







扬·蒂内蒂说:”一揽子计划将包括一系列有针对性的支持。这将包括以社区为基础的支援和针对学校的资助,并用作辅导、学习支援和鼓励出勤的倡议。  我们希望帮助那些发现很难在第四学期剩余时间里继续学习的学生,并在夏季支持他们,以便他们明年回到学校和库拉。一项300万纽币的快速复兴基金将直接用于学校和库拉,这些学校和库拉已经确定了有迫切需要和需要支助的学生,以便继续在学校学习”。

教育部长克里斯·希普金斯说:”学校和库拉将能够自行决定如何最好地使用这些资金,例如雇佣额外的人员、辅导或其他服务,以接触学生及其学生,并支持他们重新入学。学校还将为 9 年级及以上的学生提供额外的 300个学生名额,以帮助学生迎头赶上并规划未来一年。该方案包括个性化距离和面对面学习(一旦安全即可)和一对一指导的混合模式。学生可以在第 4 学期期间与学校一起入学, 进入何奥兰加毛胡鲁。这一有针对性的、环绕的支持方案旨在与学生建立关系。学校300个名额将准备在明年的任期内部署。 我们正在确保采取一系列措施,支持儿童和青年度过这个动荡时期。 2021/22 年重新参与包的组成部分包括:

·       通过提供者提供600万纽币的有针对性支助,以满足毛利人和太平洋学生在家庭的即时需求,使他们能够重新从事学习工作,无论是回到学校、网上还是与另一家教育提供者合作。

·      一个 300 万美元的快速恢复基金将直接用于学校和学校,这些学校已经确定了有迫切需要的学生,需要支持他们继续在学校学习。重点是毛利人和太平洋学生,并加权促进公平。      220万纽币用于部署学校300方案,以支持奥克兰有风险的学生继续参与或重新参与学习。

·       增加150万纽币的咨询支助,以改善学生的福祉,重点是6至9年级学生。

·       100万纽币,用于有确定学习支助需要的学生,包括残疾人。

·       630,000纽币在奥克兰扩大检查和连接, 为学校和学校推荐的服务的风险学生提供额外的导师。·       增加600,000 纽币的出勤服务能力 – 快速与学习者联系并积极支持学员重新与学校接触。

30 November 2021,Support for Auckland students to re-engage in learning
Auckland children and young people will be supported by the Government to get back on track with their learning for the rest of this year and into 2022, Education Minister Chris Hipkins and Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti said today.
“Restrictions in Auckland and long periods of distance learning will have impacted on the progress of some children and young people. We are providing nearly $15 million to help them to get back into learning in the classroom as soon as it is safe for them to do so,” Chris Hipkins said.
“The investment will help our older students who are returning to school and heading into exams, and support younger students to get back to face-to-face learning soon. We are currently speaking to primary schools and the wider sector about an indicative date of November 15.”
Jan Tinetti said the package will include a range of targeted support.
“It will include community-based support and targeted funding for schools, and be used for counselling, learning support and initiatives to encourage attendance,” she said.  
“We want to help those students who are finding it tough to stay engaged with their learning through the remainder of term 4 and support them over summer so they return to school and kura next year.”
A $3 million Rapid Resurgence Fund will go directly to schools and kura that have identified students with immediate needs and who need support to stay engaged in learning at school.
“Schools and kura will be able to decide themselves how best to use the funds – for example to employ extra personnel, mentoring or other services to reach students and their whānau and support their re-engagement in school,” Jan Tinetti said. 
“There will also be an extra 300 student places available for year 9 and above in Te Kura to help students catch up and plan for the year ahead. The programme includes a mixed model of individualised distance and face-to-face learning (once it is safe to do so), and one-on-one mentoring.
“Students can enrol with Te Kura during term 4 into He Oranga Māhuru. This targeted, wraparound support programme is aimed at building relationships with students. Te Kura 300 will be ready to deploy in term one of next year.
“We’re making sure there are a range of measures in place to support children and young people through this tumultuous time.”
Components of the re-engagement package for 2021/22 include:
·        $6 million in targeted support through providers to meet the immediate needs of Māori and Pacific students within their whānau so they can re-engage in learning, either back at school, online or with another education provider.
·        A $3 million Rapid Resurgence Fund to provide immediate and flexible support to schools – allocation to focus on Māori and Pacific students and weighted for equity.
·        $2.2 million to deploy the Te Kura 300 programme to support at-risk students in Auckland to stay engaged, or re-engage, in learning.
·        $1.5 million additional counselling support to improve the wellbeing of students, focusing on years six to nine.
·        $1.0 million for students with identified learning support needs, including those with disabilities.
·        $630,000 to scale up Check & Connect in Auckland to provide additional mentors for at-risk students referred to the service by schools and kura.
·        $600,000 increase for the Attendance Service capacity – to rapidly connect with and actively support learners to re-engage with school. 


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