能源及资源部长梅根·伍兹博士今天宣布,政府新近一轮低排放交通基金(LETF)的前两轮资助现已开放供申请。 ” LETF的范围从以前存在的低排放车辆可竞争基金(LEVCF) 扩大,具有更广泛的公路和越野项目资格,通过创新的运输技术和基础设施,增加资金,帮助加速运输部门的脱碳。LETF 旨在支持高潜力和可复制解决方案的演示以及低排放技术的采用。由于运输占新西兰温室气体排放总量的21%左右,因此使该行业脱碳至关重要。我们对应对这一挑战的承诺是坚定的。梅根·伍兹说。
两轮比赛将于10月7日开赛。2022年将开设更多回合,重点领域包括越野以及海洋和航空部门。 我们知道,早期行动对于加快低排放解决方案的设计和更新至关重要,这些解决方案随后可以在商业规模上模仿。该基金是关于刺激这些解决方案,并建立在LEVCF的成功的基础上。在LEVCF的10 轮中,批准了202 个低排放项目,获得了 3,580万纽币的共同资助。项目接受者自己投资了7780万纽币。从电动汽车充电到重型运输,到社区团体的电动汽车共享计划项目都由共同资助。新西兰的组织已经找到了创新的、有碳意识的解决方案来满足他们的运输需求,我非常期待看到 LETF 将产生什么结果”Megan Woods 说。EECA 将于 10 月 14 日星期一中午为任何相关方举办网络研讨会。
关于 LETF由EECA管理的低排放运输基金支持示范和采用低排放运输技术、创新和基础设施,以加速新西兰运输部门的脱碳。该基金将侧重于运输部门的活动,将公路、越野公路以及海洋和航空部门的人/货物运送到。 展示创新解决方案,使未来的采用和部署成为可能减少运输部门与能源有关的排放。通过共同投资和传播新知识和新知识解决市场和组织障碍,分享知识和学习,以促进运输部门更广泛地复制成功的项目和解决方案。不包括更广泛的运输系统和活动(如道路建设、城市设计、模式转变政策)。
Government puts ‘pedal to metal’ on cutting transport emissions
· Government’s Low Emission Transport Fund open for applications
· Broader scope for projects on and off-road
· More funding available
The first two funding rounds of the Government’s new look Low Emission Transport Fund (LETF) are now open for applications, the Minister of Energy and Resources Dr Megan Woods announced today.
“The LETF has a broadened scope from its previous existence as the Low Emission Vehicle Contestable Fund (LEVCF), with wider eligibility for projects on and off-road, with increased funding to help accelerate the decarbonisation of the transport sector, through innovative transport technology and infrastructure.
“The LETF is designed to support the demonstration of high potential and replicable solutions and low emission technology adoption. As transport makes up around 21% of New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonising the sector is of vital importance. Our commitment to tackling this challenge is resolute,” says Megan Woods.
The first round will provide co-funding for low emission vehicles and transport technology. The second round will focus on the installation of further public charging infrastructure.
Total funding will reach up to $25 million per year by 2023/24, with the Government increasing its contribution to up to $12.5 million per year by 2023/24, as announced in Budget 2021.
Both rounds open on October 7. Further rounds will open in 2022 with additional focus areas, including off-road and in the marine and aviation sectors.
“We know early action is vital to speed up the design and up-take of low emissions solutions which can then be replicated at a commercial scale. This fund is about stimulating these solutions and building on the success of the LEVCF.
“Across the LEVCF’s 10 rounds, 202 low-emission projects were approved, receiving $35.8 million in co-funding. Project recipients invested $77.8 million themselves.
“Projects were co-funded for everything from EV charging to heavy transport to electric car share schemes for community groups. New Zealand organisations have found innovative, carbon conscious solutions for their transport needs, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what will come out of the LETF,” said Megan Woods.
EECA is hosting a webinar for any interested parties, on Monday October 14 at noon.
To find out more and apply, visit: Low Emission Transport Fund | EECA
Contact: Jo Leavesley – 021 839 835
Notes to editors:
About the LETF
The Low Emission Transport Fund, administered by EECA, supports the demonstration and adoption of low emission transport technology, innovation and infrastructure to accelerate the decarbonisation of the New Zealand transport sector.
The fund will focus on activities in the transport sector that move people and/or goods on roads, off-road, and in the marine and aviation sectors to:
Demonstrate innovative solutions that will enable future adoption and deployment
Reduce energy related emissions in the transport sector
Address market and organisational barriers through co-investment and diffusion of new knowledge and learnings, and
Share knowledge and learnings to stimulate wider replication of successful projects and solutions in the transport sector.
Wider transport systems and activities (such as building roads, urban design, mode shift policy) are excluded.
Each round of the LETF, will provide co-funding to a particular area of interest (unlike the previous LEVCF, in which each round welcomed the full range of applications). An announcement will be made in advance of each funding round advising which areas of interest will be included.
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