新西兰新闻秘书处9月2日消息,面对科维德-19,大力推动支持太平洋共同体,卫生部副部长奥皮托·威廉·西奥说,政府已同意增加2600万纽币,以支持我们的太平洋社区应对目前爆发的COVID-19三角洲变种。 “我们知道我们需要让社区中每一个符合条件的人接种疫苗,这将有助于这一努力”奥皮托·威廉·西奥说 托·威廉·西奥说:” 这项投资将允许更有针对性和更有效地支持我们的太平洋社区,因为我们继续尽我们所能消除病毒,并保护奥特亚罗亚新西兰人民免受COVID-19。额外资金将用于太平洋保健和残疾服务:继续应对当前疫情,扩大流动外联和太平洋社区疫苗接种服务,改善参与和沟通,以接触太平洋社区内的特定族裔群体。这 2600 万纽币是我们应对工作的重要且非常需要的投资。这将确保我们的太平洋卫生和残疾人部门拥有所需的资源,既能继续提供关键服务,又能进一步为我们的 aiga 和社区提供更大规模的支持”。
“我们的太平洋供应商一再证明,它们是我们太平洋社区应对这一疫情的关键部分。在2020年8月的疫情和今天,他们是每天在前线的英雄,保护我们的家庭和社区的安全。这些供应商是已知的,并信任的社区,他们都生活和工作。他们拥有最有效应对所需的语言技能和文化智慧”奥皮托·威廉·西奥说。 他还说:″我们对挑战的解决方案在于社区内部。政府认识到,需要支持太平洋卫生和残疾部门,以领导我们太平洋社区的反应。我为我们的太平洋供应商、领导者、社区和 aiga 在保护我们所有人的安全方面发挥各自的作用而感到自豪″。
News from the New Zealand Information Secretariat September 2,Major boost to support the Pacific Community in the face of Covid-19The Government has agreed to a $26 million boost to support our Pacific communities in this current outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta variant, Associate Minister of Health, Aupito William Sio said.“We know we need to get every eligible person in our communities vaccinated and this will help this effort,” Aupito William Sio said.“This investment will allow for more targeted and effective support to our Pacific communities as we continue to do everything in our power to eliminate the virus and to keep the people of Aotearoa New Zealand safe from COVID-19.The extra funding will go towards Pacific health and disability services; sustaining the response to the current outbreak, scaling up mobile outreach and Pacific community vaccination services, and improving engagement and communications to reach specific ethnic groups within the Pacific community.“This $26 million is a significant and much needed investment into our response. This will ensure that our Pacific health and disability sector have the resources they need both to continue delivering critical services, and to upscale further support for our aiga and communities,” Aupito William Sio said.“Our Pacific providers have proven time and time again, that they are an essential part of the Government’s response to this outbreak for our Pacific communities. In the August 2020 outbreak and today, they are the heroes on the frontline everyday out there keeping our families and communities safe.“These providers are known and trusted by the communities that they both live and work in. They have the language skills and the cultural intelligence required for the most effective response.“E fofo e le alamea le alamea, the solutions for our challenges lie within communities, “Aupito William Sio said.“The Government recognises that the Pacific health and disability sector needs to be supported to lead the response for our Pacific communities.“I am proud of our Pacific providers, leaders, communities and aiga for stepping up to each play their part in keeping us all safe,” Aupito William Sio said.
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