11月6日新西兰闻秘书处消息,总理杰辛达.阿尔登 (Jacinda Ardern)今天宣布;政府的一揽子支持计划意味着34.6万个家庭的生活将得到改善,平均每周增加20纽币。一揽子计划估计将使6000名儿童摆脱贫困。
从2022年4月1日起,政府将对家庭支持进行一系列改进,使34.6万个家庭的收入平均每周增加20美元,估计又有6000名儿童脱离贫困。COVID-19对家庭来说是艰难的,并导致了生活成本的增加。增加对中低收入家庭的支持,以帮助支付基本的费用,这是公平的事情。 我们希望新西兰成为世界上最适合做孩子的地方。确保家庭不被遗弃对我们的COVID-19应对措施至关重要,而这种应对措施的基础是仁慈和相互支持。 结束儿童贫困是本届政府的一个优先事项。
家庭税收抵免计划在明年4月1日有一个通货膨胀的增长,但我们已经将其提高,以便困难的家庭得到他们需要的额外帮助。最佳开端 也将在4月1日有一个通货膨胀的增长。这些变化是针对最低收入家庭的。那些家庭收入低于40,000元的家庭受益最大,每周平均增加26纽币。但是,我们知道所有的家庭都做得很艰难,所以每个领取家庭税收抵免或最佳开端付款的人与他们现在领取的相比都会更好。
社会发展部长卡梅尔-塞普罗尼说:”政府致力于改革福利制度, 我们所做的每一项改变都使我们更接近我们的目标,即确保人们有充足的收入和生活水平,得到待遇和有尊严地生活,并能有意义地参与其社区。我们在落实福利专家咨询小组的建议方面取得了重大进展,其中包括将核心福利水平提高到历史水平。我们现在正积极推进我们的中期工作计划。该计划包括全面审查家庭工作制度。这项审查目前正在进行中,更多细节将在明年公布。今天宣布的变化还将把家庭税收抵免的减免率从25提高到27。这一变化意味着那些收入最低的人将收入得最多,与现在相比,没有人的情况会更糟”。
自2017年以来,减少儿童贫困是政府的一个优先事项。由于政府自2017年以来的收入支助的改变,109,000个家庭和有子女的家庭将平均每周有175纽币甚至更好,所有九个儿童贫困指标都下降了。 政策表示;”自2017~18年以来,使用住房后费用衡量标准的贫困儿童减少了43,300人,困难儿童减少了18,000人。在第21号预算案中,政府宣布,根据福利专家咨询小组(WEAG)的一项关键建议,每个成年人每周的福利率将提高32至55纽币。对有孩子的家庭每周将增加15纽币。这是几十年来最大的福利增长。由于2021年预算案中宣布增加福利水平,通过住房后费用措施将有1.9万至3.3万名儿童摆脱贫困。
News from the Secretariat on November 6,Government support package means 346,000 families will be better off by an average of $20 per week.
· Package estimated to lift 6000 children out of poverty
· Family Tax Credit increased by almost $15 per week for eldest child and $13 per week for subsequent children
· Best Start payment increased from $60 to $65 per week
· Orphans Benefit, Unsupported Childs Benefit and Foster Care Allowance increased by $5 per week
In a suite of improvements to family support from 1 April 2022 the Government is increasing the incomes of 346,000 families by an average of $20 a week; lifting an estimated 6000 more children out of poverty Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.
“COVID-19 has been tough on families and has contributed to the increase in the cost of living. Increasing support for low and middle income families to help cover the basics is the fair thing to do,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“We want New Zealand to be the best place in the world to be a child. Ensuring families aren’t left behind is critical to our COVID-19 response which has been underpinned by kindness and support for each other.
“Ending child poverty is a priority for this Government. It’s estimated a further 6000 children will be lifted out of poverty as a result of these changes – that’s in addition to the up to 33,000 children who will be lifted out of poverty by the increase in benefit levels earlier this year.
“The Family Tax Credit was scheduled to have an inflation increase on 1 April next year, but we have topped that up so struggling families get the extra help they need. Best Start is also going to have an inflation increase on 1 April.
“The changes are targeted towards the lowest income families. Those with family income less than $40,000 benefit the most with an average increase of $26 per week. But we know all families are doing it tough, so everyone receiving a Family Tax Credit or Best Start payment will be better off compared to what they receive now.
“This change is also on top of our significant boost to benefit rates by between $32 and $55 per adult earlier this year and is just one extra thing we can do for families in these tough times. I know it will make a difference,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“The Government is committed to transforming the welfare system,” Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni said.
“Each change we make brings us closer to our goal of a system that ensures people have an adequate income and standard of living, are treated with and can live with dignity, and are able to participate meaningfully in their communities.
“We have made significant progress on implementing the recommendations of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group which has included lifting core benefit levels to historic levels. We are now well into advancing our medium term work plan. This plan includes a full review of the Working for Families system. This review is currently underway and more details will be released next year,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
The changes announced today will also see an increase of the abatement rate for the Family Tax Credit from 25 percent to 27 percent. This change means those on the lowest incomes will receive the most, and no one will be worse off compared to what they receive now.
Reducing child poverty is a priority for the Government. Since taking office in 2017
· 109,000 families and whānau with children will be, on average, $175 a week better off as a result of income support changes made by the Government since 2017.
· All nine child poverty measures have gone down
· There are 43,300 fewer children in poverty since 2017/18 using the after-housing cost measure and 18,000 fewer children in hardship.
· In Budget 21 we announced that weekly benefit rates would be lifted by between $32 and $55 per adult, in line with a key recommendation from the Welfare Expert Advisory Group (WEAG), with an additional $15 a week for families with children. It was the largest benefit increase in decades.
· Between 19,000 and 33,000 children are projected to be lifted out of poverty on the after-housing-costs measure in 2022/23 as a result of increases to benefit levels announced in Budget 2021.
· In April 2020 as part of our immediate COVID response increased benefits by $25, doubled the Winter Energy Payment for 2020, and broadened eligibility for the In-Work Tax Credit
· We have expanded our free and healthy daily school lunch in schools with high levels of disadvantage so that by the end of 2021 over 200,000 students will be receiving these lunches
· We are rolling out free period products for all students across New Zealand。
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