8月17日政府准备向护士提出历史性的薪酬公平提议。卫生部长安德鲁利特尔今天上午公告中的讲话笔记如下: “今天,我宣布内阁关于DHB雇用的护士的薪酬公平要求的决定。

必须澄清,为提高护士的薪酬,已经有两个单独的程序。 第一个是薪酬公平程序,始于2018年,当时护士组织、区卫生局和政府同意作为薪酬结算的一部分,解决长期存在的薪酬权益要求。大约在同一时间,PSA也达成了协议,两个工会的薪酬权益要求也同时进行。这些协议包括工会、卫生署和其他政府机构之间密切合作的进程。正常的集体谈判没有能力处理历史上的薪酬公平问题,这就是为什么政府注重薪酬公平。工会和多氯联苯之间商定的薪酬公平程序涉及协议中提及的若干步骤或里程碑。 前四个里程碑是:- 确认护士是否因性别而低估- 识别比较者 – 即具有可比技能和责任的工作或职业- 评估这些技能、责任和工作条件- 量化股权差距。 这不是一个直截了当的过程。事实证明,它比最初想象的要复杂得多,因此需要的时间比预期的要长。没有人有过错。这是它的方式。我们现在正处于薪酬公平进程的第五个里程碑。这一里程碑需要就薪酬权益索赔进行谈判。护士工资的第二个程序是常规续订适用的集体协议。 去年开始为续签集体协议进行谈判。这些谈判通常侧重于工资率的生活费用调整以及集体协议中的其他条件。 的确,近几个月来双方交换的要约包括了与支付股权相关的要素,这实际上是未来协议的预付款。这些提议已经认识到,解决薪酬权益索赔所花的时间比任何人想象的要长得多。但这些提议并不是要就薪酬权益要求本身进行谈判。尚未就续签护士组织集体协议达成协议。我知道PSA正在向其成员提出要约供其考虑。 内阁昨天作出决定,为准备第五阶段,即工资权益要求的谈判,内阁已经批准了两件事: · 多氯联苯现在将谈判的任务 · 资金,以满足由此产生的协议的成本。 我之前说过,我期望一旦达成协议,薪酬权益申请将增加每年数亿美元的护士工资。这仍然是我的期望。今天上午,我已致函工会、卫生署和卫生部,请他们尽快展开谈判。这是人们期待已久的,很可能是这个国家有史以来最重要的薪酬权益结算。而且现在不是时间问题。新西兰于1972年通过了《同工同酬法》,在许多职业中,妇女的收入仍然低于男子。 我们知道护士的工资太低,这就是为什么我们致力于支付股权。我们就护士薪酬公平问题达成令人满意的协议的决心仍未减弱。对护士们,我说我知道实现公平薪酬并不是你唯一关心的问题。由于人员轮班时间短,以及安全人员配置协议中护理能力需求管理 (或 CCDM) 协议的推出不均衡,你们中的许多人在工作中面临着挑战性的条件。 关于这个问题,我可以确认以下几点: 我已成立护理顾问小组,负责检讨CCDM的实施情况及基本方法。该小组的四名成员在独立秘书处的支持下,将研究CCDM在哪里成功运作,执行工作尚未完成。小组将听取护士们关于可以采取哪些措施来确保人员配备安全的情况。它将研究有效性, 包括员工满意度和患者结果, 以及 Ccdm 是否适合目的。我将在未来几天内确认小组的组成。 小组将在三个月后向我报告。承认薪酬公平和找到解决当前人员配置问题的解决方案是当前的首要任务。我们致力于这些问题。关于薪酬权益要求只有一条前进的道路,即尽快开始谈判。我敦促各方这样做”。
On August 17th, the government prepared to make a historic pay fair proposal to nurses. Secretary of Health Andrew Little’s speech notes in this morning’s announcement are as follows:
Speech notes from this morning’s announcement Today I am announcing Cabinet’s decisions on the pay-equity claim for nurses employed by DHBs.
It is important to clarify there have been two separate processes under way to improve on nurses’ pay.
The first is the pay equity process which started in 2018 when the Nurses’ Organisation, the District Health Boards and the Government agreed as part of the pay settlement at that time to address a longstanding pay equity claim.
Around the same time, the PSA also reached agreement and the pay equity claims of both unions have proceeded together.
Those agreements included a process involving close collaboration between the unions, the DHBs and other government agencies.
Normal collective bargaining is not equipped for dealing with historical pay equity issues, which is why the Government is focussing on pay-equity.
The pay-equity process agreed between the unions and the DHBs involves a number of steps – or milestones, as they are referred to in the agreement.
The first four milestones were:
– confirming whether there is sex-based undervaluation of nurses
– identifying comparators – that is, jobs or occupations with comparable skills and responsibilities
– evaluating those skills, responsibilities and work conditions
– quantifying the equity gap.
This is not a straight forward process. It has proven to be more complicated than originally thought and so has taken longer than expected. No one is at fault. It is the way it is.
We are now at milestone five of the pay equity process. This milestone entails negotiation over the pay equity claim.
The second process for nurses’ pay is the conventional renewal of the applicable collective agreements.
Bargaining for renewal of collective agreements started last year. These negotiations generally focus on a cost of living adjustment for pay rates as well as addressing other conditions in the collective agreement.
It is true that offers exchanged between the parties in recent months have included an element related to pay equity – effectively an advance on an agreement in the future.
Those offers have recognised that the time taken to settle the pay equity claim is way longer than anyone thought it would be. But those offers have not been about negotiating the pay equity claim itself.
No agreement has been reached on renewal of the Nurses Organisation collective agreement. I understand the PSA is taking an offer to their members for consideration.
Coming to Cabinet’s decisions yesterday, in preparation for milestone five, which is negotiation of the pay equity claim, Cabinet has approved two things:
· the mandate under which DHBs will now negotiate
· funding to meet the cost of the resulting agreement.
I have said before it is my expectation that the pay equity claim once agreed will add hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the current pay roll for nurses. This is still my expectation.
This morning I have written to the unions, the DHBs and the Ministry of Health and invited them to commence negotiations as soon as possible.
This has been long-awaited and is likely to be the most significant pay-equity settlement this country has ever seen.
And it is not before time. New Zealand passed the Equal Pay Act in 1972 and still, in many occupations, women earn less than men.
We know that nurses are underpaid, and that is why we are committed to pay equity.
Our resolve to reach a satisfactory agreement over pay equity for nurses remains undiminished.
To nurses I say I am aware achieving fair pay is not the only issue you are concerned about.
Many of you are facing challenging conditions at work because of short-staffed shifts and the uneven roll-out of Care Capacity Demand Management (or CCDM) agreement in the safe staffing accord.
On this question I can confirm the following:
I have established a Nursing Advisory Group which will have the task of reviewing the implementation of CCDM and the underlying methodology.
The four members of the group, supported by an independent secretariat, will look at where CCDM is operating successfully and where implementation is not complete.
The group will hear from nurses about what can be done better to ensure safe-staffing levels.
It will look at effectiveness – including staff satisfaction and patient outcomes – and whether CCDM is fit for purpose.
I will confirm the make-up of the group in the days to come.
The group will report to me in three months’ time.
Recognising pay equity and finding solutions to the current staffing problems are top priorities right now.
We are committed to these issues.
There is only one way forward on the pay-equity claim, and that is to commence negotiations as soon as possible.
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