



新西兰新闻秘书处7日17日今天消息,总理杰辛达.阿尔登主持亚太经合组织领导人会议关于COVID-19。  新西兰总理杰辛达·阿尔登连夜主持了代表.亚太经合组织21个经济体的领导人会议。  杰辛达·阿尔登说:”在亚太经合组织历史上,领导人首次齐聚一堂,举行特别会议,专门讨论COVID-19,以及我们地区如何度过记忆中最严重的健康和经济危机。领导者的思维正实现全球疫苗的广泛获取,并通力合作,尽快向所有人提供疫苗。我们的讨论使我们超越了疫苗民族主义。现在,我们正专注于为全球疫苗接种工作做出贡献的所有方面——制造疫苗、共享疫苗和使用疫苗。在每个人都安全之前,没有人是安全的。确保全球疫苗的获取和吸收在最短的时间内尽可能高,使我们的区域和个别经济体有机会加速复苏,并将支持更大的经济稳定。我们还在通过继续探索疫苗护照、绿色通道和无检疫旅行泡沫等选项,推动合作和切实可行的解决方案,以安全地与世界重新连接。这是一个挑战,我们正在努力寻找创造性的解决方案”。  杰辛达·阿尔登说:”我们有机会比以往更好地重建,摆脱这场危机,使其更具包容性、更可持续、更适应性,为了尽快实现这一目标,我们需要共同努力”。  领导人还讨论了与大流行有关的一系列其他问题,包括:

• 对COVID-19的持续管理采取个别国内办法;

• 不断发展的菌株和健康二元COVID-19,与APEC帮助加快疫苗的流动:

• 可用于通过大流行病维持经济的财政和货币工具,其重要性是保持市场相互开放。 

作为亚太经合组织2021年主席国,领导区域卫生、贸易和经济应对这一流行病一直是新西兰的优先事项之一。今天的会议以上个月亚太经合组织贸易、结构改革和财政部长会议取得的进展为基础,为亚太经合组织领导人11月再次会晤奠定了牢固的基础。  “领导人对我们11月份支持COVID-19复苏的结果寄予厚望。这些措施包括确保亚太经合组织经济体降低跨境疫苗的关税,确保各经济体加快边境文书工作的数字化,降低企业成本″杰辛达阿尔登说。 亚太经合组织拥有29亿人口,占世界国内生产总值的60,占世界贸易的48(根据2018年的数字)。新西兰2021年亚太经合组织的三项政策优先事项是由COVID-19危机决定的,重点是将该区域团结在一起,促进包容、可持续和有弹性的复苏。

 ·      加强复苏的经贸政策这一优先事项侧重于亚太经合组织对COVID-19的经济反应。它旨在鼓励支持开放和连通性的贸易和经济政策,减少边境摩擦,以减少壁垒,使企业在整个亚太经合组织区域更容易进行贸易和经商。 

·      提高包容性和可持续性,促进复苏此优先确认认为亚太经合组织对COVID-19的长期反应必须是可持续的,并包容所有人。这是关于加强妇女和土著人民等群体参与经济,并确保他们的贡献受到重视。它还将确保该区域的复苏能够用于改善可持续性成果,包括气候变化领域。

 ·      追求创新,实现数字化恢复重点是亚太经合组织利用数字空间的创新,改进业务方式,使其更加高效和适应。它旨在鼓励亚太经合组织成员接受开放和竞争的新技术市场。  亚太经合组织境内已发生5000多万例COVID-19病例,死亡100多万人。自2020年11月以来,该地区每天登记的新病例超过10万例,在此期间,有2200多万人被推入极端贫困。2020年,亚太经合组织(APEC)的GDP萎缩了1.9,为二战以来的最大降幅。在经济增长正在复苏的同时,由于这一流行病,约有8100万个工作岗位丧失。新西兰的主办年从2020年12月持续到2021年11月。 

PM Ardern chairs APEC Leaders’ meeting on COVID-19 

New Zealand Information Secretariat, July 17th,New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has chaired a meeting of Leaders representing the 21 APEC economies overnight. “For the first time in APEC’s history Leaders have come together for an extraordinary meeting focused exclusively on COVID-19, and how our region can navigate out of the worst health and economic crisis in living memory,” Jacinda Ardern said. “Front of mind for leaders is achieving widespread access for vaccines globally and working collaboratively to provide them to everyone as soon as possible. “Our discussions moved us beyond vaccine nationalism. Now we are focusing on all aspects of contributing to the global vaccination effort – making vaccines, sharing vaccines and using vaccines. “Nobody is safe from this virus until everyone is safe. Ensuring both global vaccine access and uptake is as high as possible in the shortest time possible gives our regional and individual economies the greatest chance to accelerate recovery, and will support greater economic stability. “We are also pushing for collaborative and practical solutions on safely reconnecting with the world by continuing to explore options including vaccine passports, travel green lanes and quarantine-free travel bubbles. This is a challenge to which we are working hard to find creative solutions. “We have the opportunity to build back better and emerge from this crisis more inclusive, more sustainable and more adaptable than ever, and in order to achieve this as fast as possible – we need to do it together,” Jacinda Ardern said.  Leaders also discussed a range of other matters relating to the pandemic including:

 •           Individual domestic approaches to the ongoing management of COVID-19;

•           The evolving strains and health dimensions of COVID-19, with APEC helping speed the flow of vaccines;

•           Fiscal and monetary tools available to sustain economies through the pandemic, with the importance of keeping markets open to one another. Leading a regional health, trade and economic response to the pandemic has been one of New Zealand’s priorities as APEC 2021 Chair. Today’s meeting builds on progress made at APEC Trade, Structural Reform and Finance Ministers’ meetings from last month and sets a strong foundation for when APEC Leaders meet again in November. “Leaders have set strong expectations of the outcomes we want in November to support the COVID-19 recovery. These include making sure that APEC economies have lowered tariffs on vaccines moving across borders, and that economies have accelerated digitalisation of border paperwork, reducing costs on businesses,” Jacinda Ardern said. APEC is home to 2.9 billion people, represents 60 per cent of world GDP and 48 per cent of world trade (according to 2018 figures).New Zealand’s three policy priorities for APEC 2021 are shaped by the COVID-19 crisis and focused on bringing the region together to promote an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery.

 ·       Economic and trade policies to strengthen recoveryThis priority focuses on APEC’s economic response to COVID-19. It aims to encourage trade and economic policies that support openness and connectivity, and reduce friction at the border in order to to reduce barriers and make it easier for companies to trade and do business throughout the APEC region.

 ·       Increasing inclusion and sustainability for recoveryThis priority acknowledges the need for APEC’s long-term response to COVID-19 to be sustainable and inclusive of all people. It is about enhancing the participation of groups such as women and indigenous people in the economy, and ensuring their contributions are valued. It will also ensure the region’s recovery can be used to improve sustainability outcomes, including in the area of climate change. 

·       Pursuing innovation, and a digitally enabled recoveryThe priority focuses on APEC taking advantage of innovation in the digital space to improve the way business is done and make it more efficient and adaptable. It aims to encourage APEC members to embrace open and competitive markets for new technologies. There have been over 50 million cases of COVID-19 within APEC’s borders, with over one million deaths. The region has registered more than 100,000 new cases every day since November 2020 and, during this time, more than 22 million people have been pushed into extreme poverty.APEC-wide GDP contracted by 1.9 percent in 2020, the biggest fall since World War Two. While economic growth is recovering, around 81 million jobs have been lost due to the pandemic.New Zealand’s host year runs from December 2020 until November 2021.


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