

总理杰辛达·阿尔登说:He whenua Kaurikura 意思为一个和平的国家, 大会将研究如何使我们的国家更具包容性和安全性。

He Whenua Taurikura: New Zealand’s first Hui on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

The Prime Minister has opened New Zealand’s first hui on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism, which is being held in Christchurch over the next two days.

The hui delivers on one of the recommendations from the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019.

“He Whenua Taurikura, ‘a country at peace’, will look at how we can all contribute to making our country more inclusive and safe,” Jacinda Ardern said.

He Whenua Taurikura will be an annual hui promoting public conversation, understanding and research on radicalisation. It will look at ways to challenge hate-motivated extremist ideologies and to discuss priorities to address issues of terrorism and violent extremism.

“This inaugural hui brings together community, civil society, academia, the private sector and government to listen, share and learn – both knowledge and experiences.

“I am heartened by the number of people who have given their time to contribute to the event, and share their experiences and expertise,” said Jacinda Ardern.

“This hui will help develop options for the National Centre of Excellence, which will focus on generating research and public discussion to prevent and counter violent extremism, understand diversity and promote social cohesion,” said the Lead Coordination Minister for the Government’s Response to The Royal Commission’s Report into the Terrorist Attack on the Christchurch Mosques, Andrew Little.

“Our goal is for New Zealand to be a safe country where everyone feels they belong, where all cultures and human rights are valued and celebrated, and where everyone can participate and contribute.

“This hui builds on the progress we have made since the 15 March attack and will be an important annual event to help counter terrorism and violent extremism,” Andrew Little said.


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