





政府为残疾人带来了变革性的变化,设立残疾人部。在全国范围内实施残疾人支持服务的 “促成美好生活 “方法推出《新西兰人无障碍法案》新的独立立法将使新西兰更加无障碍。 建立一个新的无障碍治理委员会,残疾问题部长卡梅尔.塞普洛尼(Carmel Sepuloni)宣布,今天,政府正在兑现其改革残疾系统的承诺。 

卡梅尔.塞普洛尼说:”目前的残疾系统已经崩溃,为残疾人和家庭设置了太多的障碍。这就是为什么我们要建立一个新的残疾人部作为这一变革的核心。它将联合所有提供给残疾人的支持和服务,并取代一个分散的系统,即没有一个机构负责推动改善残疾人的整体结果。  政府也正在加快努力,通过引入一个新的无障碍框架,在立法和新的无障碍治理委员会的支持下,使新西兰奥特亚罗亚更加无障碍。管理委员会将由残疾人和家庭领导并代表他们。残疾人社区的声音将被纳入各级决策,从该部的形成和运行,到无障碍立法的发展”。 

新西兰卫生部长长安德鲁-利特尔说:”我们知道,健康和残疾审查在残疾问题上走得不够远,这就是为什么卡梅尔-塞普洛尼和我委托开展额外的工作,以确保残疾人社区的愿望得到认真解决。残疾人社区告诉我们,残疾问题不仅仅是健康问题。我们已经听到并回应了他们将残疾支持从卫生系统中解除的愿望,这就是为什么我们要建立一个新的残疾人部,为所有残疾人提供支持。 社会发展部将主持新的残疾人部。这将确保新的部将有机会获得现有的共享服务和知识,以帮助它开始运行”。  

卡梅尔-塞普洛尼说:”新部的设立认识到,需要对残疾问题采取更广泛和’全生命’的方法,而不是将残疾视为’健康问题’。我们已经听取了残疾人社区的意见,并确保 ′没有我们就没有一切 ’的口号成为十多年来对残疾系统进行的最具变革性的改革的心。 新部将为所有残疾人推动更好的结果,领导和协调跨政府的战略性残疾政策,努力提供和改造残疾人支持服务,以及推进更广泛的残疾系统的转型工作”。 

卫生部长说:”我们今天宣布的变化是对正在进行的卫生改革工作的补充,以确保所有新西兰人,包括残疾人社区,都能公平地获得他们所需要的护理,无论他们是谁或住在哪里。 将残疾人及其家庭的声音置于决策的核心,是一种有效的方法,正如我们在克赖斯特彻奇、怀卡托和中西部地区的 “扶持美好生活 “试点所看到的那样”。 


卡梅尔-塞普洛尼说:”我坚信,今天宣布的变化是一个大胆的、真正的变革,使残疾人和他们的家族在新西兰的繁荣发展。他们发出了一个非常明确的信号,即需要在历届政府中作出持续的承诺,以便为残疾人维持更好的结果。他们在确保正确的组织安排到位以支持整个系统的变革之间取得了平衡,同时也确保我们通过 “促成美好生活 “的方法在有效的基础上更进一步。这是残疾人社区和政府之间真正伙伴关系的开始”。项目内容: 新的残疾人部,将承担卫生部残疾局目前履行的大部分职能,并承担新的责任,然而,新部有更大的决心。新机构的任务是领导一种面向未来的全政府方法,推动改善成果,增加残疾人的选择和控制。

社会发展部(MSD)的任务是设立和托管新的机构,该机构将有自己的行政长官。一旦新机构成立,并能够很好地履行其职能和任务,它最终将在职能和业务上不受社会发展部(MSD)的自主性。鉴于新机构的规模和范围,社会发展部(MSD)正在设立一个专门的设立股,以支持其成立和卫生部职能的过渡。新部将于2022年7月1日起成立。 设立股将以建立新的部委(奥克兰和住房和城市发展部)的见解为基础。一个关键重点将是确保残疾人继续得到过渡方面的支持。设立股将与残疾人社区、毛利族和太平洋密切合作,了解他们对新机构的愿望,确保将社区的愿景纳入新机构的基因中。 它将与既定的社区团体合作,包括政府机制工作组、Whénau Ora接口小组和国家促进美好生活领导小组(国家EGL领导小组),以确保残疾人的声音和呼啸声塑造这项工作。残疾人的专门知识和生活经验在塑造设立股的工作方面将特别重要。



通过立法改善无障碍环境,正在新的独立立法中阐述框架的关键要素。《新西兰人无障碍法案》没有规定人们可以做什么和不能做什么。相反,它规定了政府的目标、政策方向和对变革的期望,并明确了实现这一目标的过程和治理。 在全国范围内实施残疾支助服务的启用生活办法,启用美好生活的核心是人、他们的长处和愿望,正如我们在试点地区所看到的那样,这种方法是有效的。这将从根本上改变至少43000名残疾人及其家庭、家庭和社区的残疾支助服务,并将在地方和国家一级推动残疾人取得更好的生活成果。

2011年,残疾社区制定了EGL愿景和原则,以支持一种新的残疾支助方法。他们从第一天起就对残疾儿童和成人及其子女的愿景是,要有更多的选择和控制他们的支持和生活。积极的成果包括增加自主性和社会联系,提高生活质量,以及更好地获得教育和就业机会。示范项目还包括与目前的残疾支助制度相比,提高包括残疾人、毛利人和太平洋岛屿族裔与残疾人在强大的毛利人参与该系统的接触增加了60%,整体增加了 33% 。

Government delivers transformative changes for disabled people。Establishment of a Ministry for Disabled People。Implementing the Enabling Good Lives approach to Disability Support Services on a national scale Introduction of The Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill – new stand-alone legislation that will make Aotearoa more accessible.Establishment of a new Accessibility Governance Board
“Today the Government is delivering on its promise to reform the disability system,” Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni has announced.
  “The current disability system is broken and puts too many barriers in place for disabled people and whānau. This is why we are establishing a new Ministry for Disabled People as the heart of this change.  It will join up all of the supports and services available to disabled people and replace a fragmented system where there is no single agency responsible for driving improved overall outcomes for disabled people.
  “The Government is also accelerating efforts to make Aotearoa New Zealand more accessible by introducing a new accessibility framework, backed by legislation and a new Accessibility Governance Board. The Governance Board will be led by and represent disabled people and whānau.
  “The disabled community’s voices will be embedded at all levels of decision-making, from the formation and running of the Ministry, to the development of accessibility legislation,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
  “We know that the Health and Disability review did not go far enough on disability issues, and that’s why Carmel Sepuloni and I commissioned additional work to ensure the aspirations of the disabled community are seriously addressed,” Health Minister Andrew Little said.
  “The disabled community told us that disability issues are not just health issues. We’ve heard and responded to their desire to lift disability support out of the health system, which is why we’re establishing a new Ministry for Disabled People to deliver support for all disabled people.”
  The Ministry of Social Development will host the new Ministry for Disabled People. This will ensure the new Ministry will have access to existing shared services and knowledge to help it hit the ground running. 
  “The establishment of a new Ministry recognises that a broader and ‘whole-of-life’ approach to disability is needed, as opposed to viewing disability as a ‘health issue’,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
“We have listened to the disabled community and ensured that the mantra of ‘Nothing About Us Without Us’ sits at the heart of the most transformative changes to the disability system in more than a decade.
The new Ministry will
·       Drive better outcomes for all disabled people
·       Lead and coordinate cross-government strategic disability policy
·       Work to deliver and transform disability support services, and;
·       Progress work on the broader transformation of the wider disability system
“The changes we’re announcing today complement the work under way with the health reforms to ensure all New Zealanders, including the disabled community, have equitable access to the care they need, no matter who they are or where they live,” Andrew Little said.
“Putting the voice of disabled people and their families at the heart of decision making is an approach that works, as we’ve seen with the Enabling Good Lives pilots in Christchurch, Waikato and Mid-Central regions.
“Enabling Good Lives empowers disabled people and their families to have more control and choice about the support they receive and that’s why we’ve committed to the national roll-out of Enabling Good Lives,” Andrew Little said.
“I firmly believe the changes announced today epitomise a bold and truly transformative way forward for disabled people and their whānau to thrive in Aotearoa New Zealand. They send a very clear signal that there needs to be an ongoing commitment over successive Governments in order to sustain better outcomes for disabled people,” Carmel Sepuloni said
“They strike the balance between ensuring the right organisational arrangements are in place to champion change across the system, while also ensuring we’re building on what works through the Enabling Good Lives approach.
“This is the beginning of a true partnership between the disability community and Government,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
 Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Association

Paula Tesoriero, Disability Rights Commissioner

Ministry for Disabled People:

The new Ministry will take on most functions currently delivered by the Disability Directorate in the MOH, as well as assuming new responsibilities.

However, the ambition for the new Ministry is much more aspirational. The new agency has been given a mandate to lead a future-focused and whole-of-government approach that drives improved outcomes and greater choice and control for disabled people.

The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) has been tasked with establishing and hosting the new agency, which will have its own Chief Executive.

The new agency will ultimately be functionally and operationally autonomous from MSD, once it has established itself and is in a good position to carry out its functions and mandate.

Given the scale and scope of the new agency, MSD is setting up a dedicated Establishment Unit to support its establishment, and the transition of MOH functions.

The new Ministry will be established from 1 July 2022.

The Establishment Unit will build on insights from the establishment of new Ministries, such as Oranga Tamariki and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. A key focus will be ensuring disabled people continue to receive support over the transition.

The Establishment Unit will work closely with the disabled community, tāngata whaikaha, whānau, Maōri and Pacific to understand their aspirations for the new agency, to ensure the community’s vision is built into the DNA of the new agency.

It will work with established community groups, including the Machinery of Government Working Group, the Whānau Ora Interface Group, and the National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group (the National EGL Leadership Group) to ensure that the voices of disabled people and whānau shape this work. The expertise and lived experience of disabled people will be particularly important in shaping the work of the Establishment Unit.

While currently we are referring to a ‘Ministry for Disabled People’, we will collaborate with the disability community to identify an appropriate name.


The new framework progresses the Accessibility outcome in the New Zealand Disability Strategy. It recognises the importance of improving housing, transport, information, communication, technology, public buildings and spaces, and all areas of life. These are all really important for disabled people to participate in and feel a sense of belonging to their communities and the country.

This framework will reflect a partnership with disabled people, recognising disabled people as experts on accessibility from a lived experience perspective, and as advisors that can promote Government accountability on progress.

Our current framework for addressing barriers that disabled people face has been fragmented, slow, hard to measure, and hasn’t led to the credible policy, system design, and service delivery needed to achieve an accessible society.

To sit alongside our disability system reform and the framework, Government is also establishing an independent Accessibility Governance Board to ensure disabled people continue to be involved in decision making at the highest level possible.

In keeping with “nothing about us, without us”, the Board will be led by and represent disabled people, as well as bring in the technical expertise of government policy and business.

The Board will have an important role to play in complementing the work Government is doing to improve accessibility, by elevating accessibility, setting policy statements and monitoring progress.

Improving accessibility through legislation:

We’re setting out key elements of the framework in new stand-alone legislation.

The Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill will not set out what people can and can’t do. Rather, it sets out the government’s goals, policy direction, and expectations for change, with a clear process and governance to make that happen.

Implementing the Enabling Good Lives approach to Disability Support Services on a national scale:

The Enabling Good Lives is centred on the ‘person, their strengths and aspirations’, and it’s an approach that works, as we’ve seen in the pilot regions.

This will fundamentally change disability support services for at least 43,000 disabled people, their families, whānau and communities, and will drive better life outcomes for disabled people at both the local and national level.

The EGL vision and principles were developed in 2011 by the disability community to underpin a new approach to disability support. Their vision since day one has been for disabled children and adults and their whānau to have greater choice and control over their supports and lives.

Positive outcomes include increased autonomy and social connectedness, improved quality of life, and better access to education and employment opportunities.

The demonstration projects also included higher engagement and take up of disability services from the marginalised groups including disabled Māori and Pacific peoples, in comparison with the current disability support system. Engagement with the system by tāngata whaikaha Māori and Pacific disabled people increased by 60 percent in Mana Whaikaha, and by 33 percent overall。



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