10月12日卫生部消息,新西兰卫生部长安德鲁·利特尔(Andrew Little)今天表示,卫生系统准备在下个月生效时实施《生命终结选择法》,使协助死亡在新西兰合法化。这项法律在去年大选期间举行的全民公决中获得了65.1%的支持,并将于11月7日生效。
安德鲁·利特尔说:″政府已经任命了一个三人专家委员会来监督该法案的实施。 生命终结审查委员会的成员必须包括一名医学伦理学家、一名专门从事生命终结护理的医生和一名保健医生”。委员会的前三名成员是:- 医学伦理学家达娜·温斯利博士- 布伦达·克洛斯女士,健康医生。- 简·格雷维尔医生,执业者,从事生命终结护理。安德鲁·利特尔说:”委员会将审查关于协助死亡的报告,并报告给卫生部书记官长(协助死亡)和卫生部长。这种独立审查机制是为确保服务符合该法规定的严格标准而制定的众多保障措施之一。
第一个生命终结审查委员会成员介绍如下: 达娜·温斯利博士是新西兰高等法院的大律师和律师,也是《资源管理法》听证会专员。她曾担任注册护士、律师和高级研究员。自 2015 年以来,她一直是国家道德咨询委员会的律师成员和社区代表。
Brenda Close 自 2018 年以来一直担任农村卫生服务部护理总监,并担任新西兰护士执行官和国家护士领导小组的联合主席。她拥有31年的经验,管理和处理新西兰和澳大利亚各地医院和社区人员复杂的健康需求,关注本土健康、临床监督以及公司和临床治理。 简·格雷维尔博士是奥克兰海港临终关怀中心的姑息治疗顾问,此前曾在北岸临终关怀中心担任医疗官。她是澳大利亚和新西兰姑息医学协会新西兰分会的执行官,曾任鸽子临终关怀委员会的成员。她拥有超过30年的医疗保健工作经验,主要是在一般实践,并自2013年以来专门从事姑息治疗。
有关该法和生命终结审查委员会执行情况的更多信息,可在 https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/regulation-health-and-disability-system/end-life-choice-act-implementation/end-life-choice-act-statutory-bodies-and-governance
12 October 2021,Health system is ready for assisted-dying law
The health system is ready for the implementation of the End of Life Choice Act when it takes effect next month, making assisted dying legal in New Zealand, Health Minister Andrew Little said today.
The law received 65.1 per cent support in a public referendum held alongside last year’s general election and is due to come into force on November 7.Andrew Little says the Government has appointed a three-person specialist committee to oversee the operation of the Act. Membership of the End of Life Review Committee must include a medical ethicist, a doctor specialising in end-of-life care and a health practitioner.
The first three members of the committee are:
– Dr Dana Wensley, medical ethicist.
– Ms Brenda Close, health practitioner.
– Dr Jane Greville, medical practitioner practising end-of-life care.
“The committee will review reports on assisted deaths and report to the Registrar (assisted dying) at the Ministry of Health and to the Minister of Health,” Andrew Little said.
“This independent review mechanism is one of the many safeguards put in place to ensure the service is operating in line with strict criteria set out by the Act.
“The other body required under the legislation, the Support and Consultation for End of Life in New Zealand group, or SCENZ, was appointed in August. Its responsibilities include maintaining a list of health practitioners providing assisted-dying services, and helping develop and oversee standards of care.”
Andrew Little said the Government had also put in place funding, through the Ministry of Health.
“The Government is committed to ensuring health services are available equally to everyone who needs them, and this includes assisted-dying services,” Andrew Little said.
“We expect that in most circumstances, these services will be provided in the community and will be free for people who meet the strict eligibility criteria.
“Medical and nurse practitioners who provide care as part of the assisted-dying service will be paid for their work and for their travel costs.”
For further
Brenda Close’s name was incorrectly given as Belinda in the earlier email.
Biographical details for members of the first End of Life Review Committee Dr Dana Wensley is a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand and Commissioner for Resource Management Act hearings. She has previously worked as a registered nurse, solicitor and a senior research fellow. Since 2015, she has been a lawyer-member of the National Ethics Advisory Committee and a community representative on
the Hospital Advisory Committee at Nelson Marlborough District Health Board. She is also the current chair of the Tasman District Council’s Regulatory Committee and for the Accessibility for All Forum. She received her doctorate in Medical Law and Ethics from King’s College in London in 2006.
Brenda Close has been the director of nursing at Ashburton Rural Health Services since 2018 and is co-chair Māori of both the Nurses Executive New Zealand and the National Nurse Leaders Group. She has 31 years’ experience managing and handling sophisticated health needs of people in hospitals and communities across Aotearoa and Australia, with
a focus on indigenous health, clinical supervision and corporate and clinical governance.
Dr Jane Greville is a palliative care consultant at Harbour Hospice in Auckland and previously worked as the Medical Officer at North Shore Hospice. She is a representative on the executive of the Aotearoa branch of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine, and previously served as a member of the Board of Dove Hospice. She has more than 30 years’ experience working in health care, primarily in general practice, and has worked specifically in palliative care since 2013.
More information on the implementation of the Act and the End of Life Review Committee can be found at https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/regulation-health-and-disability-system/end-life-choice-act-implementation/end-life-choice-act-statutory-bodies-and-governance
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