
克里斯·希普金斯说:”根据最新的公共卫生信息,在怀卡托的这些地区保持3级仍然是最谨慎的行动方针。警报级别3将持续到 10月27日星期三晚上 11 点 59 分,并将在当天进行审核。 我知道这会让这些地区的人们感到沮丧。很明显地区的人们一直在遵守规则,但今天八起新病例,全部发生在Te Awamutu地区,显示了变病毒是多么顽固。其中7起与已知案件有关,另一起仍在调查中。此前,昨日报告了4例病例,周二报告了7例。虽然这些病例大多是家庭接触者或与已知病例有关的人,但病毒有进一步传播的风险,这意味着我们仍需正在采取谨慎的做法。 我再次敦促怀卡托人接种疫苗。这是保护自己和亲人的最好方法。昨天有超过1,058人接种了第一剂,2,218人接种了第二剂。随着长周末的到来,人们继续宅在家里的安全圈很重要。警方正继续在3级边界进行检查,获准旅行的人士必须携带证据,证明他们获准前往。 如果Te Awamutu或其家中的任何人有症状,或者他们在过去一周内离开Te Awamutu工作或其他活动,无论他们是否有症状,都应该接受检查。怀卡托地区及其周边地区的检测和疫苗接种地点可在健康点和怀卡托卫生局网站上找到″。
Parts of Waikato to stay at Alert Level 3 for next six days
The parts of Waikato that have been in Alert Level 3 will remain at that alert level till Wednesday, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.
“Based on the latest public health information, maintaining level 3 in those parts of the Waikato continues to be the most prudent course of action,” Chris Hipkins said.
“Alert level 3 will continue till 11.59pm on Wednesday 27 October and will be reviewed on that day.
“I know this will be frustrating for people in these areas. It’s clear that people in the region as a whole have been following the rules, but the eight new cases today, all in the Te Awamutu area, show how stubborn Delta can be.
“Seven of these cases are linked to known cases, and the other is still being investigated. This follows four cases reported yesterday and seven on Tuesday.
“While most of these have been household contacts or people linked to known cases, there is a risk the virus will spread further, which means we are taking a cautious approach.
“I again urge people in the Waikato to get vaccinated. It’s the best way to protect yourselves and your loved ones. More than 1,058 people received a first dose yesterday and 2,218 got a second dose.
“With the long weekend coming, it’s important people continue to stay at home in their bubbles. Police are continuing to carry out checks around the level 3 area, and those who are allowed to travel must carry evidence that they are permitted to do so.
“People in the Te Awamutu should get tested if they or anyone in their household has symptoms, or if they have travelled out of Te Awamutu over the past week for work or other activities, regardless of whether they have symptoms.”
Testing and vaccination locations in and around the Waikato region are available on the Healthpoint and the Waikato DHB websites.
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