

在2026年大选之前对选举法进行更广泛的独立审查,到2023年由一个独立小组进行汇报。司法部长克里斯·法福伊宣布,政府将审查新西兰的选举法,以确保这些规则仍然符合目的,并满足下一代选民的需要。司法部长克里斯·法福伊说: “虽然我们有一个世界级的选举制度,但时代在变化,《选举法》需要继续与他们一起前进。自20世纪50年代以来,情况发生了很大变化,但我们的大部分选举规则都没有变。我们希望使选举规则更加明确和公平,以建立对选举制度的更多信任,更好地支持人们行使选举权。多年来,《选举法》大多进行了零敲碎打的调整。我们现在有机会适当审视我们如何进行选举。 我们将与议会各党派合作,广泛、无党派地支持任何变革,我已致函其他政党领导人,表达了这一意图。政府正在采取两种方法:新西兰选举法的独立审查和有针对性的修改,以支持2023年大选的进行和参与。 

选举法独立审查《独立评论》将研究选举规则。例如:投票年龄和海外投票政党资金,议会任期的长短。 选举委员会关于MP的建议:更改政党投票门槛,一个席位选民规则,选民席位与列出席位的比例,悬空规则。《独立评论》不会考虑在线投票,返回先过后或新西兰 MMP 系统的替代方案,毛利选民席位的占有,地方选举法。 基本的宪法改革,如成为共和国或拥有上议院这是一个机会,可以对这一代人和下一代人的选举方式作出重大改变,以便选民可以继续轻松参加选举。 选举委员会可以继续有效地进行选举,政党和其他政党有明确的规则要遵守,如果这些规则被违反,要承担责任。 独立审查的下一步是组建一个审查小组。该小组将在2023年底之前提出改革建议”。 “在审查之前,我将就审查的职权范围与所有议会政党领导人和议会司法委员会协商。我还写信给这些团体和其他团体,如毛利组织、青年组织、大学和新西兰法律协会,寻求对潜在小组成员的提名。有针对性的更改在2023年大选之前,一些规则可以改进。例如,我们正在研究提高政治捐款的透明度,以便更容易地看到资金从何而来。 另一个重点是观察人们何时可以在毛利人选举名册和总名册之间流动。目前,毛利人选民将无法在2023年大选前搬出名册。这项工作是工党2020年宣言中关于保护新西兰选举完整性的承诺,也是新西兰工党与新西兰绿党合作协议的一部分。 我们希望在年底前在这项工作上取得进展。 

05 October 2021  ,Government to review electoral law
Targeted electoral changes to support the delivery of, and participation in the 2023 General Election
Wider independent review of electoral laws ahead of the 2026 General Election, with an independent panel to report back by 2023.
Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi has announced the Government will review New Zealand’s electoral laws to ensure the rules remain fit for purpose and meet the needs of the next generation of voters.
“While we have a world-class electoral system, times are changing and the Electoral Act needs to continue to move with them.
“Much has changed since the 1950s but most of our electoral rules haven’t. We want to make election rules clearer and fairer to build more trust in the system and better support people to exercise their right to vote”, Kris Faafoi said.
“The Electoral Act has had mostly piecemeal tweaks over the years. We now have an opportunity to take a proper look at how we run our elections.
“We will work with parties across Parliament on broad, non-partisan support for any changes and I have written to other party leaders expressing that intention.”
The Government is taking two approaches; an Independent Review of New Zealand’s electoral law and targeted changes to support the delivery of, and participation in the 2023 General Election.
  Independent Review of electoral laws
The Independent Review will look at election rules such as:voting age and overseas voting
funding of political parties the length of the parliamentary term the Electoral Commission’s recommendations on MMP:
changes to the party vote threshold
one seat electorate rule
ratio of electorate seats to list seats
the overhang rule
The Independent Review will not look at: online voting a return to First Past the Post or alternatives to New Zealand’s MMP system
the future of Māori electorate seats
local electoral law
fundamental constitutional change; such as becoming a republic or having an upper House
“This is a chance to make important changes in how elections are run for this generation and the next so that:
voters can continue to participate in elections easily
the Electoral Commission can continue to run elections effectively
political parties and others have clear rules to follow and are held to account if those rules are broken.
“The next step with the Independent Review is to put together a review panel. The panel will report back by late 2023 with recommendations for change,” Kris Faafoi said.
“I will be consulting with all parliamentary party leaders and Parliament’s Justice Committee on the Terms of Reference for the review before they are finalised. I am also writing to these and other groups, such as Māori organisations, youth organisations, universities and the New Zealand Law Society to seek nominations for potential panel members.
Targeted changes
“Some rules could be improved before the General Election in 2023. For example, we’re looking at improving the transparency of political donations to make it easier to see where the money is coming from.
“Another focus is looking at when people can move between the Māori Electoral Roll and the General Roll. At the moment Māori voters won’t be able move rolls before the 2023 General Election.
“This work is a commitment signalled in Labour’s 2020 Manifesto to protect the integrity of New Zealand elections, and it is also part of the Cooperation Agreement between the New Zealand Labour Party and the Green Party of Aotearoa.
“We are looking to make progress on the work before the end of the year.”


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