。
达米安·奥康纳说;”奶牛场工人和兽医在动物福利、食品安全和维护新西兰作为安全和可持续食品生产国的国际声誉方面发挥了关键作用。在做出这一决定时,我们平衡了确保新西兰人安全和确保适当的 MIQ 容量的需求,季节性和战略技能短缺,以及海外新西兰人回国的季节性变化”。
In order to relieve labor pressure, the government has approved certain types of work border exceptions
News from the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture, June 10Border class exceptions approved for more farm workers and vets
The Government has approved border class exceptions for an additional 200 dairy workers and 50 veterinarians to enter New Zealand, Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor announced today.
“It is clear from conversations with the dairy and veterinarian sectors that they are facing workforce pressures. These border exceptions will go a long way towards relieving those pressures,” Damien O’Connor said.
The exceptions will allow up to 150 dairy farm workers in management roles on farms, up to 50 workers in dairy assistant roles, and up to 50 general practice vets to enter New Zealand, along with their partners and dependent children.
“What we have also made clear to sector leaders is that we need to ensure there is a strong incentive for New Zealanders to take up entry level roles and develop careers in dairying.
“The Government and food and fibres sector have been working hard to mitigate worker shortages by training and upskilling New Zealanders, but we know that takes time. This announcement recognises the immediate need for additional expertise to come through our borders.
“Dairy managers and vets have specialist skills developed over many years, which we can’t replicate overnight.
“With the new dairy season kicking off last week, migrant dairy farm workers will supplement the domestic workforce and provide critical support.
“Despite the previous border class exception for vets, our domestic vet skill shortage remains acute, including in hard to recruit roles in isolated rural practices.
“This new class exception will allow veterinarians to enter New Zealand if they have between 3-5 years’ experience and meet the remuneration threshold of $85,000 per year.”
Damien O’Connor said dairy farm workers and vets played a key role in animal welfare, food safety, and safeguarding New Zealand’s international reputation as a producer of safe and sustainable food.
“In making this decision, we’ve balanced the need to keep New Zealanders safe and ensure appropriate MIQ capacity, with seasonal and strategic skills shortages, and seasonal variations for overseas New Zealanders travelling home.
“To relieve workforce pressures, the Government has previously approved exceptions for vets, along with shearers and rural mobile plant machinery operators, and others.
“These new border exceptions will help drive New Zealand’s economic recovery from COVID-19,”Damien O’Connor said.
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