

据新西兰新闻秘书处7月14日今天消息,卫生部副部长Ayesha Verrall博士今天宣布了帮助助产士在照顾下一代新西兰人时加强助产工作的新措施。
  “新西兰的助产士致力于妇女和妇女的福祉,但她们正面临着重大挑战。DHB助产士队伍一直在萎缩,而对其服务和专业知识的需求正在增加”。Ayesha Verrall 说。
  新的助产士、重新加入劳动大军的助产士以及其他需要额外帮助的助产士将有机会获得教练服务,这是一位经验丰富的 DHB 助产士,可以提供临床和更广泛的支持。
  Ayesha Verrall 说:”通过提供实际支持和进一步的职业选择,正式临床教练角色的开发将为现有助产士开辟一条新的职业道路,并鼓励已经脱离临床实践的助产士考虑重返助产中心。希望在离开一段时间后再次工作的助产士必须完成重返实践计划,以确保他们拥有最新的培训和认证。临床教练将帮助他们重新加入劳动大军。我知道,对有些人来说,重返实践方案的费用是一个障碍。因此,在第一年,为多达40名助产士和今后几年的60名助产士提供了每名助产士1600纽币的额外资金,以鼓励他们刷新执业证书,重返这一有回报的职业。这些举措表明,政府致力于支持产科部门,以创造更可持续的劳动力,为妇女提供优质护理”。

。    为临床教练和重返实践支助提供的资金来自为产妇行动计划拨出的3500万纽币。在现有的每年MQSP投资380万纽币的基础上,已经为临床指南审查投资了18万纽币,DHB孕产质量安全计划每年还有220万纽币。

  。 2020年预算包括有史以来对初级产妇服务的最大一次资金增加。政府投资2.42亿纽币,使产妇服务提供者、妇女及其婴儿能够得到更多的支助。

 。    助产协议小组是政府、卫生局和助产工会之间的一项承诺,通过招聘和留用、在产科单位安全配备人员以及增加选择在DHB就业的新生助产士人数,确保对助产士提供更好的支持。
。    其他雅阁倡议包括Ter Ara é Hine,一个支持毛利人和帕西菲卡学生助产士直至毕业的方案。临床教练现在将可用于支持他们正在进行的临床学习,一旦他们在实践中。

Increased support for midwives
New measures to help bolster the midwifery workforce as they care for the next generation of New Zealanders, have been announced today by Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall.
“New Zealand’s midwives are committed to the wellbeing of women and whānau, but they’re facing significant challenges. The DHB midwifery workforce has been shrinking, while demand for their services and expertise is increasing,” Ayesha Verrall said.
“In order to support them, clinical coaches will stand shoulder to shoulder with midwives on the maternity wards, as they care for the health and medical needs of pregnant and birthing women.
“New graduate midwives, those coming back into the workforce, and other midwives who need some extra help, will have access to a coach – an experienced DHB midwife who can provide both clinical and wider support.”
The clinical coaching programme was identified by the Midwifery Accord Group as an innovative solution to help stabilise the midwifery workforce.
Over the next three years, $5 million has been committed to support this initiative. This funding will ensure at least one clinical coach will be available at each DHB. DHBs with multiple hospitals, higher birth rates, and/or tertiary levels of care, may receive additional coaching support.
“By providing practical support and further career options, the development of a formal clinical coach role will create a new career pathway for existing midwives, and encourage midwives who have been out of clinical practice to consider a return to midwifery,” Ayesha Verrall said.
Midwives who want to work again after some time away must complete the Return to Practice Programme, to ensure they have the latest training and certifications. Clinical coaches will help them to re-join the workforce.
“I know the cost of the Return to Practice Programme has been a barrier for some people. That’s why additional funding of $1600 per midwife is being made available for up to 40 midwives in the first year, and 60 midwives in further years, to encourage them to refresh their practising certificates and return to this rewarding career.
“These initiatives demonstrate the Government’s commitment to supporting the maternity sector to create a more sustainable workforce, and to deliver quality care to women,” Ayesha Verrall said.
·        Funding for the Clinical Coaches and Return to Practice support comes from $35 million set aside for the Maternity Action Plan. $180,000 has already been invested in a clinical guidelines review, and there’s $2.2 million per year for DHB Maternity Quality Safety Programmes, on top of the existing $3.8 million that is already invested in MQSP per year.
·         Budget 2020 included the largest ever funding boost for primary maternity services. The Government invested $242 million so maternity service providers, women and their babies can receive more support.
·         The Midwifery Accord Group is a commitment between government, DHBs, and midwifery unions to ensure better support for midwives through recruitment and retention, safe staffing in maternity units, and increasing the number of new graduate midwives choosing employment with DHBs.
·         Other Accord initiatives include Te Ara ō Hine, a programme to support Māori and Pasifika student midwives through to graduation. Clinical coaches will now be available to support their ongoing clinical learning once they are in practice.


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