



新西兰国内生产总值增长近10亿纽币,新西兰出口商史无前例地进入英国市场。 英国取消对新西兰出口的所有关税,自贸协定生效当天, 超过 97%的关税被取消。 新西兰出口商仅取消关税每年就可节省约3780万纽币,取消所有蜂蜜、葡萄酒、奇异果、洋葱、一系列乳制品和肉类产品以及大多数工业产品的关税。牛肉和羊肉市场准入显著增加,工作假期安排有待改进和延长。 





杰辛达·阿尔登说:”虽然我们的边境已经关闭,但我们的出口商继续提供经济稳定,尽管全球环境仍然空前和不可预知,但去年货物出口额仍高达600亿纽币。这项协议将立即降低出口商的成本,为新西兰企业创造增长和贸易多样化的机会,同时在我们从COVID-19中复苏时提振经济。  我们的出口商获得了令人难以置信的收益,包括立即取消新西兰目前对英国97%出口产品的所有关税,包括葡萄酒、蜂蜜、洋葱、一系列乳制品和大多数工业产品——根据目前的出口量,一旦全面实施,预计每年可为出口商节省3,780万纽币。牛肉产量将从 12,000吨增加到60,000吨,羊肉产量将从149,205 吨增加到164,000 多吨,15 年后可以自由进入市场 , 将更多的钱放回我们农民的口袋里, 同时为他们提供进一步增长的机会”。 


贸易部长达米安·奥康纳说:”英国是新西兰COVID前的第七大贸易伙伴,到2020年3月,双向贸易额接近60亿纽币。COVID前估计还预计新西兰对英国的商品将增长40%,新西兰国内生产总值将受益于高达9.7亿纽币的自由贸易协定。我们的协议至关重要,需要为新西兰出口商和企业,特别是那些作为新西兰经济支柱的部门,如我们的奶制品和肉类生产商,提供全面和具有商业意义的准入。这笔交易实现了这一点。 通过取消限制我们货物和服务贸易增长的关税和其他壁垒,以及我们的投资联系,我们的出口商和企业现在可以进入一个前所未有的市场准入新时代。这项自由贸易协定还将包括新西兰在贸易和环境方面谈判过的最雄心勃勃的承诺,也是我们第一个包含气候变化具体条款的双边贸易协议”。 英国已同意采取具体步骤,取消对矿物燃料的补贴,已商定新的禁令,以打击过度捕捞。 

达米安·奥康纳说:”超过260种环保产品被优先考虑取消关税,这是有史以来最大的环保产品清单”。 协定还承认毛利人和英国王室之间存在的独特和历史关系,这种关系通过土著分会反映出来,为在一系列对毛利人重要的问题上建立合作平台。新西兰是全球唯一成功地将这一章纳入两项自由贸易协定的国家。 达米安·奥康纳说:”我要亲自感谢特雷维良部长,他把推进这项自由贸易协定作为优先事项,我期待着在今后的一系列问题上有密切合作”。

新西兰总理杰辛达·阿尔登还宣布,新西兰和英国已承诺在自由贸易协定之外进行流动对话,以考虑如何进一步深化人与人之间的联系。 这将包括迅速扩大和改善现有的新西兰-英国工作假日/青年流动计划。这项工作将立即开始。 

杰辛达·阿尔登说:” 这些计划为新西兰年轻人在英国旅行和生活时培养技能和工作经验创造了机会。 对许多新西兰年轻人来说,海外经历已成为一种通过仪式,为在英国旅行和生活时发展他们的技能和工作经验提供了途径。现在,我们将努力在两国之间悠久的传统基础上再接再厉,这真是太棒了。我们期待着从英国接收这些人员,为他们提供与世界一样的机会″。 

今天公布的协议原则上列出了与英国自由贸易协定的关键内容,文本将在未来几个月内敲定。《原则协议》全文 www.mfat.govt.nz/nz-uk-aip  

New Zealand secures historic free trade deal with the United Kingdom
·         A boost of almost $1 billion to New Zealand GDP, unprecedented access for New Zealand exporters to the UK market
·         UK to eliminate all tariffs on New Zealand exports, with over 97% being removed the day the FTA comes into force
·         NZ exporters to save approx. $37.8 million per year on tariff elimination alone
·         Elimination of tariffs on all honey, wine, kiwifruit, onions, a range of dairy and meat products, and most industrial products
·         Significant increases for beef and sheep meat market access
·         Working Holiday arrangements to be improved and extended
  New Zealand and the United Kingdom have agreed in principle the details of a historic Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which will further accelerate our COVID-19 economic recovery say Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Minister for Trade and Export Growth Damien O’Connor.
  New Zealand is the second country to secure a new free trade agreement with the United Kingdom post Brexit. The deal substantially cuts costs for exporters and businesses and provides greater access to the United Kingdom’s market.
  “Prime Minister Boris Johnson and I spoke yesterday evening to mark this historic moment and its importance in forging a stronger and more dynamic future relationship between two close friends and partners,” Jacinda Ardern said.
  “This deal serves New Zealand’s economy and exporters well as we reconnect, rebuild and recover from COVID-19, and look forward into the future.
  “It’s one of our best deals ever and secured at a crucial time in our COVID recovery,” Jacinda Ardern said.
  Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
  “This new trade deal is the cherry on the top of a long and lasting partnership between the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
  “It is good for both our economies, boosting jobs and growth as we build back better from the pandemic. We already share deep ties of history, culture and values, and I look forward to the next chapter in our friendship.”
  “While our borders have been closed, our exporters have continued providing economic stability, with goods exports holding up at $60 billion over the last year despite what continues to be an unprecedented and unpredictable global environment,” Jacinda Ardern said. 
  “This deal will cut costs for exporters immediately, creates opportunities for New Zealand businesses to grow and diversify their trade, while boosting the economy as we recover from COVID-19.
  “There are incredible gains for our exporters, including the immediate elimination of all duties on 97% of New Zealand’s existing exports to the UK, including wine, honey, onions, a range of dairy products, and most industrial products – which once fully implemented is expected to save exporters $37.8million per year based on current export volumes. 
  “Beef volumes will increase from 12,000 tonnes to 60,000 tonnes, and for sheep meat they will rise from 149,205 tonnes to over 164,000 tonnes, with free market access after 15 years – putting more money back into the pockets of our farmers while presenting them the opportunity for further growth.
  “The lesson from COVID-19 is that we must have as many options for our world-class products to ensure certainty for our primary producers, our economy and our people,” Jacinda Ardern said.
  Trade Minister Damien O’Connor said the UK was New Zealand’s seventh largest trading partner pre-COVID, with two-way trade worth nearly $NZ 6 billion to March 2020.
  Pre-COVID estimates also projected that NZ goods to the UK will increase up to 40% and that NZ GDP will benefit up to $970 million due to the FTA.
  “It was crucial our agreement needed to provide comprehensive and commercially meaningful access for New Zealand exporters and businesses, and especially to those sectors that are the backbone of New Zealand’s economy such as our dairy and meat producers. This deal achieves that,” Damien O’Connor said.
  “By removing tariffs and other barriers that have limited the growth of our goods and services trade, as well as our investment connections, our exporters and businesses can now enter a new era of market access they have never before had available.
  “This FTA will also include the most ambitious commitments New Zealand has ever negotiated on trade and the environment, and is our first bilateral trade deal to include specific provisions on climate change. The United Kingdom has agreed to take concrete steps to eliminate subsidies on fossil fuels. New prohibitions have been agreed to combat over-fishing.
 “And over 260 environmentally beneficial products have been prioritised for tariff elimination – the largest environment goods list ever agreed,” Damien O’Connor said.
  The agreement also recognises the unique and historical relationship that exists between Māori and the British Crown which is reflected through an indigenous chapter creating a platform for cooperation on a range of issues important to Māori. New Zealand is the only country globally to successfully include such a chapter in two Free Trade Agreements.
  “I want to personally thank Secretary Trevelyan who made progressing this free trade agreement a priority and I look forward to working closely with her on a range of future matters,” Damien O’Connor said. 
 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern also announced New Zealand and the UK have committed to a mobility dialogue outside of the FTA that will consider how people-to-people links can be deepened even further. This will include working expeditiously to extend and improve the existing New Zealand-UK Working Holiday/Youth Mobility scheme. Work on this will begin immediately.
  “These schemes create opportunities for young New Zealanders to develop their skills and work experience while travelling and living in the UK; and vice versa,” Jacinda Ardern said.
  “For many young New Zealanders an overseas experience has become a rite of passage, providing a pathway to develop their skills and work experience while travelling and living in the United Kingdom.
  “It is fantastic that we will now work to build on what has been a long tradition between our two countries. We look forward to receiving those from the United Kingdom and providing them the same opportunities on our side of the world,” Jacinda Ardern said.
  The agreement in principle released today sets out the key elements of the free trade deal with the UK, with the text to be finalised over the coming months.

 The full text of the ‘Agreement in Principle’ is available at www.mfat.govt.nz/nz-uk-aip


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