书评 《习近平谈中国治国理政》



荣大卫(Dave Bromwich)













对于那些以愤世嫉俗和封闭的心态打开页面的人来说,内容将具有挑战性。保守的西方读者可能对共产主义价值观的坚定言辞以及有时用于对所讨论的主题提出要求的说教语气感到不习惯:“官员必须保持共产党人的高尚品格和政治操守,并通过他们的具体行动激励公众追求美德,尊重和遵守法律”。 (摘自《法治与美德》一章,第二卷,第 147 页)



Book Review

The Governance of China, Xi Jinping 

volumes one to three 

published by Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.

By Dave Bromwich 

– President of New Zealand China Friendship Society

These volumes are a compilation of speeches and statements from Xi Jinping covering a period from 2012, when the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China confirmed Xi Jinping as general secretary, through to 2020. The first from November 2012 to June 2014; Volume II covers the period August 2014 to September 2017; and Volume III from October 2017 to January 2020.

The speeches are organised by theme, with contributions in an average of 18 topic-specific sections, in each volume. Contributions within each section is arranged in chronological order. In all, a total of 263 speeches and statements have been included, with a synchronicity which allows the reader to follow the development of each specific topic. This is not a rigid formatting, with some topic headings changing, but it allows the reader to pursue a specific interest and appreciation of the development of thought, policy and implementation along the theme.

This allows not only a vision of consistency of direction, but also an awareness that policy is  dynamic and flexible to respond to difficulties encountered and, as importantly, new challenges over time. The reader is provided with pathways taken, and successful achievements made along the pathway.

In preparing this review, I cannot claim to have read all the documents in the compilation. Rather I have chosen three of the areas in which I have a keen interest, and followed the contributions specific to those areas through the three volumes. Areas selected are poverty reduction and the China Dream for its people, international relations, and environmental policy. For those with awareness of the current status and outcomes of each of these issues pertaining to China, there will be  a greater depth of understanding provided through these readings. 

For the student of Chinese culture and philosophy, ancient wisdom is brought into a present context. The speeches often quote this ancient wisdom and relate it to current issues. Events from history are occasionally introduced to illustrate a continuum in the culture of governance by calling on records and experiences from the past to assist in meeting today’s challenges of change and development in a responsible way. 

Similarly, there is respectful reference to earlier leaders of the Communist Party and their work. It provides quotations from statements that present a recent foundation to current pathways of development.

Yet the richness lies in the broad detail. Speeches and statements include definition of issues being faced, specify approaches that are required to be taken, and pronounce the outcomes sought. It is in this aspect of the compilations that the reader is able to develop respect for the quality of leadership, and appreciate the pragmatism offered to implement policy, receptive to challenges encountered and setting outcomes planned within a realistic timeframe. 

The language used in the speeches is both positive and inspiring. In international relations, harmony in diversity is championed, and mutual respect and learning recognises that not one answer fits all. A firm advocacy for cooperation and multi-lateralism to create a shared future for all mankind is supported by affirmation of and support for international institutions. The often heard statements from Xi Jinping are given substance and context that support the depth of understanding and compassion that China offers the world. Rather than criticism and negativity, Xi places a challenge to all to proactively contribute in a positive way –“fairness is a responsibility of the international community”.

At home, the development of China calls for vision for a future guided by innovation and technology, and positively encourages youth to work hard and contribute to the overall good of China and her people. The development of environmental concepts of Man and Nature evolves into the concept of Eco-conservation, where environmental security is in balance with social and economic benefits.

Overall, the government takes a central role in the promotion of all issues. The direction provided is for all to support in the endeavours of China to strive to reach the China Dream. 

These three volumes are not light reading, to be read from cover to cover. They are a resource for all students of China, for leaders of other countries, for journalists, and most of all for those wishing to develop understanding of China, and appreciate what China has to offer civilisation, both domestic and global. It is also a resource of Chinese culture, philosophy and history, with extensive footnotes providing reference to scholastic pursuit beyond the speeches. 

The contents will be challenging to those who open the pages with cynicism and a closed mind.  The conservative western reader may be uncomfortable with the firm rhetoric of communist values, and the sometimes didactic tone used to pronounce demands on the subjects being addressed:  “Officials must maintain the noble character and political integrity of Communists, and through their concrete actions, motivate the public to pursue virtue, and respect and observe the law”. (From the Rule of Law and the Rule of Virtue, Volume II, p. 147) 

Yet the positivity, clarity and consistency of thought is captivating and stimulating. While it could, on first glance, be attractive to have a condensed version of this work, in fact the collection can be read in parts, with each speech being a shortened version in its own theme to establish reference to a broad picture.

I started my study by letting the volumes fall open on pages at random, and read where my eyes fell. Not once was there a place where I did not feel respect for the wisdom presented. Xi Jinping, with the Communist Party alongside, presents an intelligent, practical and necessary guidance to the world that needs not be confined to the Chinese system of governance. The scholarship in these three volumes is a valuable contribution to opportunities that governance can provide.


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