10月2日政府决定不进行北路,交通部长迈克尔·伍德(Michael Wood)今天宣布,政府听取了新西兰人的反馈,并决定不着手实施北通项目的独立桥梁部分,并将资金重新分配给其他减少排放和拥堵的交通项目,包括东部公交线路。

迈克尔·伍德说:”政府既听取意见,又采取行动,这意味着北大通道独立桥将不会继续。政府致力于通过我们的交通投资提供更好的步行和骑自行车机会,并减少温室气体排放,但这个特殊项目不会成为这一组合的一部分。它没有得到其规模项目所需的公众支持,我们承认这一点。 以公共交通为主导的额外港口口岸的工作将继续进行。 今年早些时候,我们在奥克兰交通调整项目 (ATAP) 中拨款 6000 万纽币,用于规划工作和进行财产收购。
迈克尔·伍德说说:独立桥梁的取消意味着我们可以支持一系列符合我们运输系统计划的其他项目,该系统既能减少排放,又能支持新住房。 资金将分配主要分四个类别:继续改善整个怀特马塔的行人和自行车通道。在奥克兰提供高度优先的运输项目。加快奥克兰战略自行车网络的推出。提供一系列高质量的区域运输项目。奥克兰将继续看到大量投资, 以支持经济复苏,这就是为什么我们打算利用这笔资金的一部分来推动东部巴士道向前发展”迈克尔·伍德说。 “东奥克兰不能再等更好的公共交通了,我想感谢市长菲尔·戈夫,并列出议员陈耐锶在这个问题上的宣传。该项目将实现与减少排放和拥堵的桥梁类似的目标。
我们想提出的另一个项目,给东奥克兰人更多的选择是格伦因内斯和潘穆雷之间的1.9公里连接新的东巴士道自行车道与格伦因内斯和田崎自行车道。未来几个月将进行更多工作,以确定奥克兰战略自行车网络中可以交付的其他关键环节。 我们还将继续认识到改善行人和骑自行车穿越怀特马塔的重要性。 海路自行车道项目将继续进行,海港大桥的终点将进行一些重新设计。 我们将运行一个简短的过程,以调查低成本的选择,以创建一个连接步行和骑自行车穿越Waitematé之前,额外的港叉口建成。 我知道有些人会呼吁在现有桥上永久分配一条车道,用于步行和骑自行车,但我们不会寻求这一选择。关于进入国家公路网的决定正式由Waka Kotahi委员会作出,我现在已正式写信给他们,表示我支持在平静的暑假期间进行临时审核,但须符合安全才考虑。 我们还计划向阿什伯顿铁路枢纽投资200万纽币,以解锁该地区货运运营的1400万纽币升级。与当地货运公司Wareing Group、KiwiRail和阿什伯顿区议会的这种合作将使铁路货运能力增加两倍,帮助更多的卡车上路,减少排放,并支持区域经济。
当地议员 Jo Luxton 一直是将合作伙伴聚集在一起,让阿什伯顿铁路枢纽搬迁的核心,我感谢她的工作。在今后几个月内,还将开展进一步的工作,以确认和资助支持脱碳和住房目标的更多高质量区域项目。
新西兰政府目前正在大力推进,已完成5个项目,9个在建项目,18个设计和同意项目,新西兰上下雇用了900多人。 我也很高兴地确认,最近的气候影响评估表明,随着政府最近做出的决定,新西兰现在将产生净减排”部长说。 部长还说:”随着现在做出的大多数重大决定,我期待该计划继续支持我们的经济复苏,同时为新西兰人提供更好、更低碳的运输成果”。
Waka Kotahi 将研究在怀特马特港之间为有效运输方式提供替代过境通道的解决方案,同时继续对作为北部走廊改善项目一部分正在建设的更宽阔的北通道的陆路路段开展工作。拨给北通道项目北科特的桥梁部分和陆上部分的7.85纽币元已拨付,以支付与清盘该项目和调查替代方案相关的费用,其余资金将用于投资于有助于城市发展和减排的优先项目目标。政府已同意提供资金支持:
• 解决奥克兰交通调整项目 (ATAP) 资金压力。政府打算提供这笔资金,以支持东巴士道项目,因为政府支持该项目的比例将高于它已承诺的50%。
• Waka Kotahi 的调查旨在探索在怀特马特港上空步行和骑自行车连接的短期、中期和长期解决方案。较短的选项可能包括专用自行车渡轮或巴士,与海港大桥北端和南端的现有和规划基础设施无缝连接。
• 提出奥克兰交通优先项目,以改善奥克兰的步行和骑自行车,超越在 ATAP 中已经承诺的项目。政府打算提供这笔资金,以支持格伦因内斯和潘穆雷之间1.9公里的连接,将新的东部巴士道自行车道与格伦因内斯自行车道连接起来,连接田崎自行车道。
• 支持奥克兰以外的支持气候变化和住房目标的区域项目,如阿什伯顿铁路枢纽。这将把铁路集装箱容量从6000个20英尺等效装置(TEU)提升至20 000个,进而帮助将货物从公路转移到铁路,降低道路维护成本,避免排放。其他好处包括提高工业区土地的价值和鼓励进一步发展,以及与理事会关于阿什伯顿增长的空间战略的战略一致。它还将避免当地城镇道路被马车堵塞。
Waka Kotahi 在 2019 年进行的早期工作表明,瓦卡·科塔希继承的原始 SkyPath 设计尚未经过严格测试。它确定了若干工程和施工的复杂性和不确定性,包括围绕拟议材料。它在结构上也不可行,因为它与海港大桥的夹件相连,而海港大桥的夹子被证明不是一个可行的选择。
Government decides not to proceed with Northern Pathway
The Government has listened to feedback from New Zealanders and has decided not to proceed with the standalone bridge component of the Northern Pathway project and reallocate the funding to other transport projects that reduce emissions and congestion including the Eastern busway, Transport Minister Michael Wood announced today.
“The Government has both listened and acted, meaning that the Northern Pathway standalone bridge will not be going ahead,” Michael Wood said
“The Government is committed to providing better access to walking and cycling and reducing greenhouse emissions through our transport investments, but this particular project won’t be part of that mix. It didn’t get the public support needed for a project of its scale and we acknowledge that.
“Work will continue on a public transport-led additional harbour crossing. We allocated $60 million in the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) earlier this year for planning work and property acquisition to occur.
“The cancellation of the standalone bridge means we can support a range of other projects consistent with our plan for a transport system that both reduces emissions and supports new housing,” Michael Wood said.
Funding will be allocated across four main categories:
Continued work to improve pedestrian and cycle access across the Waitemata
Delivering high priority transport projects in Auckland
Accelerating the rollout of the Auckland strategic cycling network
Delivering a range of high quality regional transport projects。
“Auckland will continue to see significant investment to support the economic recovery and get the city moving – which is why it’s our intention to use part of this funding to bring the Eastern Busway forward,” Michael Wood said.
“East Auckland can’t afford to wait longer for better public transport and I want to acknowledge Mayor Phil Goff and list MP Naisi Chen for their advocacy on this issue. This project will achieve similar objectives to the bridge of reducing emissions and congestion.
“Another project we want to bring forward to give East Aucklanders more choices is a 1.9km link between Glen Innes and Panmure to connect the new Eastern Busway cycleway with the Glen Innes to Tamaki cycleway. Additional work will occur in the coming months to identify other key links in the Auckland strategic cycling network that can be delivered.
“We will also continue to recognise the importance of better pedestrian and cycling access across the Waitemata.
“The Seapath cycleway project will continue, with some re-design at the harbour bridge end. We will run a short process to investigate lower cost options to create a connection for walking and cycling across the Waitematā before the additional harbour crossing is built.
“I know there will be calls from some to permanently allocate a lane on the existing bridge for walking and cycling but we will not be pursuing this option. Decisions about access to the state highway network formally sit with the Waka Kotahi Board and I have now formally written to them to express my support for a temporary trial that could occur over the quiet summer holiday months, subject to safety considerations being met.
“We also plan to invest $2 million into the Ashburton Rail Hub to unlock a $14 million upgrade to freight operations in the area. This partnership with local freight company Wareing Group, KiwiRail and Ashburton District Council will triple rail freight capacity, helping to get more trucks off the road, reducing emissions, and supporting the regional economy.
“Local MP Jo Luxton has been central to bringing partners together to get the Ashburton Rail Hub moving and I thank her for that work. Over the next few months further work will be undertaken to confirm and fund additional high-quality regional projects that support de-carbonisation and housing objectives.
“This re-allocation of funding substantively completes a series of decisions that the Government has made to get the NZ Upgrade Programme (NZUP) back on track this year. We have made a number of hard decisions to take account of the need to decarbonise transport, to manage escalating costs, and to respond to clear public views.
“NZUP is now moving ahead strongly with five projects completed, nine projects in construction, 18 in design and consenting, and over 900 people employed up and down New Zealand.
“I am also pleased to confirm that recent Climate Impact Assessments show that with recent government decisions, NZUP now will result in a net emissions reduction.
“With most of the major decisions now made, I look forward to the Programme continuing to support our economic recovery while delivering better and lower carbon transport outcomes for New Zealanders,” Michael Wood said.
Waka Kotahi will investigate solutions for an alternate crossing for active modes of transport across the Waitematā Harbour while continuing work on landward sections of the wider Northern Pathway already under construction as part of the Northern Corridor Improvements Project.
The $785 million allocated for the bridge portion and landward section out to Northcote of the Northern Pathway Project has been ringfenced to meet costs associated with winding up that portion of the project and investigating alternatives – the remaining funding will be then used to invest in high priority projects that will contribute towards urban development and emissions reductions goals.
The Government has agreed funding will support:
Addressing Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) funding pressures. The Government intends for this funding to support the Eastern Busway project, which will see Government supporting an even greater proportion of the project than the 50 per cent it was already committed to.
Waka Kotahi’s investigations to explore short, medium and long-term solutions for a walking and cycling connection over the Waitematā Harbour. Shorter term options could include dedicated bike ferries or busses, to link seamlessly with existing and planned infrastructure on the northern and southern end of the Harbour Bridge.
Bringing forward Auckland Transport priority projects for improving walking and cycling in Auckland beyond the projects already committed to in ATAP. The Government intends for this funding to support a 1.9km link between Glen Innes and Panmure to connect the new Eastern Busway cycleway with the Glen Innes to Tamaki cycleway.
Supporting regional projects outside of Auckland that support climate change and housing objectives, such as the Ashburton Rail Hub. This would lift the rail container capacity from 6,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) to 20,000, in turn assisting shifting freight from road to rail, reducing road maintenance costs and avoiding emissions. Additional benefits include lifting the value of industrial precinct land and encouraging further development, and strategic alignment to the Council’s spatial strategy for the growth of Ashburton. It would also avoid local town roads being blocked by wagons.
Early work carried out by Waka Kotahi in 2019 showed the original SkyPath design that Waka Kotahi inherited had not been robustly tested. It identified several engineering and constructability complexities and uncertainties including around the proposed material. It was also not structurally viable because it connected to the Harbour Bridge clip-ons which was shown not to be a viable option.
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