




皇家委员会关于基督城清真寺恐怖袭击报告的主要协调部长安德鲁·利特尔今天宣布,政府正在建立一个预防和打击暴力极端主义国家英才中心。安德鲁.利特尔说:”国家卓越中心将是一个以新西兰大学或研究机构为基地的协作组织,政府资助对恐怖主义原因的研究,作为对 2019 年基督城清真寺恐怖袭击的持续应对的一部分。皇家调查委员会对这次袭击提出了44项建议之一,即设立一个方案,资助以新西兰为重点的关于暴力极端主义和恐怖主义的成因和措施的独立研究。在基督城发生的事情是可怕的”。 “政府承诺尽其所能防止这种情况再次发生,这就是为什么我们原则上接受了皇家委员会的所有44项建议。

6月,第一届全国反恐和暴力极端主义论坛的与会者讨论了国家卓越中心的目标和优先事项。我们正在采取下一步行动,并制定一个方案,资助专门针对新西兰的研究,以帮助我们了解我们在基督城和奥克兰看到的暴力行动的原因和预防方法。 我们向研究反恐和预防方法的硕士生提供至少10个奖学金,每个奖学金15,000纽币,包括社会凝聚力和社会平等等问题。




1 October 2021,Government establishes counter-terrorism research centre and scholarships
 The Lead Coordination Minister for the Royal Commission’s Report into the Terrorist Attack on the Christchurch Mosques, Andrew Little, today announced the Government is establishing a National Centre of Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism.
“The National Centre of Excellence will be a collaborative organisation based in a New Zealand university or research institute, with the Government funding research into the causes of terrorism as part of its ongoing response to the 2019 terrorist attack on mosques in Christchurch,” Andrew Little said.
Establishing a programme to fund independent New Zealand-focused research on the causes of, and measures to prevent, violent extremism and terrorism was one of 44 recommendations made by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the attack.
“ What happened in Christchurch was horrific,” Andrew Little said. “The Government is committed to doing all it can to prevent it happening again, which is why we accepted in principle all 44 of the Royal Commission’s recommendations.
“In June, participants in the first national hui on countering terrorism and violent extremism discussed the objectives and priorities for the National Centre of Excellence.
“We are now taking the next step and establishing a programme to fund research specific to New Zealand to help us understand the causes of, and ways to prevent, the violent actions we saw in Christchurch and Auckland.
“We are offering at least 10 scholarships of $15,000 each to master’s students researching ways of countering and preventing terrorism, including issues like social cohesion and social equality.
“Work done by the National Centre of Excellence and the scholarship recipients will deepen our understanding of how and why violent terrorism can occur and help us prevent it happening again,” Andrew Little said.
Scholarship applications open today and close on October 31. The position of Director of the National Centre of Excellence is also being advertised.
Yesterday, in line with another of the Royal Commission’s recommendations, the Government passed a new counter-terrorism law, making it an offence to plan or prepare to carry out a terrorist act, and bringing the definition of a terrorist act into line with counter-terrorism laws in other countries, including Australia and the United Kingdom.


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