疫情响应部10月27日消息,怀卡托部分地区在3级警戒级别放宽了限制,北地保持警戒级别 2。

COVID-19响应部长克里斯·希普金斯今天说:”从今晚午夜开始,怀卡托的限制将略有放松。从今晚11点59分开始,怀卡托地区3级,居民将可以参加两个家庭之间的户外聚会,最多10人。娱乐活动将扩大到高尔夫、狩猎、划船、钓鱼和潜水,最多10人。但是,人们必须保持在警报级别 3 边界内。与许多医疗保健提供商面对面的预约可以重新启动,早期学习中心可以重新开放,每个泡沫中最多有 10 名儿童。这与奥克兰目前所处于的设置相同,这是降低的警报级别 3 限制的第一阶段。政府遵循公共卫生建议。怀卡托病例主要局限于一个范围,没有发生任何重大暴发事件。
内阁将在11月1日星期一再次审查该级别,同时审查奥克兰的警戒级别设置。 我承认这些持续的限制是令人沮丧的。因此,让我们都接种疫苗,鼓励我们的朋友和家人接种疫苗。每个地区越早达到90%,我们就能越早确定”。自周日以来该地区没有新病例报告,北地将保持2级警戒级别。
Restrictions eased in parts of Waikato at Alert Level 3; Northland to remain at Alert Level 2
Restrictions in the Waikato will be eased slightly from midnight tonight, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.
“From 11.59pm tonight, people in the parts of Waikato at Alert Level 3 will be able to meet for outdoor gatherings between two households, with a maximum of 10 people,” Chis Hipkins said.
“Recreational activities will be expanded to include golf, hunting, boating, fishing, and scuba diving, also with a maximum of 10 people. However people must stay within the Alert Level 3 boundary.
“Face-to-face appointments with a number of healthcare providers can restart and early learning centres can reopen, with a maximum of 10 children in each bubble.
“It’s the same setting that Auckland is currently at, which is stage one of the reduced Alert Level 3 restrictions.
“The Government has followed public health advice. Waikato cases are predominantly confined to one network and there have not been any major exposure events.
“We’re not, however, comfortable enough yet to drop settings any lower while we continue to see new cases emerge.
“More than 15,000 tests have been completed over the past five days, which is extremely encouraging and shows residents are doing the right thing by getting tested, but the situation in the area is not fully contained and we can’t say at this point when that is likely to be. At this stage we remain committed to stamping COVID-19 out.”
Cabinet will review the levels again on Monday 1 November, alongside Auckland’s Alert Level settings.
“I acknowledge these ongoing restrictions are frustrating. So let’s all get vaccinated, encourage our friends and family to get vaccinated. The sooner each region gets to 90% the sooner we’ll all have certainty,” Chris Hipkins said.
Northland will remain in Alert Level 2 with no new cases reported in the region since Sunday.
“We know however that Delta is highly transmissible and people in the region need to stay vigilant,” Chris Hipkins said.
“Northlanders should continue to check the Ministry of Health website for locations of interest and monitor their symptoms. Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild, should get tested as soon as possible.
“The same applies to the South Island. With no new cases reported following the positive case in Blenheim on Friday, it will remain at Alert Level 2.
“Again, we do need everyone in the South Island to keep up with important health measures like scanning and wearing a face covering, to help stop any potential spread of the virus.”
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