
新西兰新闻秘书处8月28日消息社会发展和就业部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼今天宣布,政府正在继续加强那些需要粮食和必需品的人的安全网,为在警戒级别4的粮食安全网络增加700万纽币的资金。  额外资金将帮助通过提供社区连接服务的供应商(如社区连接服务的供应商)再分发 60,000 个食品包裹和 10,000 个福利包。 卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”全国各地都有供应商和组织在不知疲倦地工作,以支持我们的人民、呼啸而过和受当前疫情影响最大的社区。这笔资金旨在帮助他们满足不断增长的需求,并支持为保护每个人的安全而付出的巨大努力。政府正在作出反应,并不断研究如何支持需求,例如,人们可以继续获得食品和其他必需品,如婴儿必需品、卫生用品和口罩。  和往常一样,我保持警惕,确保现有食品供应商有足够的资金,社会发展部 (MSD) 将继续与他们保持密切联系,以确保他们得到支持,通过任何警报级别更改满足需求。  三角洲变种改变了游戏规则,带来了新的挑战,包括大量已成为亲密接触者的人以及自我隔离的必要性。重要的是,我们尽量减少运动,使病毒不传播,这意味着整个社区,通常会团结在一起,互相支持,是少得多的能力做到这一点。  我想提醒需要帮助的人继续使用通过 MSD 获得的广泛支持。我们已经为现有服务分配了额外的资金,以便人们能够及时获得即时和长期的支持计划,此外还有上周的280万纽币充值。 Aotearoa 以前已经感受到了警报级别 4 的影响,我知道,鉴于我们以前来过这里,我们可以再次通过它”。 在此处检查您获得 MSD 协助的资格:- 或致电 0800 559 009 与某人谈论您的情况 在此处查找新西兰食品银行和其他食品帮助服务列表:- 如果您有紧急需要或无法获得其他支持,请在此处联系您当地的民防和应急管理 (CDEM) 小组:- 地方民防团体国家紧急事务管理局- 此处提供概述所有这些选项和更多选项的小册子:- 

Government continues to respond to food demand at Alert Level 4, The Government is continuing to strengthen the safety net for those who require food and essential goods, with a $7 million boost in funding for food security networks operating at Alert Level 4, Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni announced today. The extra funding will help with the distribution of an additional 60,000 food parcels, and 10,000 wellbeing packs, through providers such as those that have the Community Connection Service. “There are providers and organisations right across the country who are working tirelessly to support our people, whānau and communities most impacted by the current outbreak,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “This funding aims to help them meet the increase in demand and to support the tremendous effort that is going into keeping everyone safe.”  “Government is being responsive and continuously looking at how to support need as it arises, so that for example people can continue to access food and other essential items like necessities for babies, sanitary products, and masks.  “As always, I’m keeping a watchful eye to make sure there’s enough funding for existing food providers, and the Ministry for Social Development (MSD) will continue to keep in close touch with them to ensure they’re supported to meet demand through any alert level changes.  “The Delta variant is a game changer and has brought new challenges, including the large number of people who’ve become ‘close contacts’ and the need to self-isolate. It’s important we minimise movement so the virus doesn’t spread, which means whole communities that would normally pull together and support each other are much less able to do so.  “I want to remind whānau in need to keep using the wide range of support available through MSD. We’ve allocated extra money to existing services so people have timely access to immediate and longer-term support packages, in addition to a $2.8 million top up last week.  “Aotearoa has felt the effects of Alert Level 4 before, and I know that given we have been here before, we can get through it again.” Carmel Sepuloni said. Test your eligibility for assistance from MSD here:-        Or call 0800 559 009 to talk to someone about your situation Find a list of New Zealand food banks and other food help services here:- If you have an urgent need or can’t access other support, contact your local Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group here:-        Local civil defence groups » National Emergency Management Agency- A pamphlet outlining all of these options and more is available here:-


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