新西兰新闻秘书处7月28日消息,为减少建筑和拆除废物的项目提供资金,政府已宣布为奥克兰和北岛下游的项目提供资金,以帮助减少建筑和拆除废物。 环境部长大卫帕克说:”建筑是垃圾填埋场的主要来源,其中大部分可以减少、再利用和回收, 政府正在资助使新西兰人能够重复使用材料并减少进入垃圾填埋场的废物量的举措。减少建筑和拆除废物也将有助于减少温室气体排放。这是气候和环境的胜利。从垃圾填埋场转移建筑垃圾是帮助新西兰成为低废物、低排放经济体的又一步”。 “奥克兰市议会 2018 年废物管理和最小化计划发现,2016 年送往垃圾填埋场的 160 万吨废物中有 86 来自商业、建筑、拆除、基础设施和其他活动。总部位于奥克兰的废物革命将获得 110 万纽币的资金,用于创建一个用于材料存储和再分配的商业资源和回收中心。新中心将分类和储存来自建筑、拆除和商业行业的废料,然后将这些废料出售给建筑行业和更广泛的公众垃圾填埋场。我们预计该项目每年将重新处理 3,500 吨废料并创造新的就业机会”。大卫帕克说。 “废物革命是 Junk Run 和 Kiwi Recycling 之间的一项合作计划。再往南,中央环境部将获得75万纽币,在费尔丁建立一个建筑和拆除废物处理设施。材料,包括混凝土、原生木材和建筑材料,将进行回收和再利用。新工厂每年可加工80,000吨,并将服务于马纳瓦图/南塔拉纳基和惠灵顿北部地区。目前在北岛下部处理和回收建筑和拆除废物的能力有限,因此,这一新设施将迅速减少进入该地区垃圾填埋场的废物数量”大卫帕克说。 例如,在波里鲁瓦,处理到垃圾填埋场的废物中,50以上来自建筑和拆除(每年约32 000吨)。 大卫·帕克说:”对此,我们将向波里鲁瓦市议会提供164,250美元,以确定波里鲁瓦的建设和拆除回收设施是否可行。这些举措将通过环境部管理的废物最小化基金2020年回合提供资金。今天宣布这一消息之前,上周宣布为基督城、纳尔逊、纳皮尔、北国、达尼丁、皇后镇和奥克兰减少食物浪费的项目提供资金。正在考虑2021年废物最小化融资回合的申请。2021年一轮会议继续关注建筑和拆除废物以及有机废物”。
Funding for projects to reduce waste from construction and demolition The Government has announced funding for projects in Auckland and the lower North Island to help reduce construction and demolition waste. “Construction is the main source of waste sent to landfill, and much of this could be reduced, reused and recovered,” Environment Minister David Parker said. “The Government is funding initiatives that will enable New Zealanders to reuse material and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. Reducing construction and demolition waste will also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That’s a win, win for the climate and the environment.” “Diverting construction waste from landfill is another step towards helping New Zealand become a low waste, low emissions economy.”The Auckland Council Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 found that 86 per cent of the 1.6 million tonnes of waste sent to landfill in 2016 came from commercial, construction, demolition, infrastructure, and other activities. Auckland-based Waste Revolution will receive $1.1 million funding to create a commercial resource and recovery centre for the storage and redistribution of material. The new centre will sort and store waste materials from the construction, demolition and commercial industries which will then be sold to the construction industry and wider public “This initiative is a great example of a circular solution that encourages reusing materials which would otherwise end up in landfill. We expect this project to redirect 3,500 tonnes of waste material each year and create new jobs,” David Parker said. Waste Revolution is a collaborative initiative between Junk Run and Kiwi Recycling.. Further south, Central Environmental will receive $750,000 to set up a construction and demolition waste processing facility in Feilding. Materials, including concrete, native timber and building materials, will be recycled and reused. The new facility will be able to process 80,000 tonnes a year and will service the Manawatu/South Taranaki and Northern Wellington region. “There is limited capacity to process and recover construction and demolition waste in the lower North Island currently, so this new facility will quickly reduce the amount of waste going into landfill around the region.” David Parker said. In Porirua, for instance, over 50 per cent of waste disposed to landfill comes from construction and demolition (approximately 32,000 tonnes a year). “Reflecting this, we will provide $164,250 to Porirua City Council to determine if a construction and demolition recycling facility is feasible in Porirua,” David Parker said. These initiatives will be funded through the Waste Minimisation Fund’s 2020 round, administered by the Environment Ministry. Today’s announcement follows last week’s announcement of funding for projects to reduce food waste in Christchurch, Nelson, Napier, Northland, Dunedin, Queenstown and Auckland. Applications for the 2021 Waste Minimisation funding round are being considered. The 2021 round continues a focus on construction and demolition waste as well as organic waste.
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