





安德鲁·利特尔表示,护士们关注的其他问题,包括人员配置水平,也正在得到解决。他说:“护士们,有理由担心安全的人员配置水平,以及在整个卫生系统中填补许多空缺的护理职位。我在8月份下令对安全人员配置协议进行审查,目前正在采取行动,招聘护士,填补这些职位空缺。” 目前正在与地区卫生委员会谈判的薪酬公平要求是一个独立的过程,与续订护士集体雇佣协议的谈判是一个独立的过程。

Govt welcomes nurses’ pay settlement
The Government is welcoming news that a new employment agreement for nurses working in public hospitals has been settled.
“I am very pleased that the hard work of the Nurses Organisation and District Health Boards has led to a settlement that both can support,” Health Minister Andrew Little said today.
“This deals with the immediate issue of making sure nurses get a pay rise, but I also acknowledge that we still have to conclude their pay-equity claim.
“Nurses have been under-paid and under-valued for a long time, and the Government is committed to doing something about it.
“Pay equity is what will really make a difference to nurses and others and I look forward to progress in those negotiations, which are currently under way.”
Other issues of concern to nurses, including staffing levels, were also being addressed, Andrew Little said.
“Nurses, rightly, are worried about things like safe-staffing levels and filling the many vacant nursing positions right across the health system,” he said.
“The review I ordered in August of the Safe Staffing Accord is well under way, and action is being taken to recruit nurses into those vacant positions.”
  The pay-equity claim, currently being negotiated with District Health Boards, is a separate process from negotiations to renew the nurses’ collective employment agreement.


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