



新闻秘书处8月12消息,社区住房供应商将获得前期资金以更快地交付新建筑 · 政府支持 CHP 提供早期资金以交付更快的住房 · 建立在“渐进式伙伴关系”的基础上,专注于新供应昨晚在惠灵顿举行的卫生防护中心领导人圆桌会议之后,住房部长梅根伍兹博士宣布了这一消息。梅根伍兹说:“早期资金将政府在 25 年合同期间已经提供给热电联产的部分资金提前,因此他们可以使用这些资金支付与新建项目相关的前期成本。”新的、较小的 CHP 尤其受益,这些 CHP 可能缺乏资产基础来获得资金以进行新的建设。 “我想根据具体情况确保政府付款的时间最符合每个项目的要求。这确保获得资金不会延迟新住房的开发。 “这是该部门的一个简单要求,它将对 CHP 可以带来的新建筑数量产生影响。 “通过预付款,我们可以帮助更多的新建设项目开始,同时仍然为 CHP 提供与项目生命周期相同水平的支持。 “我们致力于使用所有可用的杠杆来建造更多的住房。这就是为什么我们与社区住房供应商采取全新的“渐进式合作伙伴关系”方法,重点关注“建造而不是购买”,并通过提供更大的资金灵活性,我们正在帮助维持强大的新房管道,现在和进入未来,”梅根沃奥德说。  “毛利人和 Iwi 社区住房提供商很可能对更大的资金灵活性感兴趣,作为促进其组织增长的途径。目前毛利人有18名卫生防护中心成员,占全国60人总数的近三分之一”住房部副部长皮尼·赫纳雷(Peeni Henare)说。  Peeni Henare说:”毛利人的做法对解决住房危机至关重要。政府与毛利人卫生防护中心的合作伙伴关系巩固了我们立足的地方和MAIHI方法,以确定公共住房的交付并优先考虑,并提供解决方案,满足whénau和社区在最需要的地方的直接和长期需要”。 “住房危机不会在一夜之间解决,政府也不可能单独解决。这需要许多利益攸关方的参与,政府和卫生防护中心之间的渐进伙伴关系将确保卫生防护中心继续发挥关键作用”伍兹部长说。  卫生防护中心在提供公共住房方面可以发挥不可或缺的作用,并经常为有需要的新西兰人提供住房方面带来强大的社区联系、知识和专业知识。政府已经对环境进行了一些修改,使卫生防护中心能够带来新的公共住房供应,并继续致力于与该部门合作,改善新西兰人的住房成果。  自 2017 年 11 月以来,卫生防护中心和 Kainga Ora 已额外提供了 8,000 个温暖干燥的公共住房场所,使公共住房名额总数达到 74,337 个。其中,6503户家庭住在全新的家庭中。自2017年11月以来,向卫生防护中心提供的公共和过渡性住房资金总额增加了两倍多,截至2021年3月为10.5亿纽币。

Community Housing Providers to get upfront funding to deliver new builds faster ·         Government backs CHPs with early-stage funding to deliver housing faster·         Builds on ‘progressive partnership’ approach with focus on new supply Community Housing Providers (CHP) will now to be able to access up-front funding in the early stages of new build developments to help bring on more public housing at pace, the Housing Minister Dr Megan Woods has announced following a roundtable of CHP leaders in Wellington last night.“Early stage funding brings forward some of the money Government already provides to CHPs over the course of a 25 year contract, so they can access it cover up-front costs associated with  new build projects,,” Megan Woods said“It will be of particular benefit to newer, smaller CHPs who may lack the asset base to secure funding to get new builds going.“I want to make sure the timing of government payments best matches the requirements of each project on a case-by-case basis. This ensures access to funding doesn’t delay the development of new housing. “This has been a simple request from the sector that will make a difference to the number of new builds CHPs can bring on.“By front loading payments we can help more new builds get underway while still providing the same level of support to the CHP that we would over the lifetime of the project.“We’re committed to using all the available levers we can to get more housing built. That’s why we’re taking a refreshed ‘progressive partnership’ approach with Community Housing Providers with a key focus on ‘building rather than buying’ and by providing greater funding flexibility we’re helping maintain a strong pipeline of new homes, now and into the future,” Megan Woods said. “Greater funding flexibility may well be of interest to Māori and Iwi Community Housing Providers as a pathway to enabling growth in their organisations. There are currently 18 Maori CHPs, or almost one third of the national total of 60,” Peeni Henare, Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing) said. “A kaupapa Māori approach is crucial to addressing the housing crisis. The Government’s partnership with Māori CHPs underpins our place based and MAIHI approach to identify and prioritise the delivery of public housing and to deliver solutions that meet the immediate and long-term needs of whānau and communities in locations with highest need,” Peeni Henare said. “The housing crisis won’t be solved overnight, and it can’t be fixed by the Government alone. It requires the mahi of many stakeholders and the progressive partnership between the Government and CHPs will ensure that CHPs continue to play a key role,” Minister Woods says. “CHPs have an integral role to play in delivering public housing and often bring strong community connections, knowledge and expertise in delivering housing for New Zealanders in need. The government has made a number of changes to settings to enable CHPs to bring on new public housing supply and remains committed to working with the sector to improve housing outcomes for New Zealanders. CHPs and Kainga Ora have delivered an extra 8,000 warm, dry public housing places since November 2017 taking total public housing places to 74,337. Of these, 6503 households are living in brand new homes. The total public and transitional housing funding provided to CHPs since November 2017 has more than tripled and as at March 2021 was $1.05 billion. 


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