





杰辛达·阿尔登说:”这是政府为满足9月份之前需求大幅增长而签订的第二个、更大的协议。这些剂量以及上周从西班牙购买的275,000剂疫苗为新西兰的疫苗供应提供了额外的775,000剂。现在,该国有足够的疫苗以我们本月早些时候达到的世界领先水平接种疫苗,我强烈鼓励每一个尚未接种疫苗的新西兰人尽快接种疫苗。我们非常感谢丹麦提供这些疫苗,以帮助保护奥特罗亚新西兰免受当前疫情的影响。 我们衷心感谢梅特·弗雷德里克森总理及其官员同意并协助向新西兰出售这些剂量。我要感谢欧洲联盟委员会协调这次采购,以及比利时在生产疫苗方面所发挥的作用。 

在整个大流行期间,500万人的团队已经表明他们致力于保护我们的社区安全。2020年,我们呆在家里拯救生命,2021年,我们需要每个人都接种疫苗,以保护家庭和亲人,并防止未来的封锁。76 %的 12 岁及以上的人要么被预订, 要么已经接受了第一剂, 但我们不能自满。其他比率高于这一水平的国家仍在经历疫情,因此我们需要提高全国各地的疫苗接种率,这种额外的供应将有助于做到这一点。杰辛达·阿尔登说:”这种额外的供应意味着我们可以继续提前推出疫苗,这样新西兰所有12岁以上的人都能够尽快免费接种疫苗”。

Half a million Pfizer vaccines from Denmark
The Government has secured an extra half a million doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines from Denmark that will start arriving in New Zealand within days, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.
“This is the second and larger agreement the Government has entered into to purchase additional vaccines to meet the significantly increased demand through September before our large shipments land in October,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“These doses along with the 275,000 doses purchased from Spain last week provide an additional 775,000 to New Zealand’s vaccine supplies.
“There is now more than enough vaccine in the country to vaccinate at the world leading rates we were hitting earlier in the month, and I strongly encourage every New Zealander not yet vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.
“We are extremely grateful to Denmark for making these vaccines available to help protect Aotearoa New Zealand against the current Delta outbreak.
“Our sincere gratitude is extended to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and her officials for their agreement and assistance to sell these doses to New Zealand. I wish to thank the European Commission for coordinating this purchase, as well as Belgium, for their role in producing the vaccine.
“Throughout the pandemic the team of 5 million has shown their commitment to keeping our communities safe. In 2020 we stayed home to save lives, in 2021 we need everyone to get vaccinated to protect family and loved ones and to prevent future lockdowns. 
“76% of people aged 12 and older are either booked or have received their first dose, but we can’t get complacent. Other countries with higher rates than this are still experiencing outbreaks, so we need to get vaccination rates up around the country and this extra supply will help with that. 
“This extra supply means we can continue to roll out vaccines well ahead of plan, so that everyone in New Zealand over the age of 12 can be vaccinated as soon as possible for free,” Jacinda Ardern said.


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