



新西兰新闻秘书处8月11日消息,报告发现监督员营养管理工具存在缺陷,政府将支持下一代监督员的发展,同时提供一套工具,帮助管 理和估计农场养分损失。 在接下来的一年里,在开发下一代工具并提供/或提供其他工具时,将支持监督员更准确地估计营养损失的方法对农民、环境和新西兰品牌都很重要。 环境部长大卫·帕克和农业部长达米安·奥康纳今天宣布,政府将帮助开发改进的工具,管理和估计农场养分损失。  此前,一个独立的科学顾问团发现了目前版本的营养模型软件监督者的缺陷,并得出结论认为,它对其估计目前农场总氮损失的能力没有信心。部长们今天欢迎政府任命的小组的报告,该报告将有助于为农民和监管者开发改进的工具,以满足未来基本淡水规划的要求。  David Parker 说:”尽管存在缺陷,但监督员一直是建立意识和影响实践的有用工具,用于管理农场和集水区的养分损失。有一套强大的独立同行评审的氮缓解选项知识,与监督者并列。农民们利用监督员和建议来改进做法和淡水结果。我们鼓励农民继续努力减少营养损失”。  部长们认识到这项工作的紧迫性,因为区域理事会在2024年最后期限之前,根据基本淡水改革方案制定RMA计划。  农业部长达米安·奥康纳说:”多年来,我们的农民和种植者投入了大量的工作和投资,以促进农场的环境成果。政府将努力确保用于估计营养损失的改进工具透明、准确和有效。需要考虑的备选方案包括:制定基于风险的指数,开发下一代监督器,以解决小组的担忧,更多地使用控制做法来管理氮浸出,以及可能更长期地开发一种完全采用的新方法”。  大卫帕克说:”这是至关重要的农民和议会有一定的确定性,在未来一年。理事会将继续执行其计划和淡水改革”。  达米安·奥康纳说:”使用监督员的农民和议会必须确定如何进行。因此,政府将支持下一代监督员的工作。区域理事会将继续管理农场一级淡水的同意,尽管在某些情况下可能需要调整方法。  我们已经与理事会进行了沟通,他们可以根据营养损失估算和风险评估工具着手制定计划,以便在 2024 年底之前编制这些新计划”。  达米安·奥康纳说:”我们需要在农民已经取得的进步的基础上再接再厉。在未来几个月内,官员们将为环境监管中使用的模式制定最佳实践指南,从长远来看,这些模式将转化为方法和工具。政府支持开发下一代监督器和其他营养管理工具。现在拥有适合用途的工具将支持我们的农民在新西兰各地提供长期的环境效益”。 水质退化有三个主要原因——过量的沉积物、微生物污染物和营养物质。这些原因在基本淡水中以不同的方式处理,监督者是用于管理营养损失的工具。 对新西兰的许多河流来说,主要的养分挑战是各种形式的过量氮。监督者是新西兰开发的软件工具,可对农场和农场块上流和农场块的营养流动进行模型。它旨在为一系列农场系统类型提供农场养分动力学的定量描述。它结合了农场管理、地形、土壤和气候的数据。许多新西兰农民30年来一直使用监督员及其前身来估算营养预算,并了解营养物质是如何在农场循环的。最近,一些区域理事会将其作为其计划的一部分,并同意管理河流和地下水的养分损失。它可用于乳制品、绵羊和牛肉、挤奶山羊、鹿、户外猪、奇异果、葡萄栽培以及一些蔬菜和可耕地作物,以估计管理实践变化对多种营养物质的使用或排放的影响。监督者知识产权由初级工业部、新西兰化肥协会和AgResearch共同拥有。该知识产权完全由新西兰化肥协会和AgResearch拥有的监督者有限公司拥有。 

Work on improving tools to manage nutrient losses from farms
    Report finds shortcomings in Overseer nutrient management tool
·       Government will support the development of a next generation Overseer alongside a suite of tools to help in the management and estimation of on-farm nutrient loss
·       Over the next year, Overseer will be supported while a next generation of the tool is developed and/or additional tools are made available
·       A more accurate way to estimate nutrient loss is important for farmers, the environment and brand New Zealand
The Government will help develop improved tools to manage and estimate on-farm nutrient loss, Environment Minister David Parker and Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor announced today.
 The announcement comes after an independent Science Advisory Panel identified shortcomings with the current version of nutrient modelling software Overseer and concluded that it did not have confidence in its ability to estimate total nitrogen lost from farms in its current form.
 The Ministers today welcomed the government-appointed Panel’s report, which will help develop improved tools for farmers and regulators to meet future Essential Freshwater planning requirements.
 “Despite its shortcomings Overseer has been a useful tool to build awareness and influence practices to manage nutrient loss at the farm and catchment level,” David Parker said.
 “There is a robust body of independently peer-reviewed knowledge on nitrogen mitigation options that sits alongside Overseer.
“Farmers have used Overseer, alongside advice, to improve practices and freshwater outcomes.
 “We encourage farmers to continue their vital efforts to reduce nutrient losses.”
 Ministers recognise the urgency of the work, given the 2024 deadline for Regional Councils to develop RMA plans under the Essential Freshwater reform package.
 “Our farmers and growers have put in a significant amount of work and investment over many years to boost environmental outcomes on-farm,” Damien O’Connor said. “The Government will seek to ensure improved tools for estimating nutrient loss are transparent, accurate and effective.”
 “Options to be considered include developing a risk-based index, developing a next-generation Overseer to address the panel’s concerns, greater use of controls on practices to manage nitrogen leaching, and potentially longer-term developing a new approach altogether.”
  David Parker said it was vital farmers and councils had some certainty over the next year. Councils will continue to implement their plans and the freshwater reforms.
  Damien O’Connor said: “It’s essential that farmers and councils using Overseer have some certainty on how to proceed. For this reason, the Government will support work on a next generation Overseer.”
 Regional councils will continue to administer consents to manage freshwater at the farm level although there may need to be adjustments in the approach in some cases.
  “We’ve spoken with Councils, and they can proceed with developing plans on the basis that nutrient loss estimation, and risk assessment tools will be available for the preparation of those new plans by the end of 2024.” David Parker said.
  “We need to build on the progress that farmers have already made,” Damien O’Connor said.
  Over the coming months, officials will develop best practice guidance for models used in environmental regulation and these will feed into approaches and tools in the longer term.
 “The Government supports the development of a next generation Overseer and other nutrient management tools. Having fit for purpose tools now will support our farmers to deliver long-term environmental benefits across New Zealand,” Damien O’Connor said.
  There are three main causes of water quality degradation – excessive sediment, microbial contaminants, and nutrients. These causes are addressed in different ways in Essential Freshwater and Overseer is a tool that is used for managing nutrient losses.  For many of New Zealand’s rivers, the main nutrient challenge is excessive nitrogen in its various forms.
Overseer is a NZ-developed software tool that models the nutrient flows on to and off farms and farm blocks. It aims to provide a quantitative description of farm nutrient dynamics for a range of farm system types. It combines data on farm management, topography, soil and climate.
Overseer and its predecessors have been used for 30 years by many New Zealand farmers to estimate nutrient budgets and understand how nutrients are cycled on-farm. Recently, it has been used by a number of Regional Councils as part of their plans and consents to manage nutrient loss to rivers and groundwater.
It can be used on dairy, sheep and beef, milking goats, deer, outdoor pigs, kiwifruit, viticulture and some vegetable and arable crops to estimate the impact of management practice change on the use or discharge of several nutrients.
The Overseer intellectual property is jointly owned by the Ministry of Primary Industries, the Fertiliser Association of NZ and AgResearch. The intellectual property is exclusively licensed to Overseer Ltd, which is owned by the Fertiliser Association of NZ and AgResearch.


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