


7月27日上午十点半在奥克兰西区337 Lincoln rdSH16路公交车道、新的公共汽车站举行了动工典礼。

迈克尔·伍德和奥克兰市长菲尔·戈夫今天上午标志着西北巴士改善项目的建设开始。它包括连接西门和牛顿路之间的SH16路公交车道、新的公共汽车站、Te Ataté和林肯路的十字路口和人行道,以及西门的新巴士站。

  迈克尔·伍德说:”西北巴士改善项目不仅意味着西奥克兰更好的公共交通,还将支持经济复苏,创造约300个就业机会。这将给通勤者带来真正的改变,从西门到市区的巴士行程大约需要 25 分钟。建成后,17万人将能够在45分钟的巴士旅程内进入市中心。
  通过提供更快、更频繁的巴士服务,我们将让乘坐公共交通工具成为更多人的真正选择 – 减少拥堵和排放。未来30年,西北地区将成为主要的增长地区,预计将有10万人居住在那里。这个项目是西奥克兰快速交通的第一步,它需要保持它的移动”。
  迈克尔·伍德说:″ 大部分工程将于2022年底完成,届时将开始提供快速巴士服务。西门汽车站预计将于2023年动工,详细设计并同意于今年晚些时候动工。作为政府投资基础设施和创造就业机会的经济计划的一部分,COVID-19应对和恢复基金正在投资5000纽币,瓦卡·科塔希正在为1亿纽币项目剩余的5000万纽币提供资金”。

More jobs and quicker public transport motoring towards West Auckland
Work to improve public transport for West Aucklanders and support the region’s economic recovery by creating hundreds of jobs has officially kicked off, Transport Minister Michael Wood announced today.
Michael Wood and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff this morning marked the start of construction on the Northwestern Bus Improvements project. It includes connecting the bus lanes down SH16 between Westgate and Newton Road, new bus stops, crossings and footpaths at Te Atatū and Lincoln Road, and a new bus station at Westgate.
“Not only will the Northwestern Bus Improvements project mean better public transport for West Auckland, it’s going to support the economic recovery and create around 300 jobs,” Michael Wood said.
“It’ll make a real difference for commuters with around 25 minutes shaved off a bus trip from Westgate into the city. When complete, 170,000 more people will able to access the city centre within a 45-minute bus journey.
“By delivering faster and more frequent bus services, we’ll make taking public transport a real option for more people – reducing congestion and emissions.
“The northwest is going to be a major growth area over the next 30 years, with an additional 100,000 people expected to live there. This project is the first step in giving West Auckland the rapid transit it needs to keep it moving,” Michael Wood said.
Construction of most parts of the project will be completed in late 2022, when express bus services will begin. Construction of the Westgate bus station is expected to begin in 2023, with detailed design and consenting starting later this year.
As part of the Government’s economic plan to invest in infrastructure and create jobs, the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund is investing $50 million and Waka Kotahi is funding the remaining $50 million of the $100 million project.


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