
四年来,政府已投资4760万纽币用于健康积极学习,以在体育活动和营养方面的其他政府方案取得成功为基础。这是一项自愿倡议,正在免费提供给教育提供者。 除了体育活动和健康促进劳动力外,还包括改善学生福祉的课程资源”。
教育部长克里斯希普金斯说:”这些资源,加上新的劳动力,将确保所有教师都有信心,并具备在健康、体育和豪拉课程学习领域教孩子的能力。 这项倡议与卡奥拉卡阿科健康学校午餐方案一起向本届政府表明致力于儿童和青少年的健康和福祉”。
2 November,Healthy Active Learning initiative to expand to 800 schools and kura
A successful physical activity and nutrition initiative for schools is being doubled in size.
Healthy Active Learning is a joint initiative between Sport NZ and the Ministries of Health and Education that has been implemented across more than 300 schools and kura since last year. In its third year it will be extended to a further 500 schools and kura across the country from 2022 to 2024.
“The success of the initiative has been really encouraging and shows the value of agencies and communities working together to improve the wellbeing of children and young people,” Grant Robertson said.
The initiative involves regional sports trusts, regional education offices, and public health units partnering with one another to support schools and kura to implement healthy eating and drinking, and quality physical activity programmes.
The Government has invested $47.6 million into Healthy Active Learning over four years to build on the success of other government programmes across physical activity and nutrition. It is a voluntary initiative and is being delivered at no cost to education providers.
In addition to a physical activity and health promotion workforce, it includes curriculum resources to improve student wellbeing.
“These resources, alongside the new workforce, will ensure all teachers feel confident and well equipped to teach children across the health, physical education and hauora curriculum learning areas,” Chris Hipkins said.
“This initiative together with the Ka Ora Ka Ako healthy school lunches programme shows this Government’s commitment to the health and wellbeing of children and young people.”
Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare said the initiative helps young people make positive and informed choices about food, nutrition, physical activity and their own wellbeing.
“As our understanding of the factors that affect health outcomes grow, it is increasingly clear how important a good diet and being physically active are to keeping our tamariki and rangatahi happy and healthy and performing at their best.”
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