政府为确保经济复苏所作的努力使更多的新西兰人找到了工作和提高工资,失业率下降到COVID前的水平,更多的人在工作。 财政部长兰特·罗伯逊说:”新西兰统计局的数据显示,6月份失业率从3月份的4.6降至4,为2019年12月以来的最低水平。相比之下,财政部的半年经济和财政更新预测失业率为5.2。该季度的就业人数增加了28,000人,现在就业总人数比COVID之前的2019年12月季度增加了63,000人。平均小时工资上涨4,至每小时34.76纽币,而通胀率上升3.3,这意味着新西兰人后袋里的钱会更多。这一积极成果表明,政府的计划正在实施,使家庭和企业有信心消费和投资,并加速复苏。自2020年9月失业率达到5.2的峰值以来,新增63,000人就业。我们的重点仍然是加速复苏和应对快速增长的经济带来的挑战。我们的疫苗接种计划正在加紧实施,我们将很快对重新连接到其余工作有更多的发言权,这将为企业提供进一步的信心,因为他们的计划未来。我们的关键工人计划已经看到17,000人进入新西兰,以支持企业和其他组织,以保持经济运转。我们将继续与企业合作,抓住机遇,扩大我们所能引进的人数,以支持我们复苏的经济。我们还继续在教育、技能和培训方面进行大量投资,以更好地重建。大流行持续的影响可能会使失业率有所波动。然而,新西兰对我们所反对的国家表现良好。根据可比衡量的衡量指标,新西兰 4 的失业率与澳大利亚的 5.2、美国的 5.9 和加拿大的 8 相比。经合组织的平均值为6.6″格兰特·罗伯逊说。 卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:劳动力市场走强,6月份又有大批人享受了福利,超过31,000人从事有偿工作。 我们帮助那些在劳动力市场处境不利的人重新加入劳动大军的计划正在发挥作用。Flexiwage 已看到 4,782 人就业,而学徒提升已支持超过 31,000 人进入贸易。 今天的数据还显示,毛利人和太平洋地区的失业率分别下降了1和1.6,没有接受教育、就业或培训的年轻人人数也大幅下降。 社会发展部和就业部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”虽然今天的数据是正面的,表明我们的计划正在奏效,但我们知道我们还有很多工作要做”。
Wages up, unemployment down The Government’s efforts to secure the recovery has seen more Kiwis in jobs and higher wages, with unemployment falling to pre-COVID levels and more people in work. Stats NZ figures show unemployment rate fell to 4 percent in the June quarter from 4.6 percent in the March quarter, the lowest rate since December 2019. This compares with The Treasury’s Half year Economic and Fiscal Update forecast unemployment rate of 5.2 percent. Employment rose by 28,000 in the quarter, and the total number of people in work is now 63,000 above where it was in the December 2019 quarter before COVID. The average hourly wage rose 4 percent to $34.76 an hour, compared with a 3.3 percent rise in inflation, meaning more money in New Zealander’s back pockets. “This positive result shows the Government’s plan is delivering, giving households and businesses the confidence to spend and invest and accelerate the recovery. An extra 63,000 people are in jobs since September 2020, when unemployment peaked at 5.2 percent,” Grant Robertson said. “Our focus remains on accelerating the recovery and dealing with the challenges that a fast growing economy brings. Our vaccination programme is ramping up and we’ll have more to say on reconnecting to the rest of the work soon, which will provide further confidence to business as they plan ahead. “Our critical worker scheme has seen 17,000 people enter New Zealand to support businesses and other organisations to keep the economy moving. We will continue to work with businesses on opportunities to expand the number of people we can bring in to support our recovering economy. We also continue to invest heavily in education, skills and training to build back better. “The ongoing impact of the pandemic is likely to see unemployment move around a bit. Nevertheless, New Zealand has performed favourably against the countries we measure ourselves against.” “On comparable measures, New Zealand’s 4 percent unemployment rate stands against 5.2 percent in Australia, 5.9 percent in the United States and 8 percent in Canada. The OECD average is 6.6 percent,” Grant Robertson said. “The stronger labour market saw another large number of people come off the benefit in the June quarter, with over 31,000 entering paid work,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “Our programmes to assist those who are disadvantaged in the labour market to re-enter the workforce are making a difference. Flexiwage has seen 4,782 people placed into employment, while Apprenticeship Boost has supported over 31,000 into a trade. “Today’s figures also show a drop in Māori and Pacific unemployment by 1 percent and 1.6 percent respectively, as well as a significant drop in the numbers of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training. “While today’s figures are positive and shows our plan is working, we know we have more work to do,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
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