






Rob Campbell 是一位经验丰富的专业总监,拥有丰富的工会、公共和私营部门治理经验,已被任命为新西兰卫生委员会主席。凭借他领导大型组织的丰富经验,这些技能对于领导新西兰健康机构至关重要,新西兰卫生局将成为该国最大的雇主。 沙龙·谢,现任丰盛湾卫生局主席,也是卫生、残疾和社区部门经验丰富的领导人,已被任命为毛利卫生局联合主席,还将担任新西兰卫生局的董事会成员。原马努考卫生委员会副主席蒂帕·马胡塔(Tipa Mahuta)被任命为毛利卫生局联合主席,他具有便利、研究、政策和社区发展背景,并拥有丰富的治理经验。

新西兰卫生局将汇集全国20个卫生分局(约8万员工),预计年度运营200亿纽币,资产基础约240亿纽币。毛利人卫生局将与新西兰卫生部合作,共同制定系统计划,委托提供初级服务和社区服务,并将委托毛利人服务。 毛利卫生当局还将与卫生部合作,制定对毛利人起作用的战略和政策。

卫生部副部长佩尼·赫纳雷说:”这标志着朝着更公平的卫生系统迈进的一个重要里程碑。新的毛利卫生局将改变我们人民的游戏规则。它将发展毛利服务,并在一个新的系统中给予毛利人一个强有力的发言权,该制度的重点是改善长期影响我们社群的不成比例的健康结果。 卫生部长安德鲁·利特尔说:″Té Mason Durie 的指导团队全力以赴地支持这一任命流程,特别是 Té Mason 为确保我们未来卫生系统所需的工作争取到最好的候选人以及技能和经验的组合。新董事会成员以强烈的社区关注点,共同致力于改善国家的健康和福祉。 我相信,我们新的卫生实体将尽最大努力推动这一早该进行的变革”。 有关卫生改革的进一步资料可在 www.futureofhealth.govt.nz

The Ministry of Health today announced the reconstruction of the real national health system and the appointment of senior capable people as the new leadership team。
An outstanding group of people with extensive and wide-ranging governance and health experience have been appointed to lead the Māori Health Authority and Health New Zealand, Health Minister Andrew Little says.
“This Government is building a truly national health system to provide consistent, high-quality health services right across the country. This is another step towards fixing the health system so it works for everyone,” Andrew Little said.
“The future health system will mean New Zealanders will be able to have equitable access to healthcare to live longer, with the best possible quality of life, no matter who they are or where they live.”
Rob Campbell, an experienced professional director with extensive union, public and private sector governance experience has been appointed as the Chair of Health New Zealand. With his extensive experience leading large organisations these skills will be essential to lead Health New Zealand which will become the country’s largest employer.

Sharon Shea, current Chair of the Bay of Plenty DHB and an experienced leader across the health, disability and community sector has been appointed as Co-Chair of the Māori Health Authority and will also serve as a board member of Health New Zealand.
Tipa Mahuta, current Deputy Chair of the Counties Manukau District Health Board, with a background in facilitation, research, policy and community development, and extensive Iwi governance experience, has been appointed Co-Chair of the Māori Health Authority.
Health New Zealand will bring together the country’s 20 DHBs, a workforce of about 80,000, an annual operating budget of $20 billion and an asset base of about $24 billion.
The Māori Health Authority will work alongside Health New Zealand with a joint role in developing system plans, commissioning for primary and community services, and will commission kaupapa Māori services. The Māori Health Authority will also work alongside the Ministry of Health to develop strategies and policies that work for Māori.
“This marks a significant milestone in progress towards a more equitable health system,” Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare said.
“The new Māori Health Authority will be a gamechanger for our people. It will grow kaupapa Māori services and give Māori a strong voice in a new system focused on improving the disproportionate health outcomes that have long affected our whanau.

“Tā Mason Durie’s steering group worked tirelessly to support this appointment process –Tā Mason in particular has ensured we have secured the best possible candidates and combination of skills and experience for what is needed in our future health system,” Peeni Henare said.
“The members of the new boards share a dedication to improve the country’s health and wellbeing with a strong community focus. I am confident our new health entities are in the best possible hands to drive this long overdue transformation,” Andrew Little said.
Further information on health reform can be found at www.futureofhealth.govt.nz


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