10 月28日新西兰气候变化部消息,公共部门的清洁能源升级。更多的国有部门组织将得到支持,以转向清洁能源,作为政府到2025年建立碳中和公共部门计划的一部分。
气候变化部长詹姆斯·肖说”我们的政府一直在新西兰的公共组织中投入数千万纽币用于清洁能源项目,帮助创造就业机会,支持我们从COVID-19恢复。我今天宣布的项目将在此基础上再接再厉,并将有助于在 2025 年之前推进向碳中和公共部门的过渡。今天的资助公告将支持清洁能源项目包括:在国有部门车队中再增加127辆电动汽车,提升大学和其他公共组织,以使用清洁、气候友好型能源运营。
在过去四年中,我们为新西兰的繁荣、低排放的未来奠定了基础。这包括通过《零碳法》和诸如国家部门脱碳基金等倡议,帮助组织进行小而必要的改革,这些变革加在一起,为新西兰带来更好、更清洁的未来。 无论是当地学校、大学还是医院,大多数新西兰人都希望能够在以清洁能源为动力的温暖、节能的建筑中获得所需的公共服务。他们还想知道,我们重要的公共部门工作人员可以使用电动汽车四处走动,寻找工作。
由于今天宣布,我相信这个未来比以往任何时候都更近”。 今天宣布的项目的完整列表是:
· 30,000纽币用于南卫生局在 Tokanui 医疗中心用电热泵解决方案更换柴油锅炉,在十年内估计减少83吨碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约 8.3 吨)。南部卫生局将从自己的预算中投资45,000纽币。 坎特伯雷,坎特伯雷大学将耗资216万纽币,扩大其伊拉姆校区现有锅炉项目的范围,彻底消除该基地的煤炭使用,并在十年内再减少2万吨碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约2,000吨)。坎特伯雷大学将从自己的预算中再投资324万纽币。这是去年7月宣布的一个 物质锅炉取代燃煤锅炉。
· 坎特伯雷卫生局(DHB),在基督城妇女医院安装高效照明,在十年内减少碳排放约 340 吨(十年内平均每年约 34 吨)。 坎雷卫生局将投资204,000纽币在这个项目上。
· 林肯大学,在校园安装高效照明,在十年内减少碳排放约430吨(每年约43吨一平均超过十年),林肯大学将从自己的预算中投资298,000纽币。
奥塔戈,奥塔哥大学在其寄宿学院阿拉纳学院用木颗粒锅炉取代燃煤锅炉,在十年内估计减少碳排放7,175吨(十年内平均每年约717.5吨)。奥塔哥大学将从自己的预算中投资337,000纽币。纳尔逊/马尔伯勒,67,000万,用于纳尔逊马尔伯勒 DHB 在布伦海姆的威劳医院安装高效照明,在十年内减少约 254 吨碳排放(十年内平均每年约 25.4 吨)。纳尔逊马尔伯勒卫生局将从自己的预算中投资10万纽币。
惠灵顿,109.6 万纽币用于资本和海岸卫生郊野公园在资本和海岸卫生局站点安装高效照明,在十年内估计减少 1,900 吨碳排放(十年内平均每年约 190 吨)。资本和海岸 Dhb 将从自己的预算中投资 164.4 万纽币。
· 155.3万纽币用于第一产业部购买52辆电动汽车和充电基础设施。第一产业部将从自己的预算中投资170.7万纽币。经济合作委员会(EECA)估计,这将在十年内减少约1,001吨的碳排放量(十年内平均每年减少约100.1吨)。
塔拉纳基, 105,000纽币用于西方理工学院购买三辆电动汽车和安装充电基础设施,在十年内减少约101吨碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约10.1吨)。西方理工学院将从自己的预算中投资137,000纽。 怀卡托∴138,000纽币用于怀卡托理工学院 (Wintec) 在校园安装高效照明。温泰克将从自己的预算中投资208,000纽币。EECA估计,这将在十年内减少约319吨的碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约31.9吨)。
· 怀卡托大学用低排放替代品取代校园里的冷水机组,在十年内减少碳排放量估计为170吨(十年内平均每年减少17吨)。西方理工学院将从自己的预算中投资12万纽币。
· 154,000纽币用于怀卡托大学在校园内安装高效照明,在十年内减少约170吨碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约17吨)。怀卡托大学将从自己的预算中投资154,000纽币。
· 12万纽币用于怀卡托卫生局在怀卡托医院的米德临床中心安装高效照明,在十年内减少约330吨碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约33吨)。怀卡托卫生局将从自己的预算中投资18万纽币。 奥克兰
· 203.1 万纽币用于奥克兰 Dhb 将格拉夫顿校区的 A32 大楼过渡到引领(LDE)照明。EECA估计,该项目将在十年内减少约4,813吨的碳排放(十年内平均每年减少约481.3吨)。
· 186.6 万纽币用于 Waitemata卫生局购买 72 辆电动汽车并安装充电基础设施,在 10 年内减少约 1,251 吨碳排放(十年内平均每年约 125.1 吨)。威特马塔DHB将从自己的预算中投资186.6万纽币。· 366,000纽币用于麦卢考县卫生局,用于在麦卢考健康公园用低排放替代品取代冷水机组,在十年内减少碳排放量约 3,991 吨(约 399 吨)。十年内平均每年1吨)。麦卢考县卫生局将从自己的预算中投资549,000纽币。
Clean energy upgrade for public sector
More state sector organisations will be supported to switch to clean energy as part the Government’s plan for a carbon neutral public sector by 2025.
The Minister of Climate Change, James Shaw has allocated another $13.2 million from the Government’s $220 million State Sector Decarbonisation Fund to purchase electric vehicles and replace coal boilers with cleaner alternatives.
The fund has now supported state sector organisations across Aotearoa to purchase nearly 600 electric vehicles and replace more than 100 coal boilers.
“Our Government has been putting tens of millions of dollars into clean energy projects in public organisations across Aotearoa, helping to create jobs and support our recovery from COVID-19.
“The projects I am announcing today build on this and will help progress the transition to a carbon neutral public sector by 2025,” James Shaw said.
The clean energy projects that will be supported by today’s funding announcement include:
· Adding another 127 electric vehicles to the state sector fleet
· Upgrading universities and other public organisations to run on clean, climate-friendly energy
“Over the last four years we have laid the foundations for a prosperous, low-emission future of Aotearoa. This includes the passing of the Zero Carbon Act and initiatives like the State Sector Decarbonisation Fund which help organisations to make the small but necessary changes that together add up to a better, cleaner future for Aotearoa New Zealand.
“Whether it’s a local school, a university, or a hospital, most New Zealanders want to be able to access the public services they need in warm, energy efficient buildings powered by clean energy. They also want to know that our essential public sector workers can get around for their jobs using electric vehicles.
“Because of today’s announcement I am confident that this future is closer within reach than ever before,” James Shaw said.
Further information
The full list of projects announced today are:
· $2.8 million for the Department of Corrections to replace a coal boiler with a wood pellet boiler at Invercargill Prison. The Department of Corrections will invest $1.213 million from its own budget. EECA estimates this will reduce carbon emissions by around 8,742 tonnes over ten years (around 874.2 tonnes per annum on average over ten years).
· $30,000 for Southern DHB to replace a diesel boiler with an electric heat pump solution at the Tokanui Medical Centre, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 83 tonnes over ten years (around 8.3 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Southern DHB will invest $45,000 from its own budget.
· $2.16 million for University of Canterbury to expand the scope of an existing boiler project at its Ilam campus, completely eliminating coal use at the site and reducing carbon emissions by a further 20,000 tonnes over ten years (around 2,000 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). University of Canterbury will invest a further $3.240 million from its own budget. This is an expansion of a project announced in July last year ($6.24 million) to replace a coal boiler with a biomass boiler.
· $204,000 for Canterbury DHB to install efficient lighting at Christchurch Women’s Hospital, reducing carbon emissions by around 340 tonnes over ten years (around 34 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Canterbury DHB will invest $204,000 in this project.
· $198,000 for Lincoln University to install efficient lighting on campus, reducing carbon emissions by around 430 tonnes over ten years (around 43 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Lincoln University will invest $298,000 from its own budget.
· $224,000 for University of Otago to replace a coal boiler with a wood pellet boiler at its residential college Arana College, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 7,175 tonnes over ten years (around 717.5 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). University of Otago will invest $337,000 from its own budget.
· $67,000 million for Nelson Marlborough DHB to install efficient lighting at Wairau Hospital in Blenheim, reducing carbon emissions by around 254 tonnes over ten years (around 25.4 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Nelson Marlborough DHB will invest $100,000 from its own budget.
· $1.096 million for Capital & Coast DHB to install efficient lighting across Capital & Coast DHB sites, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 1,900 tonnes over ten years (around 190 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Capital & Coast DHB will invest $1.644 million from its own budget.
· $1.553 million for the Ministry for Primary Industries to purchase 52 electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The Ministry of Primary Industries will invest $1.707 million from its own budget. EECA estimates this will reduce carbon emissions by around 1,001 tonnes over ten years (around 100.1 tonnes per annum on average over ten years).
· $105,000 for Western Institute of Technology to purchase three electric vehicles and install charging infrastructure, reducing carbon emissions by around 101 tonnes over ten years (around 10.1 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Western Institute of Technology will invest $137,000 from its own budget.
· $138,000 for Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) to install efficient lighting on campus. Wintec will invest $208,000 from its own budget. EECA estimates this will reduce carbon emissions by around 319 tonnes over ten years (around 31.9 tonnes per annum on average over ten years).
· $100,000 for University of Waikato to replace a chiller on campus with a low emissions alternative, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 170 tonnes over ten years (around 17 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Western Institute of Technology will invest $120,000 from its own budget.
· $154,000 for University of Waikato to install efficient lighting on campus, reducing carbon emissions by around 170 tonnes over ten years (around 17 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). The University of Waikato will invest $154,000 from its own budget.
· $120,000 for Waikato DHB to install efficient lighting at Waikato Hospital’s Meade Clinical Centre, reducing carbon emissions by around 330 tonnes over ten years (around 33 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Waikato DHB will invest $180,000 from its own budget.
· $2.031 million for Auckland DHB to transition Building A32 at its Grafton campus to LED lighting. EECA estimates the project will reduce carbon emissions by around 4,813 tonnes over ten years (around 481.3 tonnes per annum on average over ten years).
· $1.866 million for Waitemata DHB to purchase 72 electric vehicles and install charging infrastructure, reducing carbon emissions by around 1,251 tonnes over ten years (around 125.1 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Waitemata DHB will invest $1.866 million from its own budget.
· $366,000 for Counties Manukau DHB to replace a chiller with a low emissions alternative at Manukau Health Park, reducing carbon emissions by around 3,991 tonnes over ten years (around 399.1 tonnes per annum on average over ten years). Counties Manukau DHB will invest $549,000 from its own budget.
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