



根据新西兰信息秘书处 2021 年 6 月 30 日的消息,社区助产士薪酬方式的变化将更好地认识到新西兰更偏远地区所需的时间和旅行——以及为有复杂需求的母亲和家庭提供的服务。

卫生部副部长 Ayesha Verrall 博士说:“初级产科服务通知已经升级,以更好地资助农村地区的妇女和家庭,以及那些有复杂临床或社会需求的人。”


“2020 年预算包括在四年内拨款 8500 万纽币,用于促进这些妇女的初级产科保健。通知的更改使资金得以交付,”Ayesha Verrall 说。


“2007 年的通知已经过时,并且没有为一些产科护理提供者所需的额外时间和旅行提供补偿。这在农村和高度贫困的社区创造了一种不可持续的商业模式,并造成了获取障碍。

“通过 2021 年通知,我们将拥有更灵活的资金机制。更新后的通知将引入农村实践、旅行和额外护理费用,以更公平地资助旅行和提供产妇护理。


“这是本届政府为更美好未来奠定基础的承诺的一部分。因为为我们的孩子投资一个良好的生活开端是我们支持新西兰人长期福祉的最重要方式之一,”Ayesha Verrall 说。

· 2020 年预算包括有史以来最大的初级产科服务资金增加。政府在四年内投资了 2.42 亿纽币,以便妇产服务提供者、妇女及其婴儿能够获得更多支持。
· 卫生部收到了对现有 2007 年通知的拟议修改的公众咨询的强烈回应。来自 944 份书面意见和额外口头反馈会议的反馈经过仔细考虑,以确保新的供资机制更加灵活和响应需要。
· 卫生部正在与该部门合作,以确保对主要产科服务通知的变化有充分的了解,并且处理付款的系统在 2021 年 11 月 29 日生效之前已经过充分测试和健全。

Upgrade to funding tool for community maternity services

According to the New Zealand Information Secretariat June 30, 2021,Changes to how community midwives are paid, will better recognise the time and travel required in more remote parts of New Zealand – and the service provided to mothers and whānau with complex needs.
“The Primary Maternity Services Notice has been upgraded, to better fund care for women and whānau in rural areas, and those with complex clinical or social needs,” says Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall.
The Notice sets out how self-employed primary maternity care providers are paid, and remunerates midwives for services provided from the beginning of pregnancy until six weeks after the baby is born.
“Budget 2020 included $85 million over four years to boost primary maternity care for these women. The changes to the Notice enable that funding to be delivered,” says Ayesha Verrall.
“I am committed to strengthening the maternity system, and improving the support available to our maternity care providers and the communities they serve.
“The 2007 Notice was outdated and provided no compensation for the additional time and travel required of some maternity care providers. This created an unsustainable business model in rural and highly deprived communities, and barriers to access.
“With the 2021 Notice, we will have a more flexible funding mechanism. The updated Notice will introduce rural practice, travel, and additional care payments, to more equitably fund travel and provision of maternity care.
“This will help improve the sustainability of community-based primary maternity services.
“And it is part of this Government’s commitment to lay the foundations for a better future. Because investing in a good start in life for our tamariki is one of the most important ways we can support the long-term wellbeing of New Zealanders,” says Ayesha Verrall.

·       Budget 2020 included the largest ever funding boost for primary maternity services. The Government invested $242 million over four years so maternity service providers, women and their babies can receive more support.
·       The Ministry of Health received a strong response to a public consultation on the proposed changes to the existing 2007 Notice. Feedback from the 944 written submissions and additional verbal feedback sessions was carefully considered to ensure the new funding mechanism is more flexible and responsive to need.
·       The Ministry of Health is working with the sector to ensure there is good understanding of changes to the Primary Maternity Services Notice, and that the system for processing payments is well-tested and robust before it comes into effect on November 29, 2021.


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