政府再分发 5万多个食品包裹和 2万个基本福利包






9月13日社会发展部消息,社会发展部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼今天宣布,政府正在对奥克兰的支持需求作出反应,并承诺再提供1 000万纽币,帮助人们获得正在进行的粮食和其他必需品。

新西兰社会发展部和就业部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”最新一期的食品以奥克兰地区为目标,帮助供应商和组织再分发 50,000 多个食品包裹和 20,000 个基本福利包。


自2021年8月17日以来,政府机构共提供了6931万纽币的额外资金,以支持为社区服务的提供者和组织。”我国政府迄今的反应已经认识到,需要以大家庭为中心的支持,需要以iwi为主导的对当地社区的反应,以及对毛利人、太平洋社区和残疾人社区的支持。特别是,奥克兰的太平洋社区受到当前疫情的影响。他们占了那些不得不自我隔离的人的一半以上, 导致整个支持网络无法激活和动员。 MSD 与奥克兰各地的太平洋社会服务提供商建立了牢固的关系,并建立了合作和支持的方法。这包括与 MSD 资助的社区连接器合作,这些连接器嵌入太平洋提供商,以支持更广泛的太平洋劳动力网络。这笔资金旨在支持他们,并在充满挑战的时刻提供连续性,并在我们从社区中消灭COVID-19。

遏制COVID-19三角洲变种扩散所需的快速公共卫生反应突出表明,需要确保同样迅速的福利反应。社会发展部将继续与整个系统的关键机构合作,确保向最需要的地区和人口协调和提供支助。 我们致力于确保我们对 COVID-19 的反应快速、协调和高效,并确保人员和社区不会独自承担锁定的负担”部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说。以前为食品供应商提供的资金是什么?·      粮食安全社区方案在2020年预算中得到资助(两年内为3200万纽币)。这笔资金将帮助满足COVID-19对食品银行、食品救援和其他社区提供者的额外需求,包括在封锁期间的需求。 这笔资金通过新西兰各地的131家食品银行、食品救援和社区提供者获得了为期两年的资金,以帮助增加需求,包括获得库存。 MSD还资助了科雷·希亚凯零饥饿集体、新西兰粮食网络和奥特亚罗亚食品救援联盟。这些组织继续与MSD合作,加强粮食安全部门。通过粮食救援组织和其他粮食中心获得粮食储备的机会有所增加,包括:新西兰粮食网络的建立是为了分发来自大型粮食生产者的剩余粮食(超过3100吨粮食或约8972771份膳食),这些粮食通过50个粮食中心分发。

如果您在获取食物方面遇到问题: 你可以问家人、朋友和邻居,他们是否能帮你送食物。交货应是非接触式的,并保持本地。您可以通过当地超市及其优先援助服务进行在线订购和安排。倒数计时新世界学生志愿军有一个杂货送货服务;可在 48 小时内(通常第二天早上)订购杂货。访问 下订单或致电 0800 005 902 通过电话订购。 如果您无法通过上述任何选项获得支持,请联系您当地的民防和应急管理小组。:如果您买不起食物: 您可以通过 MyMSD 或致电 0800 559 009 与某人讨论其情况来测试您获得 MSD 援助的资格。

如果你需要食物,你当地的食品银行也许能提供帮助。新西兰各地的食品银行和其他粮食援助服务清单可在: 如果您的需要是紧急的,或者您无法访问其他安排,请联系您当

地的民防和应急管理 (CDEM) 小组。

News from the Ministry of Social Development on September 13,Further Government support for people to access food and essential items,The Government is responding to need for support in Auckland and has committed a further $10 million to help people access ongoing food and other essential items, Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni announced today.
This latest tranche is targeted at the Auckland region, helping providers and organisations to distribute over 50,000 more food parcels, and 20,000 essential wellbeing packs.
“Our Government is focused on keeping New Zealanders safe from COVID-19. We’re committed to also ensuring people, whānau and communities are able to continue accessing the support they need, especially households who are self-isolating,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
Since 17 August 2021, a total of $69.31 million in additional funding has been provided by Government agencies to support providers and organisations serving their communities.
“Our Government’s response so far has recognised the need for whānau-centred support, iwi-led responses for their local community, as well as support for Māori, Pacific and disabled communities.
“In particular, the Pacific community in Auckland has been impacted by the current outbreak. They’ve made up over half of those having to self-isolate, resulting in entire support networks not being able to activate and mobilise.
“MSD has developed strong relationships and established an approach to working with and supporting Pacific social service providers across Auckland. This includes working with MSD-funded Community Connectors who are embedded with Pacific providers to support the broader Pacific workforce network.
“This funding aims to support them and provide continuity through what is a challenging time, and as we stamp out COVID-19 from the community.
“The rapid public health response required to contain the spread of the Delta Variant of COVID-19 has highlighted the need to ensure an equally rapid welfare response.
“The Ministry for Social Development will continue to work with key agencies across the system to ensure that support is coordinated and targeted to areas and populations with the greatest need.
“We’re committed to making sure our response to COVID-19 is rapid, coordinated and efficient, and ensuring people and our communities aren’t carrying the burden of lockdown alone.” Carmel Sepuloni said.

What has been previously funded for food providers?
·       The Food Secure Communities programme was funded in Budget 2020 ($32 million over two years).
·       This funding is to help meet the additional demand on foodbanks, food rescue and other community providers as a result of COVID-19, including during lockdowns.
Through this funding:

131 foodbanks, food rescue and community providers around New Zealand are have received two-year funding to help with increased demand, including access to stock.

MSD have also funded: Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective, the New Zealand Food Network and Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance. These organisations continue to work with MSD to strengthen the food security sector.

Additional access to food stocks through food rescue organisations and other food hubs has increased including:

The New Zealand Food Network was established to distribute surplus food from large scale food producers (over 3,100 tonnes of food – about 8,972,771 meals) distributed through 50 food hubs.

If you have problems accessing food:

You can ask family, friends and neighbours if they can help to deliver food to you. Delivery should be contactless and kept local.

You can make online orders and arrangements through local supermarkets and their Priority Assistance service.


New World:

The Student Volunteer Army have a Grocery Delivery Service. Orders can be made for groceries with deliveries within 48 hours (usually the following morning). Visit to place your order or call 0800 005 902 to order via the phone.

If you can’t access support through any of the options above, contact your local Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group. Go to:

If you are unable to afford food:

You can test your eligibility for assistance from MSD via MyMSD or by calling 0800 559 009 to talk to someone about their circumstances.

If you need food, your local foodbank maybe able to help. A list of food banks and other food assistance services across New Zealand can be found on 

If your need is urgent or you are unable to access other arrangements, contact your local Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group.


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