





被指定到地区法院的人是: 陶兰加大律师塔林·贝利(Taryn Bayley )被任命为地区法院法官,陪审团管辖权设在万加雷。 塔林·贝利自 2017 年以来一直担任陶兰加的独行律师,专门从事刑事辩护工作,自 2011 年起担任东丰和陶兰加湾的青年律师。作为一名前皇家检察官,她拥有丰富的审判经验,并被任命为协助皇家护理虐待调查委员会的律师。贝利法官将于2021年12月2日宣誓就职。

杰奎琳·布莱克(Jaqueline Blake),吉斯伯恩的大律师和律师,被任命为地区法院法官,拥有家庭法院管辖权,总部设在海斯廷斯。在进入法律执业之前,杰奎琳·布莱克是马哈基·怀坦吉法庭索赔的Te Aitanga研究员,也是特·鲁南加·图兰加努伊·基瓦和图兰加健康公司的自雇顾问。 2000年,她开始在吉斯伯恩的伯纳德公牛公司担任律师的法律生涯。2003年至2019年,她一直作为合伙人,后来成为《家庭法》的唯一执业者。她拥有丰富的家庭法院经验,自2003年以来一直担任儿童律师。她还拥有在万加拉农场、塔普瓦·惠特希蒂公司和吉斯伯恩控股有限公司任职的治理经验。她的著部落从属关系包括:恩加蒂·科诺希、恩加蒂·波鲁、特艾坦加·哈伊蒂、特·艾坦加·马哈基和特·瓦瑙·凯。她将于2021年12月4日宣誓就职。

因弗卡吉尔的律师兼律师崔西·尤金·麦肯齐(Traicee Eugene McKenzie)被任命为地区法院法官,拥有位于基督城的家庭法院管辖权。从奥塔哥大学毕业后,她加入了因弗卡吉尔的沃森·萨维奇,然后加入赫瓦特·加尔特,专门从事刑事和家庭诉讼1993年,她成立了自己的麦肯齐律师事务所(现为麦肯齐律师事务所),成为定制的家庭法/青年司法实践。崔西·麦肯齐是儿童律师,是海牙司法部公约小组的成员。麦肯齐法官将于2021年11月15日宣誓就职。

奥克兰大律师凯瑟琳·麦克斯韦(Kathryn Maxwell)被任命为地区法院法官,拥有奥克兰的陪审团管辖权。 她开始担任大律师迈克尔·莱维特和巴里·哈特的初级律师,然后于2000年至2005年担任巴里·哈特的初级大律师。 2005年,她加入了奥克兰的公共辩护局,并在麦卢考和奥克兰办事处担任律师和高级律师,直到2009年。之后,凯瑟琳·麦克斯韦作为一名大律师,已经执业了12年。在过去的六年里,她一直住在奥克兰的哨兵室。她的经验主要是在刑事管辖区,重点是陪审团的线索。麦克斯韦法官将于2021年12月14日宣誓就职。

惠灵顿大律师安德鲁·尼科尔斯(Andrew Nicholls)被任命为地区法院法官,拥有设在惠灵顿的陪审团管辖权。他现在是查普曼特里普的惠灵顿管理合伙人,自2004年以来一直是该公司的合伙人。他的做法一直从事商业法,主要是在竞争和监管改革、能源部门和太平洋问题上。安德鲁·尼科尔斯还作为纽敦节日信托基金的主席参与社区工作,是查普曼·特里普惠灵顿市代表团的关系伙伴。尼科尔斯法官将于2021年12月9日宣誓就职。

奥克兰大律师玛丽亚·佩科蒂奇(Maria Pecotic)被任命为地区法院法官,陪审团管辖权设在怀特凯雷。 自1994年入院以来,她一直担任大律师,2012年创立了维鲁斯商会,此前曾在格林兰东商会工作。她专专于刑事和青年事务,并拥有丰富的审判经验。玛丽亚·佩科蒂奇是刑事律师协会的执行成员、律师协会刑事委员会成员、新西兰法律协会标准委员会和NZLS青年司法委员会的现任成员。佩科蒂奇法官将于2021年12月16日宣誓就职。

新普利茅斯(Paul Shearer )大律师兼律师保罗·希勒被任命为地区法院法官,拥有家庭法院管辖权,总部设在基督城。 他于1993年加入新普利茅斯的Govett Quilliam,担任员工律师,1996年成为合伙人,2000年成为合伙人。 新普利茅斯专门从事家庭法工作,在许多事务中担任儿童律师,在家庭法院拥有超过 25 年的审判经验,在青年法庭担任青年律师超过15年。希勒法官将于2021年11月30日宣誓就职。

汉密尔顿的律师特伦斯·辛格(Terence Singh)被任命为地区法院法官,拥有设在怀塔克雷的陪审团管辖权。特伦斯·辛格从怀卡托大学(LLB)和昆士兰大学(LLM)毕业后,他的法律生涯开始于1996年在北地与帕尔默·麦考利·康奈尔·里什沃思,然后韦伯·罗斯。特伦斯·辛格于2004年成为新西兰警方的高级检察官,之后在惠灵顿的皇家法律和税务局工作。 2011年,他加入了汉密尔顿的公共辩护服务,现在是汉密尔顿地区法院的值班律师主管。他还在怀卡托大学讲授刑法和证据法,在刑事管辖方面有丰富的经验。他是新西兰法律协会怀卡托丰盛湾分会的直接前任会长。辛格法官将于2021年11月19日宣誓就职。

奥克兰大律师兼律师查尔斯·马丁·特雷德威尔(Charles Martin Treadwell)被任命为具有一般管辖权的地区法院法官,并将担任移民和保护法庭庭长一职。 1995年成为难民地位上诉局成员之前,他开始在丹尼尔、奥夫顿和古尔丁以及奥克兰的海格里昂担任律师。此后,他被任命为若干移民法庭和当局的成员,并自2010年设立移民和保护法庭以来一直担任该法庭的副主席。他在移民事务方面拥有丰富的经验,现任国际难民和移民法官协会秘书,自1998年以来一直担任该协会的成员和分会会长。特雷德威尔法官将于2021年11月18日宣誓就职。

AttoNine District Court Judges appointed
Attorney-General David Parker has announced the appointment of nine District Court Judges. 
The appointees will take up their roles in November and December 2021, replacing sitting judges who have reached retirement age. 
There are five women and four men and a range of ethnic and work backgrounds among the appointees. Those taking up appointment to the District Court are:

 Taryn Bayley, barrister of Tauranga, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based in Whangarei.
Taryn Bayley has practised as a barrister sole in Tauranga since 2017, specialising in criminal defence work as well as holding appointment as a Youth Advocate since 2011 for the Eastern Bay of Plenty and Tauranga. A former Crown prosecutor, she has extensive trial experience and was appointed as Counsel assisting the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.Judge Bayley will be sworn in on 2 December 2021.

Jacqueline Blake, barrister and solicitor of Gisborne has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a Family Court jurisdiction to be based in Hastings.
Prior to entering into legal practice, Jaqueline Blake was a researcher for the Te Aitanga a Mahaki Waitangi Tribunal claim and a self-employed consultant with Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa and Turanga Health.  In 2000 she began her legal career as a staff solicitor at Burnard Bull and Co in Gisborne. She was a partner from 2003 until 2019 and then became a sole practitioner primarily in Family Law. She has extensive Family Court experience and has been a lawyer for child since 2003. She also has governance experience serving on Whangara Farms, Tapuwae Whitiwhiti incorporation and Gisborne Holdings Limited. Her iwi affiliations include Ngati Konohi, Ngati Porou, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Te Aitanga a Mahaki, and Te Whanau a Kai.Judge Haapu-Blake will be sworn in on 4 December 2021.

  Traicee Eugene McKenzie, barrister and solicitor of Invercargill, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a Family Court jurisdiction to be based in Christchurch.
After graduating from Otago University, she joined Watson Savage in Invercargill and then Hewat Galt specialising in criminal and family litigation. She formed her own firm McKenzie Associates (now McKenzie Law) in 1993, becoming a bespoke family law/youth justice practice. Traicee McKenzie is a Lawyer for Child and is on the Ministry of Justice Hague Convention panel.Judge McKenzie will be sworn in on 15 November 2021.

Kathryn Maxwell, barrister of Auckland, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based in Auckland. She started work as junior counsel to barristers Michael Levett and Barry Hart before taking a junior barrister role with Barry Hart from 2000 to 2005.In 2005 she joined the Public Defence Service in Auckland and was a lawyer and senior lawyer in the Manukau and Auckland offices till 2009. Following that, Kathryn Maxwell worked as a Barrister sole and has been in practice for 12 years. She has been based at Sentinel Chambers in Auckland for the past six years. Her experience is primarily in the criminal jurisdiction with an emphasis on jury trails.Judge Maxwell will be sworn in on 14 December 2021. Andrew Nicholls, barrister and solicitor of Wellington, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based in Wellington. He is now the Wellington managing partner at Chapman Tripp and has been a partner at that firm since 2004.  His practice has been in commercial law, principally in competition and regulatory change, the energy sector and Pacific issues. Andrew Nicholls is also involved in community work as Chair of the Newtown Festival Trust and is Chapman Tripp’s relationship partner for the Wellington City Mission. Judge Nicholls will be sworn in on 9 December 2021.

Maria Pecotic, barrister of Auckland, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based in Waitakere. She has practised as a barrister sole since being admitted in 1994 and founded Verus Chambers in 2012 having previously been based at Greenlane East Chambers. She has specialised in criminal and youth matters and has significant trial experience. Maria Pecotic is an executive member of the Criminal Bar Association, a member of the Bar Association Criminal Committee, a present member of the NZLS Standards Committee and the NZLS Youth Justice Committee.Judge Pecotic will be sworn in on 16 December 2021. Paul Shearer, barrister and solicitor of New Plymouth, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a Family Court jurisdiction to be based in Christchurch. He joined Govett Quilliam in New Plymouth as a staff solicitor in 1993 and became an associate in 1996 and a partner in 2000.  Specialising in family law, Paul Shearer has acted as lawyer for child in a significant number of matters and has more than 25 years’ trial experience in the Family Court and 15 years’ experience as Youth Advocate in the Youth Court.Judge Shearer will be sworn in on 30 November 2021.  Terence Singh, barrister and solicitor of Hamilton, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based in Waitakere.After graduating from the University of Waikato (LLB) and the University of Queensland (LLM) his legal career began in 1996 in Northland with Palmer Macauley Connell Rishworth and then Webb Ross. Terence Singh became a senior prosecutor with NZ Police in 2004 and after that spent time with Crown Law and Inland Revenue in Wellington.  In 2011 he joined the Public Defence Service based in Hamilton and is now the duty lawyer supervisor at the Hamilton District Court. He has also lectured at the University of Waikato in criminal law and the law of evidence and has extensive experience in the criminal jurisdiction.He is the immediate past president of the Waikato Bay of Plenty branch of the New Zealand Law Society.Judge Singh will be sworn in on 19 November 2021.  Charles Martin Treadwell, barrister and solicitor of Auckland, has been appointed as a District Court Judge with a general jurisdiction and will take up the position of Chairperson of the Immigration and Protection Tribunal. He started practice as a staff solicitor with Daniel, Overton and Goulding and then Haigh Lyon in Auckland before becoming a member of the Refugee Status Appeals Authority in 1995. He has since held appointment with a number of immigration tribunals and authorities and has been the Deputy Chair of the Immigration and Protection Tribunal since its establishment in 2010.He has extensive experience in immigration matters and is the present secretary of the International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges, having been a member and chapter president since 1998.Judge Treadwell will be sworn in on 18 November 2021.



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