10月12日财政部消息,政府资料显示经济具有弹性和强劲。 今天公布的年终审计官方账目显示,政府以健康为主导的COVID-19大流行方法保护了新西兰的经济。
财政部长格兰特·罗伯逊说:”几乎所有指标都表明,新西兰甚至在5月份的预算案中的表现还要更好。这表明,从2020年首次封锁开始,经济强劲反弹,对摆脱目前的疫情是个好兆头″。 “不出所料,截至2021年6月的年度,政府的账目显示,在赤字之前,其经营余额为46亿纽币。这一结果比财政部2021年预算预测的高出106亿纽币,这主要是因为经济增长继续超过财政部的预测。 核心税收入较去年增加129亿纽币,较预算案预测的980亿纽币增加64亿纽币。由于今年大部分时间处于较低的警戒水平,经济状况好于预期。强劲的劳动力市场和消费者信心推动了税收的增长。这包括增加公司税、消费税和来源扣减 (PAYE)。截至6月底,政府官方核心债务净额占GDP的30%,低于5月份预算案预测的34%。 我们在去年的COVID疫情中做出的决定,加上经济支持和卫生措施,意味着经济反弹得比几乎任何人预测的都好。这种实力使我们在疫情爆发时有财政余地来支持企业和家庭。正如世界各国所做的那样,我们不得不承担一些债务,通过COVID-19大流行来支持企业和工人,就算任何负责任的政府都会这样做。 然而,债务水平仍然低于预期,远远低于大多数国际同行。发达经济体的平均净债务超过90%。此外,按历史标准计算,偿还债务的成本也仍然很低”财政部长格兰特·罗伯逊说。 “我们将继续采取平衡的方法,投入大量资金支持福祉、向低碳经济和提高生产率过渡,同时,谨慎管理我们的资源,着眼于经济的长期可持续性。预算政策声明及半年经济和财政更新将于12月15日星期三公布”财政部长格兰特·罗伯逊说。
Government books show resilient and strong economy
The end of year audited Crown accounts released today show the Government’s health led approach to the COVID-19 pandemic has protected New Zealand’s economy.
“On almost every indicator the accounts show that the New Zealand economy has performed better than forecast, even as recently as the Budget in May. It shows a strong rebound from the first lockdown in 2020, and bodes well for emerging from the current outbreak,” Grant Robertson said.
As expected, the Crown accounts for the year to June 2021 show the operating balance before gains and losses, or OBEGAL, was in deficit, to the tune of $4.6 billion. That result was $10.6 billion better than the Treasury forecast in Budget 2021, largely owing to the economy’s growth continuing to exceed Treasury forecasts.
Core Crown tax revenue was $12.9 billion higher than last year and $6.4 billion higher than forecast in the Budget coming in at $98 billion. With the country being in lower Alert Levels for most of the year, economic conditions were better than forecast. A strong labour market and consumer confidence have driven the increase in tax revenue. This included increases in company tax, GST and source deductions (PAYE).
Net core Crown debt was 30 percent of GDP at the end of June, below the 34 percent forecast in the May Budget.
“The decisions we made during last year’s COVID outbreak with economic support and health measures meant the economy bounced back better than almost anyone predicted. That strength has given us the fiscal headroom to support businesses and households when the Delta outbreak struck.
“As all countries around the world have done, we have had to take on some debt to support businesses and workers through this COVID-19 pandemic – any responsible Government would have done the same thing.
“However the level of debt remains lower than expected and far lower than most of our international counterparts. The average for advanced economies is above 90 percent net debt. In addition the cost of servicing that debt also remains very low by historical standards,” Grant Robertson said.
“We will continue to take a balanced approach, investing heavily to support wellbeing, our transition to being a low carbon economy and to improve productivity, while carefully managing our resources with an eye to the long term sustainability of the economy.”
The Budget Policy Statement and Half-Year Economic and Fiscal Update will be released on Wednesday 15 December.
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