针对近日在PIHA海滩因钓鱼溺亡的不幸事件新闻报道,WAITAKERE区市议员SHANE HENDERSON与HOWICK区市议员PAUL YOUNG联袂提醒民众在西海岸钓鱼存在的危险。来自不同地方的钓客对西海岸的各种特色虽然情有独钟,但我们首先应该关注如何确保钓客与参与搜救的居民在本地区的安全。
市议员Shane HENDERSON表示,这个突发新闻确实令人心碎,我们都期盼会有奇迹出现,大家的心都与家属同在,而我们必将持续进行搜救任务。
在狂野的西海岸,随时出现的大浪是那样的不可预测,如果市民确实想亲身体会, 那么事先做好周详的计划是非常关键的。
市议员Shane HENDERSON指出,进行岩石钓鱼活动,有若干的预防措施是可以事先准备妥当的。
市议员Paul YOUNG表示同意并补充,由于PIHA是包括HOWICK居民在内,全奥克兰人尽皆知的钓鱼知名地点,他诚挚呼吁钓客们在进行任何钓鱼活动前,请务必掌握所有可能的情况,包括事先了解前往地点的海浪,天气,潮汐预测,确保不受海浪侵袭。
市议员Paul YOUNG接着指出,进行钓鱼活动前,最好告知亲友或邻居钓鱼的出发归来时间以及前往地点,其实更妥当的办法是找个熟悉当地环境的同伴一起钓鱼,而非独自前往;并且在到达钓场后首先详阅当地的安全警告标志。
他并强调,在开始钓鱼前, 先花一点时间观察现场的海象环境,并留心规划相应的逃生退避路线,这样让自己的钓鱼时更为放心安全。
HENDERSON市议员补充,许多钓客在时遇到险情所犯最致命的错误,就是以为即使自己不幸遇险,对家里的人存着“她们应该也会还好吧”的侥幸心态。事实上由于钓客大部分是男性,身上肩负着养家的责任 。他诚挚地呼吁:“请呼吁你的伴侣,父亲,叔叔或朋友,在任何情况下, 只要前往钓鱼就务必穿上救生衣,并且做足安全准备”,“你的善意提醒确实足以挽救他们的宝贵生命”。
Caution urged to those fishing off the rocks on West Coast
News that a fisherman went missing while fishing from the rocks at Piha has prompted Waitakere ward Councillor Shane Henderson and Howick ward Councillor Paul Young to remind people about the dangers of rock fishing on our west coast. People come from all over the city to fish in these wild conditions, and it is so important that we protect the fishermen and the locals that are involved in search and rescue as well.
“This news is desperately sad and we are all hoping for a positive outcome,” says Cr Henderson “Our thoughts are with the man’s family and the rescue workers as the search continues.
In our wild west, swells can be strong and unpredictable. For those that are new to the area, it is important to plan ahead.
Be Prepared
Councillor Henderson says that there are several precautions that you should take if you plan to go fishing off the rocks. It’s really important that people are prepared when going rock fishing, and there are several things you should consider when planning a trip.
“Clothing is really important. Wear a lifejacket and light, warm clothing with sport shoes, never gumboots.
Councillor Young agrees, as Piha is a popular fishing destination from people all over Auckland, and especially the Howick areas. He urges fishermen to know the conditions they are going to – check the swell, weather and tide forecast so they don’t get caught out.
“Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back, and even better, go with someone who knows the site well and follow signage at the site.”
“Spending just a little time observing the sea conditions and having an escape route planned could end up saving your life” he says.
Use all the tools available
One of the most dangerous things you can do is to take a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude to rock fishing. In fact, as most rock fishermen are male, families have an important role to play too, says Cr Henderson.
“Please urge your partners, fathers, uncles and friends to wear a life jacket and take precautions,” “Your prompting could be the thing that saves their life if it comes to it.”
When fishermen get in trouble, local search and rescue teams are relied upon to try and help out, and in rough and unpredictable conditions. Think of the other lives that could be impacted if you get into trouble while fishing. Your actions mean others, such as the rescuers who come to your aid, may also be placed in danger.
“Please give yourself the best possible chance of making it home safe and keep an eye on your mates.”
Mandarin Translation by
Madison Chang
Community Engagement Advisor – Asian Community
Drowning Prevention Auckland
编辑 Holly Hu
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