



2021年10月4日 下午4点总理杰辛达·阿尔登公布了为奥克兰制定的一系列防疫措施,以谨慎地摆脱目前的Covid-19限制。


杰辛达·阿尔登说:”今天,根据公共卫生建议,内阁确认了将奥克兰从目前的限制中谨慎而有条不紊地计划过渡,并定期进行登记,以确保我们继续积极控制病毒。第 1 步从周二晚上 11:59 开始,奥克兰将保持 3 级警戒状态,但会发生一些关键更改。人们将能够与亲人联系,一次不超过两个家庭,最多10人。幼儿教育将回归所有人,人们可以在奥克兰四处走动,进行海滩游览和狩猎等娱乐活动。第 2 步在第二步中,零售将敞开大门,通常采取戴口罩和保持身体距离的措施。游泳池和动物园等公共设施将开放,与户外活动相会的人数将增至25人。第 3 步第三步高风险场所灰复营业。室內限制为50人,密切接触的企业,如理发店也将开放,使用口罩和保持距离,允许50人以內。

内阁将每周审查每一个步聚,以确保在确认下一步变动之前是安全的,工资补贴将继续提供。 公共卫生建议还规定,现阶段的学校将能够在10月18日放假后回复正常。最后决定将在接近时间再作出决定。 总的说来,这一阶段相当于奥克兰的一个谨慎和有条不紊的过渡计划。在这些步骤结束时,我们将转向一个反映接种人数较多的国家框架,使我们能够应对处理风险更大的环境,例如使用大规模疫苗证书等。 内阁还同意,新西兰其他地区将保持警戒级别2,继续支持奥克兰做繁重的工作,但酒店场所取消100人限制,对客户要求身体保持距离和就座分开的要求仍需执行到位。

今天,我们达到了200万新西兰人接种疫苗的新里程碑。此前,奥克兰的疫苗接种率在过去7周中翻了一番,84%的奥克兰人接种了一剂疫苗,52%的人已经完全接种了疫苗。但还有很多工作要做″。 杰辛达·阿尔登说:”疫苗使我们管理Covid-19的方式有改善作用,未来我们的战略已经奏效,并将继续有效下去,我们希望能控制病毒,避免病例和住院治疗,与外界重新接轨,享受我们的自由。

4 October 2021,Auckland restrictions eased in steps
 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has today set out a roadmap for Auckland to carefully move out of current Covid-19 restrictions.
Alert Level 3 and 4 restrictions in Auckland have helped control the Delta outbreak over the past seven weeks while New Zealanders ramped up their vaccination rates.
“Today, based on public health advice, Cabinet confirmed its plan to transition Auckland out of current restrictions carefully and methodically, with regular check-ins to ensure we’re continuing to actively control the virus,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Step 1
“From 11:59pm Tuesday, Auckland will remain in Alert Level 3 but several key changes will occur. People will be able to connect with loved ones OUTDOORS with no more than two households at a time, up to a maximum of 10 people; early childhood education will return for all; and people can move around Auckland for recreation such as beach visits and hunting.
Step 2
“At step two retail will open their doors, with the usual measures of wearing facemasks and keeping up physical distancing; public facilities such as pools and zoos will open; and the number of people who can meet OUTDOORS will increase to 25.
Step 3
“Step three will bring back those higher risk settings. Hospitality will open – seated, separated and with a limit of 50; close contact businesses like hairdressers will also open with mask use and physical distancing; and gatherings will also then extend to 50.
“Cabinet will review each step weekly to ensure it’s safe to move before confirming the next step. The wage subsidy will continue to be available.
“Public health advice also sets out that schools at this stage will be able to return after school holidays on the 18th of October with the final decision to be made on that closer to the time.
“In total, this phasing amounts to a careful and methodical transition plan for Auckland. At the end of these steps, we will then move to a national framework that reflects a more highly vaccinated population, allowing us the ability to deal with riskier settings such as large-scale events with the use of vaccine certificates.
“Cabinet also agreed the rest of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 2 to continue to support Auckland to do the heavy lifting – but the 100 limit cap on hospitality venues is removed. The requirement for customers to be seated and separated with physical distancing remains in place.
“Today we hit the milestone of 2 million New Zealanders vaccinated. It follows the doubling of Auckland vaccination rates over the past 7 weeks, with 84 percent of Aucklanders having had one dose, and 52 per cent now fully vaccinated. But there is more work to do.
“Vaccines were always going to change the way we manage Covid-19 into the future, but our strategy has worked and will remain – we want to control the virus, avoid cases and hospitalisations, enjoy our freedoms, and reconnect with the world,” Jacinda Ardern said.


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