新西兰市议会10月29日消息,交通部长迈克尔·伍德(Michael.wood)说:”政府和奥克兰议会已经公布了奥克兰轻轨小组的建议,内阁将在今年晚些时候审议这些建议。今年早些时候,当我宣布要让该项目回到正轨时,我承认奥克兰人被排除在以前的程序外。我们继续透明地与奥克兰人就这一塑造城市的项目进行前期讨论。我们为选举做出宣言承诺,继续使用奥克兰轻轨,这将通过支持多达16,000个工作岗位来帮助奥克兰的经济复苏。商业案例得出了一个明确的结论,即奥克兰轻轨是缓解交通拥堵和进一步证明我们最大城市的必要投资。这是支持更多住房、为人们提供真正的交通选择以及为奥克兰建立连接交通网络的关键基础设施。它将提供额外的Waitematé海港口岸的基地和第一阶段,以及一条通往西北的线路,从而启动全市范围的交通网络,因此,我们必须做出长期的最佳决定。奥克兰轻轨团队已与超过115 个利益相关团体进行了接触,并得到了拟议路线沿线社区的大力支持。奥克兰人想要更多的工作和住房, 以及减少拥堵和排放,我们知道我们必须得到它。从墨尔本风格的现代电车到伦敦风格的地铁,有各种应有的选择。我们对各种选择的利弊持开放态度,例如对企业的破坏、性价比、公共交通网络的形态,以及沿罗斯基尔山、奥尼洪加和曼格尔走廊开放住房的能力。这些都是我们在做决定之前考虑的因素″。

市长说:”快速的交通连接对于实现这种增长和解决拥堵和碳排放问题至关重要。它与重要的交通连接一样,都是一个城市发展项目。我欢迎政府对此做出承诺,并听取奥克兰社区的意见。一旦政府在年底作出决定,详细的规划和设计工作预计将在2022年初开始,该项目将作为政府、奥克兰理事会和Mana Asua之间的伙伴关系交付”。
Auckland light rail advice released
News from Auckland City Council on October 29,The Government and Auckland Council have released the recommendations of the Auckland Light Rail team which Cabinet will consider later this year, says Transport Minister Michael Wood.
“When I announced we were getting the project back on track earlier this year, I acknowledged Aucklanders had been shut out of the previous process. We’re continuing to be transparent by being upfront with Aucklanders about this city-shaping project,” Michael Wood said.
“We took a manifesto commitment to the election to get on with Auckland light rail and it’ll help Auckland’s economic recovery by supporting up to 16,000 jobs.
“The business case draws a clear conclusion that Auckland light rail is a necessary investment to lessen congestion and further future proof our biggest city. It is a critical piece of infrastructure to support more housing, to give people real transport choices, and to build a linked up transport network for Auckland.
“It will provide the base and first stage of the additional Waitematā Harbour crossing and a line out to the North-West, beginning a city-wide transport network, so it’s important that we make the best decision for the long term.
“The Auckland Light Rail team has engaged with more than 115 stakeholder groups and there was strong support from communities along the proposed route. Aucklanders want more jobs and housing as well as reduced congestion and emissions – we know we have to get on with it.
“The options range from Melbourne-style modern tram to a London-style underground metro. We’re being open about the pros and cons across the options, like disruption to businesses, value for money, the shape of our public transport network, and the ability to open up housing along the corridor in Mt Roskill, Onehunga and Māngere. These will all be factors we consider before making a decision,” Michael Wood said.
Mayor Phil Goff says the rapid transit corridor will enable the housing and job growth the city needs for the future.
“This area will cater for an additional 66,000 homes housing nearly a quarter of Auckland’s population growth over the next 30 years. It already provides a quarter of Auckland’s jobs, connecting the two biggest employment hubs in the city,” he says.
“The rapid transit connection is vital to enable this growth and address problems of congestion and carbon emissions. It is as much an urban development project as a critical transport connection.
“I welcome the government’s commitment to it and to listening to the views of the Auckland community,” Mayor Goff said.
Once the Government makes decisions at the end of the year, detailed planning and design work is expected to start in early 2022 and the project would be delivered as a partnership between the Government, Auckland Council and Mana Whenua.
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