来自2021年6月24日新西兰政府办公室消息,政府承诺向受洪水影响的坎特伯雷农民提供400万美元的额外支持。 总理哈辛达·阿尔登今天宣布,政府正在再注资400万纽币用于救济资金,以支持受洪水影响的坎特伯雷农民,他们正在从200年一次历史性洪水的破坏中恢复过来。还将向市长救济基金再提供10万纽币,以支持坎特伯雷社区。总理杰辛达·阿尔登说:”在最近的洪水过后,我们的坎特伯雷农民正在处理大规模的恢复工作,他们面临着保险无法承担的巨大成本。洪水在许多地区造成了广泛而严重的破坏,恢复工作正在进行,而且相当可观。很明显,需要额外资金来减轻同样与干旱作斗争的农民的压力。这笔新资金将有助于确保他们得到支持,并能够继续修复他们的农场,并重新开始他们的农业业务”。总理说:”对农场破坏的实地评估表明,对一些农村财产的影响是严重的,其中一些财产可能无法投保。这笔资金是初级工业部6月1日承诺的50万纽币资金的补充”。总理还说:”MPI 已经开始将赠款存入受严重洪灾影响的农民的银行账户,我们将继续与联合农民、农村支持信托基金、理事会和行业组织密切合作,支持农民恢复健康”。 代理农业部长梅卡·瓦伊蒂里说:”该地区的农民及其社区有一个很大的清理工作摆在他们面前。我们今天宣布的新资金应有助于为坎特伯雷正在进行的恢复工作铺平道路。 政府仍然致力于帮助他们渡过难关″。 代理紧急管理部长克里斯·法福伊说,在5月31日宣布提供10万纽币捐款之后,向市长救济基金追加了10万纽币。克里斯·法福伊说:”这笔资金将有助于满足受洪水影响的个人和家庭、社区组织和马雷的持续需求。这些资金将提供给市长救济基金,用于整个坎特伯雷地区,此外,还将通过社会发展部和人口发展部获得其他支助。此外,本月早些时候宣布的社会发展部50纽币的强化绿色工作组资金已经启动,以帮助清理工作”。 政府现已承诺提供500多万美元,协助坎特伯雷的洪水恢复。 The Prime Minister announced today that the government is injecting another $4 million to support Canterbury farmers affected by the floods. Government commits $4 million additional support for flood-affected Canterbury farmersPrime Minister Jacinda Ardern today(24/06) announced the Government is injecting a further $4 million into relief funding to support flood-affected Canterbury farmers who are recovering from the damage of a historic one in 200 year flood.An additional $100,000 will also be provided to the Mayoral Relief Fund to support Canterbury communities.“Our Canterbury farmers are dealing with a massive recovery effort following the recent floods and facing significant costs that aren’t covered by insurance,” Jacinda Ardern said.“The flooding has caused widespread and significant damage across a number of districts and recovery efforts are ongoing and considerable.“It’s clear that extra funding is needed to relieve pressure on farmers who have also been battling drought. “This new funding will help ensure that they are supported and can get on with the job of fixing their farms and get their farming operations underway again.“On the ground assessments of farm damage are showing the impacts on some rural properties have been severe, some of which are likely to be uninsurable,” Jacinda Ardern said.The funding is in addition to the $500,000 committed by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) on 1 June.“MPI has already started depositing grants into the bank accounts of severely flood-affected farmers, and we will continue to work closely with Federated Farmers, Rural Support Trusts, councils, and industry organisations to support farmers with their recovery,” Jacinda Ardern said.Acting Agriculture Minister Meka Whaitiri said the region’s farmers and their communities have a big clean-up job ahead of them.“The new funding we’ve announced today should help towards paving the way for ongoing recovery efforts in Canterbury. The Government remains committed to helping them get through,” Meka Whaitiri said.Acting Minister for Emergency Management Kris Faafoi said the additional $100,000 to the Mayoral Relief Fund follows an earlier contribution of $100,000 announced on 31 May.“This funding will help meet the ongoing needs of individuals and families, community organisations, and marae affected by the flooding,” Kris Faafoi said.The funds will be provided to the Mayoral Relief Fund to be disbursed across the Canterbury region and is in addition to other support that people may be eligible for through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and MPI. In addition, Enhanced Taskforce Green funding of $500,000 from the Ministry of Social Development, which was announced earlier this month, has been activated to help with the clean-up.The Government has now committed more than $5 million to assist with the flood recovery in Canterbury.
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