
响应部长克里斯·希普金斯说:”作为我们计划的一部分,我们计划让每个符合条件的人有机会在年底前接种疫苗,我们确保包括残疾人在内的所有人都能轻松、方便地接种疫苗。 一个30多人的团队负责接听电话和问题,帮助残疾人及其护理人员获得他们需要的信息和支持。这不仅有助于提高这一群体的疫苗接种率,而且使他们及其接种者更加安全。如要与支持专家交谈,人们可以拨打 COVID 疫苗接种健康热线 0800 28 29 26 周一至周五上午8点至晚上8点免费拨打并推选2位与其中一个团队通话。 残疾问题部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”我们知道接种疫苗将是我们预防COVID-19的最大保护措施之一,这就是为什么我们需要继续尽一切努力,在疫苗接种计划中优先考虑残疾人。我很高兴看到团队已经产生了积极的影响,在团队开始接听电话的头两周内,为 440 多名残疾人提供了支持。 支持包括确保网站有流动援助,安排手语口译员,提供交通选择,确保1737名电话咨询师可用于支持有针头焦虑症的人,以及与地区卫生局一起为个人开发的其他定制解决方案”。
卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”这是我们继续消除残疾人疫苗接种障碍,使疫苗接种计划无障碍、包容性和增强性方面朝着正确方向迈出的又一步。 呼叫中心是首都和海岸 DHB 和新西兰瓦卡隆戈劳国家远程医疗服务之间的合作。已拨出150万纽币用于支助残疾人,新西兰全国约有40个团体正在接触这些活动。
Dedicated team to support disabled people to access COVID-19 vaccine
A new team has been mobilised to support disabled people to access transport and get vaccinated in a way that suits their needs, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Disability Issues Minister Carmel Sepuloni said.
“As part of our plan to give every eligible person the opportunity to get vaccinated by the end of the year, we are ensuring it is both easy and accessible for everyone, including disabled people,” Chris Hipkins said.
“A 30-strong team has been tasked with answering calls and questions, assisting disabled people and their carers to get the information and support they need. It will not only help increase vaccination rates among this group, but keep them and their whānau safer.”
To speak with a support specialist, people can call the COVID Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 for free 8 am – 8 pm Monday to Friday and ‘push 2’ to speak to one of the team.
“We know that being vaccinated will be one of our greatest protections against COVID-19, which is why we need to continue making every effort to prioritise disabled people in the vaccination programme,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
“I’m encouraged to see the team is already having a positive impact, supporting over 440 disabled people in the first two weeks since the team began taking calls.
“Support has included ensuring sites have mobility assistance in place, arranging sign language interpreters, providing transport options, ensuring 1737 phone counsellors are available to support people with needle anxiety, and other bespoke solutions developed for individuals alongside District Health Boards.
“This is another step in the right direction as we continue to remove barriers to vaccinations for disabled people, and make the vaccination programme accessible, inclusive and mana-enhancing,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
The call centre is a collaboration between Capital and Coast DHB and Whakarongorau Aotearoa – National Telehealth Service. $1.5 million has been allocated for outreach to disabled people, which is being accessed by approximately 40 groups across New Zealand.
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