
奥克兰仍然处于第1部,3级警戒。 克里斯·希普金斯说:”根据最新的公共卫生信息,部长们决定维持北地和怀卡托部分地区的现状是最安全的行动方针。内阁将于10月18日星期一对此进行审查。怀卡托在接受检测和接种疫苗方面做得非常出色。
然而,今天上午我们获悉了两起与现有集群无关的新案件。一对夫妇所到之处接触点较底。然而,我们需要向自己保证,在降低警戒级别之前,不会再发现传播。基因组测序正在进行中,有望为这些病例提供新的启示。 不幸的是,我们对北地的情况有足够充分的了解,我们仍没有信心。两名感染者在该地区旅览,但目前从被隔离的病例信息中进展仍然缓慢。我们可能无法在询问中追踪和获得任何进一步的信息,因此现在正依靠其他信息来源来整理他们的行踪。
北地人现在能做的最好的事情就是接受测试,如果他们有COVID-19的症状,即使这些症状是温和的。在过去的一周里,已经进行了7000多个测试。这是令人鼓舞的, 但要有信心改变警戒级别, 我们需要在末来5天做更多的测试。看到北地人出来接种疫苗非常棒。在过去的七天里,已经接种了19,691次疫苗,比前一周增加了一倍多,保持这样很重要。当我们看到高比例的检测和疫苗接种时,这让我们更有信心降低警戒级别。
自变种疫情爆发以来,有158人住院,其中只有3人完全接种了疫苗。这是疫苗提供的保护,所有符合条件的人必须尽快接种疫苗″。 克里斯·希普金斯说:”如果你与任何阳性病例有任何接触,到过相关的地点或有任何症状,请尽快接受检测”。 注意事项: 在警报级别 3 中,您应该留在家里。大多数人不允许旅行。那些出行的人必须出示证明,证明他们被允许出行。 如果没有允许跨越边界旅行的证据,您就不能进入另一个警报级别 3 或警报级别 2 区域。
警方在怀卡托警讯3级边界巡逻。获准者必须携带允许旅行的证据。 在警戒级别为 3级的每个机场,官员也检查乘客是否拥有旅行许可的证据。在奥克兰机场,大多数获准离开奥克兰的人需要阴性检测的证据。

13 October 2021,Parts of Waikato, Northland staying at Alert Level 3 The parts of Waikato that have been in Alert Level 3 and Northland will remain in Alert Level 3 for a few more days, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today. Auckland remains at Alert Level 3, Step 1. “Based on the latest public health information, ministers have decided that maintaining the status quo in Northland and parts of the Waikato is the safest course of action,” Chris Hipkins said. “This will be reviewed by Cabinet on Monday, 18 October. “The Waikato has done a phenomenal job in getting tested and getting vaccinated. However, this morning we were informed of two new cases that are as yet unlinked to the existing cluster. “Health believes the risk from these cases – a couple – is low and there will be few locations of interest. However we need to assure ourselves that there is not undetected transmission before lowering alert levels. Genome sequencing is underway and will hopefully shed new light on these cases. “Unfortunately, we still don’t have confidence we have a full enough picture of the situation in Northland. “Getting information from the two cases who travelled around the region while infectious and are now in quarantine, remains slow going. “We may not get any further information from contact tracing interviews so are now relying on other sources of information to piece together their movements. “The best thing people in Northland can do right now is to get tested if they have symptoms of COVID-19, even if these are mild. Over the last week, more than 7000 swabs have been taken. That’s encouraging but to shift alert levels with high confidence we need even more testing over the next 5 days. “It’s also great to see Northlanders coming out to get vaccinated. There have been 19,691 vaccinations in the past seven days – that’s more than double the previous week. “It’s really important to keep this going. When we see a high level of testing and vaccination, this gives us more confidence to move down the alert levels. “Since the start of the Delta outbreak, of 158 people hospitalised, only 3 of those were fully immunised. This is the protection that the vaccine provides, and it is imperative that everyone who is eligible gets vaccinated as soon as possible. “If you have any contact with any positive cases, visited a location of interest or have any symptoms, get tested as soon as possible,” Chris Hipkins said. Key points: In Alert Level 3, you should stay home. Most people are not permitted to travel. Those who can, must carry evidence that they are permitted to travel.You can’t travel into another Alert Level 3 or Alert Level 2 area without evidence of permitted travel across boundaries.The north and south Auckland checkpoints remain in place and people need to have evidence of their permitted reason to travel ready to be checked by police. Most people permitted to travel out of the Auckland region will need evidence of a COVID-19 test.Police are out in force patrolling the Waikato Alert Level 3 boundary. Those who are permitted must carry evidence that they are permitted to travel.At every airport in the Alert Level 3 areas, officials are checking that passengers have evidence of permission to travel. At Auckland Airport, most people who are permitted to travel out of the Auckland will need evidence of having a negative test.
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