



7月26日首席新闻秘书消息,内阁接受土耳其当局要求三名新西兰公民有条不紊返回的请求。内阁已同意一名新西兰公民及其两个来自土耳其总理杰辛达·阿登今天宣布。 自今年早些时候从叙利亚越过边境以来,这三人一直在土耳其被移民拘留。土耳其已要求新西兰遣返这家人。 杰辛达.阿登说: “新西兰人的安全和福祉对政府来说至关重要。新西兰并没有轻率地迈出这一步。我们已经考虑到我们的国际责任以及这个特殊案件的细节,包括涉及儿童的事实。 在澳大利亚撤销她的公民身份之前,这名妇女是新西兰和澳大利亚的双重公民。正如大多数新西兰人所知,我向澳大利亚提出了非常强烈的声明,她应该被允许返回那里。她的家人在她六岁时搬到了澳大利亚,她在那里长大,然后于 2014 年持澳大利亚护照前往叙利亚。不幸的是,澳大利亚不会撤销取消公民身份的决定。 然而,澳大利亚随后向我们保证,如果将来出现任何此类情况,它将主动与新西兰协商”。 “新西兰不能剥夺一个人的公民身份并让他们成为无国籍人,作为新西兰公民,这个国家是他们目前唯一可以合法居住的地方。 “虽然与澳大利亚进行了谈判,但警方和其他几家机构仍在进行广泛的应急计划,政府希望尽可能提前与人们讨论计划的回归。我可以向人们保证,人们正在非常小心如何将妇女及其年幼的孩子送回新西兰,以及如何以尽量减少新西兰人任何风险的方式管理她们″。  总理说:”各机构的规划是双重的,以确保采取所有适当步骤,解决潜在 的安全问题,并提供适当的服务,支持重返社会,特别是关注儿童的福祉。其他一些国家管理着母亲和儿童从该区域返回的问题,这就是我们现在所处的位置。这不是土耳其的责任,澳大利亚拒绝接受这个家庭,这使得他们成为我们的。同意有管理的回报是本案的正确步骤,但我们保留根据新西兰的最佳利益逐案审理任何未来案件的权利”。  杰辛达·阿尔登还说:”在这种情况下,儿童的福利和最大利益一直是首要问题。有关将家庭带回家的安排或时间的细节将不作公布,法律和业务原因意味着无法披露他们抵达时的安全安排细节”。 杰辛达·阿尔登说:”以前已经明确表示,任何可能涉嫌与恐怖组织有联系的新西兰人都应该根据新西兰法律接受调查,但这将是警方的事情”。 Cabinet accepts Turkish authorities’ request for the managed return of three NZ citizens Cabinet has agreed to the managed return of a New Zealand citizen and her two young children from Turkey, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today. The three have been in immigration detention in Turkey since crossing the border from Syria earlier this year. Turkey has requested that New Zealand repatriate the family. “The safety and wellbeing of New Zealanders is paramount for the Government,” Jacinda Ardern said. “New Zealand has not taken this step lightly. We have taken into account our international responsibilities as well as the details of this particular case, including the fact that children are involved. “The woman was a dual New Zealand-Australian citizen until Australia revoked her citizenship. “As most New Zealanders know, I made very strong representations to Australia that she should be permitted to return there. Her family moved to Australia when she was six and she grew up there before departing for Syria in 2014, on an Australian passport. Unfortunately, Australia would not reverse the cancellation of citizenship. “However Australia has subsequently assured us it will proactively consult with New Zealand if any such case arises in future. “New Zealand is not able to remove citizenship from a person and leave them stateless, and as New Zealand citizens this country is the only place where they can currently legally reside. “While negotiations with Australia have taken place, extensive contingency planning has been underway involving the Police and several other agencies and the Government wants to be as upfront with people as it can be about the planned return. “I can assure people great care is being taken as to how the woman and her young children are returned to New Zealand and how they will be managed in a way that minimises any risk for New Zealanders. “Planning by agencies has been two-fold – to ensure all appropriate steps are in place to address potential security concerns and to have the right services in place to support reintegration, with particular focus on the wellbeing of the children. “A number of other countries have managed the return of mothers and children from the region and this is the position we now find ourselves in. “They are not Turkey’s responsibility, and with Australia refusing to accept the family, that makes them ours. “Agreeing to a managed return was the right step in this case, but we reserve the right to look at any future cases on a case-by-case basis based on the best interests of New Zealand. “In this case the welfare and best interests of the children has been a primary concern,” Jacinda Ardern said. Details about arrangements or timing to bring the family home will not be made public, and legal and operational reasons mean particulars of security arrangements in place for when they arrive cannot be disclosed. “It has previously been made clear that any New Zealander who might be suspected of association with a terrorist group should expect to be investigated under New Zealand law, but that would be a matter for the Police,” Jacinda Ardern said.


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