



10月22日,毛利健康部部长佩尼.享纳雷就政府资助促进保护毛利人社区发表讲话。他说:”正如你从总理那里听到的,新的保护框架将支持我们保护人民的安全,特别是我们弱势的群体,并将COVID – 19 对商业和我们日常生活的影响降到最低。如果你想保护你自己,你的家人和你的社区免受这种致命的病毒,高接种疫苗了率是唯一的方法,你可以做到这一点,以保护我们的家园。

这就是为什么我很高兴宣布一项1.2亿纽币的基金,以支持毛利人社区快速开展疫苗接种工作,并为新的 COV ID – 19 保护框架做准备。 6000万纽币将用于进一步支持我们的毛利人疫苗接种率,另外6000多万纽币用于支持毛利人和人们领导的保护我们社区免受 COV ID – 19 感染的倡议,现在我们需要其余的家庭及社团这样做。

目前,符合条件的毛利人人口中有 67 %( 384 , 711 人)至少接种过一次疫苗,其中 46%( 265 , 424 人)已全面接种”。

Minister of Maori Health, Peni Hennery, delivered a speech on government funding to promote the protection of Maori communities。
COVID-19 funding boost to protect maōri communities
Mihi – Tēnā koutou katoa
As you have heard from the Prime Minister, the new protection framework will support us to keep people safe especially our vulnerable communities and minimize the impact COVID-19 has on business and our day to day lives.
If you want to protect yourself, your whanau and your community from this deadly virus, high vaccination rates is the only way you can do this in order to protect our whānau. 
That’s why I’m pleased to announce a $120m fund to support Māori communities to fast-track vaccination efforts and prepare for the new COVID-19 Protection Framework.
$60 million will go towards further supporting our Māori vaccination rates and a further $60 million will support Māori and Iwi-led initiatives to protect our communities against COVID-19.
Our kuia, kaumatua are leading the way and now we need the rest of the whānau to do the same.
Currently, 67% (384,711) of the eligible Māori population have had at least one dose, of those 46% (265,424) are now fully vaccinated. 


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