10 月开始为 RSE 工人提供单程免隔离旅行


 新西兰疫情响应部长9月10日消息,来自萨摩亚、汤加和瓦努阿图的公认的季节性雇主(RSE)工人的单程免检疫旅行从 10 月开始新要求 RSE 员工在出发前接受首次疫苗接种,进行第 0 天和第 5 天的测试,并完成 7 天的自我隔离期,等待第 5 天的阴性结果
  达米安·奥康纳说:”我们希望为园艺行业提供确定性,确保我们为 RSE 员工提供安全的免检疫旅行,以便在即将到来的采摘季节及时完成。
  我们只从 RSE 员工开始有几个原因。RSE 员工成群来到新西兰,并住在雇主安排的住宿中。这有助于减轻 COVID-19 带来的任何额外风险,确保它们在抵达后立即在预先组织的地方进行自我隔离”。

One-way quarantine-free travel for RSE workers starting in October
·       One-way quarantine-free travel for Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers from Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu starts in October
·       New requirement for RSE workers to have received their first vaccination pre-departure, undertake Day 0 and Day 5 tests, and complete a self-isolation period of seven days, pending a negative Day 5 result
The first stage of one-way quarantine-free travel with Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu will commence in October, initially for RSE workers from those countries, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor announced today.
“We want to provide certainty to the horticulture industry that we are moving forward with safe quarantine-free travel for RSE workers in time for the upcoming picking season,” Damien O’Connor said.
“We need to take a cautious approach to opening up quarantine-free travel with the Pacific. While Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu haven’t had any community cases of COVID-19 we know first-hand how quickly Delta can spread if it gets in,” Chris Hipkins said.
 “To minimise risk we are putting in place additional health measures for these workers. These include requirements to be vaccinated with at least one dose pre-departure, complete a period of self-isolation on arrival and return negative COVID-19 tests at Day 0 and Day 5.
 “We are starting solely with RSE workers for several reasons. RSE workers come to New Zealand in a cohort, and stay in employer-arranged accommodation. This helps mitigate any additional risk from COVID-19 by ensuring they go into self-isolation in a pre-organised place immediately upon arrival.”
  Damien O’Connor said it also reflects the important benefits that flow from the RSE scheme for New Zealand, Pacific partner countries, workers, and their families and communities.Up to 14,400 RSE workers normally come through New Zealand each year, with approximately 10,500 being in the country at peak harvesting times pre-COVID.
 “Substantial planning has been under way both in New Zealand’s horticulture and viticulture sectors and in our partner countries for the arrival of these workers, with some incoming flights deferred in August and September because of New Zealand’s Alert Level 4 settings.
  “We will be closely monitoring this first stage of one-way quarantine-free travel. Our intention remains to broaden eligibility for quarantine-free entry to New Zealand from these countries and Tokelau when we can be sure it is safe to do so. In the meantime, other people entering New Zealand from these countries will need to meet existing MIQ requirements.
  “We thank Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu for their close cooperation with us on this significant step in reconnecting our countries.
 “I’d also like to thank the horticulture and viticulture sector leaders for working so constructively with us in reaching this announcement,” Damien O’Connor said.
  Officials in New Zealand are working with partner Pacific countries and the industry on the final measures that need to be in place, with exact flight dates in October to be confirmed. 


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