

    11月7日新西兰新闻秘书处消息,COVID-19响应部长克里斯.希普金斯(Chris Hipkins)说:"今天曼努考县医管局(DHB)疫苗注射已经达到90%的首剂,这意味着奥克兰所有三个医管局(DHB)都已经跨越了90%的首剂台阶,这是奥克兰开放道路上的一个关键里程碑。 

  克里斯.希普金斯Chris Hipkins说:”奥克兰在疫苗接种方面处于领先地位,看到曼努考县达到90%的第一剂量这一重要数字,令人激动。

News from the Press Secretariat on November 7,90 percent first dose target reached in Auckland
  Counties Manukau DHB has reached 90 percent first doses today, meaning all three Auckland DHBs have now crossed the 90 percent threshold for first doses, a key milestone on the path to Auckland opening up, Minister for COVID-19 Response Chris Hipkins says.  
  Auckland DHB is at 95 percent first doses and 87 percent second doses. Waitemata DHB is 92 first doses and 83 percent second doses. Counties Manukau is now at 90 first doses and 80 percent second doses.
  Auckland will move across into the new traffic light system with fewer restrictions once all three DHBs have reached 90 percent fully vaccinated.
  “Auckland is leading the way with vaccinations, and it is exciting to see Counties Manukau reach that all important 90 percent first dose figure,” Chris Hipkins said.
  “Today we are an important step closer to Auckland transitioning to the new traffic light system which means restrictions will ease once each DHB is 90 percent second dose.
  “There’s been a huge amount of targeted work going on by local health providers to make vaccines easily accessible and to address hesitancy. It’s really pleasing to see that work paying off.
  “In particular the work of Māori and Pacific providers in Counties Manukau is succeeding. Getting to 90 percent first doses required pulling out all the stops in Auckland. This has included literally going door to door to ensure people are vaccinated.
  “Getting every DHB in Auckland up to 90 percent fully vaccinated is within our reach. On current daily rates we could be there within three weeks so long as people return for their second dose.
  “Everyone wants restrictions eased as soon as possible. We need to keep going and get those final second doses so we can ease restrictions with high rates of vaccination and high levels of confidence,” Chris Hipkins said.
•    In the last 7 days, on average Auckland residents were administered 1,743 first doses, and 6,175 second doses.
 Of Auckland’s Māori population, 79% have received their first dose and 63% have received their second.
•      Of Auckland’s Pacific population, 85% have received their first dose and 72% have received their second dose.


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