



10月18日上午10点总理与气候变化部长在惠灵顿蜂巢剧院宣布,政府正在向最易受气候紧急情况影响的国家提供四倍的支持。政府承诺在四年内提供13亿纽币,支持最易受气候变化影响的国家。 在太平洋适应气候变化的影响时,至少 50%的资金将用于太平洋地区, 这一增长意味着新西兰现在在全球气候资金中所占相当额。 新西兰总理杰辛达·阿尔登和气候变化部长詹姆斯·肖今天在国会气候会议召开前宣布,政府正在向最易受气候紧急情况影响的国家提供四倍的支持。 

今天宣布的增加额与新西兰对全球气候基金的贡献相匹配,第26届缔约方会议东道主联合国按人均计算。杰辛达·阿尔登说:”新西兰将在全球应对气候变化的竞赛中尽其应有的份额,提供13亿纽币,帮助低收入国家保护生命、生计和基础设施免受气候变化的影响。我亲眼目睹了气候变化对我们地区的影响。我们需要继续加强对太平洋家庭和邻国的支持,他们站在气候变化的最前线,最需要我们的支持。 这项投资将使新西兰能够支持发展中国家的清洁能源项目,确保建筑物能够抵御更具破坏性的风暴,作物能够抵御干旱、洪水和新的害虫,社区能够免受海平面上升和风暴潮的影响。我们的新贡献远远超过了新西兰先前的承诺。随着气候变化时间推移,重要的是我们现在提高我们的贡献,并使其与其他国家保持一致。  现在进行这项投资有助于保护我们的环境,并为我们的孩子建造一个更安全的星球。这是正确的做法”。 

气候变化部长詹姆斯·肖证实,新西兰在2022年至2025年期间新增的13纽币气候财政承诺中,至少有一半将用于支持新西兰的太平洋邻国,发展中国家是受气候危机影响最大的国家。 气候变化部长詹姆斯·肖说:”我们可以看到,在太平洋,我们的一些最亲密的邻国已经经历了海平面上升和更极端的天气。这对人们的生计和养家糊口的能力产生了影响。对这些国家来说,科学家几十年来一直警告我们的气候变化的影响不是学术上的,也不是距离威胁,而是他们现在巳正在发生。  像新西兰这样的富裕国家有责任尽我们所能阻止这种恶化,并支持各国为我们已经迫使气候不可避免的变化做好准备。气候融资是全世界真正和有形的气候变化行动的重要支柱。大规模增加我们对全球努力的贡献将有利于当地社区,并进一步巩固新西兰作为一个建设性、支持性国家在该地区的存在,致力于太平洋岛屿的弹性、繁荣的未来”。 

New Zealand increases climate aid contribution
•       Government commits $1.3 billion over four years to support countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change
•       At least 50 percent of funding will go to the Pacific as it adapts to the impacts of climate change
•       The increase means New Zealand now meets its fair share of global climate funding
The Government is making a four-fold increase in the support it provides to countries most vulnerable to the climate emergency, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Climate Change Minister James Shaw announced today in the lead up to the United Nations climate conference in Glasgow.
The increase announced today matches New Zealand’s contribution to global climate funding with COP26 host the United Kingdom on a per person basis.
“New Zealand will do its fair share in the global race to tackle climate change by providing $1.3 billion to assist lower income countries to protect lives, livelihoods and infrastructure from the impacts of climate change,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“I have seen and heard first-hand the impact of climate change in our region. We need to continue to step up our support for our Pacific family and neighbours who are on the front line of climate change and need our support most.
“The investment will enable New Zealand to support clean energy projects in developing countries, ensure buildings are able to withstand more damaging storms, crops are resilient to droughts, floods and new pests, and communities are protected from sea level rise and storm surges.
“Our new contribution far eclipses the pledges New Zealand has made previously. With the climate change clock ticking it’s important we lift our contribution now and bring it into line with other countries.   
“Making this investment now helps protect our environment and build a safer planet for our children. It’s the right thing to do,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Minister of Climate Change, James Shaw confirmed that at least half of New Zealand’s new $1.3 billion climate finance commitment, which covers the period 2022 to 2025, will go towards supporting New Zealand’s Pacific neighbours. 
“Developing countries are those most uniquely at risk from the climate crisis. We can see that in the Pacific, where some of our closest neighbours are already experiencing rising sea levels and more extreme weather. This is having an impact on people’s livelihoods and ability to provide for their families,” James Shaw said.
“For these countries, the impacts of climate change that scientists have been warning us about for decades are not academic, or a distance threat; they are happening right now.
“Comparatively wealthy countries like Aotearoa New Zealand have a duty to do everything we possibly can to stop this getting worse, and to support countries to prepare for the unavoidable changes we have already forced on the climate.
“Climate finance is a critical pillar of real and tangible climate change action across the world. Massively increasing our contribution to the global effort will benefit local communities, and also further cement New Zealand’s presence in the region as a constructive, supportive country, committed to a resilient, prosperous future for Pacific Islands,” James Shaw said.


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