政府正在通过 Whānau Ora 增加对 whānau 的支持,以帮助应对当前的 COVID-19。
“达美航空为获得食物和基本服务带来了新的挑战,同时也需要更密集的反应来维持家庭福祉。因此,在最需要的地方提供额外资金非常重要,”Whānau Ora Peeni Henare 部长说。
“及早响应满足特定社区的需求将有助于确保 whānau 的安全。三个 Whānau Ora 委托机构将立即获得 881.6 万纽币的拨款,以继续为存在复杂和重叠需求的难以到达的 whānau 提供直接和综合支持,”Peeni Henare 说。
随着有关当前警报级别变化影响的信息的展开,将根据需要再分配 1,421.6 万纽币。这将支持 Whānau Ora 提供者的工作,以满足社区对支持和服务日益增长的需求,包括获得疫苗接种、检测和自我隔离空间。 社会发展部还立即提供了200万纽币的资金,用于与 iwi 合作应对未满足的关键需求。
“社会发展部一直与我们的毛利人提供者和 iwi 合作伙伴保持定期联系。该基金认识到新兴需求的潜力,特别是在较高警报级别期间可能无法获得其他形式支持的地区。”社会发展部长 Carmel Sepuloni 说。
Government increases whānau support for COVID-19 response
The Government is increasing support for whānau through Whānau Ora to help with the current COVID-19 response. “Delta has created new challenges for access to food and essential services and also requires more intensive responses to maintain whānau wellbeing. As a result it is important that additional funding is provided where it is most needed,” Minister for Whānau Ora Peeni Henare said. “Responding early to meet specific community needs will help keep whānau safe.
“The three Whānau Ora commissioning agencies will receive an immediate boost of $8.816 million to continue to provide direct and integrated support to hard-to-reach whānau presenting with complex and overlapping needs,” Peeni Henare said.
A further $14.216 million will be distributed based on need as information on the impact of the current change in alert levels unfolds. This will support the work of Whānau Ora providers to meet the increased community need for support and services, including accessing vaccinations, testing and self-isolating spaces. The Ministry of Social Development is also making a $2 million fund immediately available to partner with iwi responding to critical unmet needs.
“The Ministry of Social Development has been in regular contact with our Maori provider and iwi partners. This fund recognises the potential for emerging need particularly in areas which may not have access to other forms of support during higher alert levels” Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni said. Funding of $1 million, from the COVID-19 Response and Resilience Fund, will also be available to support iwi community responses and assist them to update pandemic response plans to take into account the new reality of the Delta variant.
“This support follows talks in the past fortnight with over 100 iwi leaders, marae chairs, and urban authorities,” Minister for Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Kelvin Davis said. “The message has been clear, that they are well placed and eager to help improve the uptake of vaccinations in their communities, but that they need assistance and resources. We all want to raise vaccination rates and protect ourselves and each other,” Kelvin Davis said. Peeni Henare said that since the COVID-19 resurgence, Whānau Ora commissioning agencies have mobilised their provider and partner networks to redirect resources and operations to support immediate needs ranging from providing whānau with kai and hygiene packs to setting up hubs so whānau can access the support they need.
“Government will continue work to improve the interface between Whānau Ora and mainstream systems to better support whānau in the medium to longer-term,” Peeni Henare said. “This will include a focus on driving vaccination uptake across Māori and Pacific communities and geographic locations. The Whānau Ora provider and partner network are well placed to support increased vaccination coverage across urban and rural areas.
“Under higher alert levels in 2020 a strong and effective community-led response to COVID-19, by Māori for Māori, demonstrated the importance of tino rangatiratanga, promoting social wellbeing by ensuring Māori retain and enhance their wellbeing. “Māori have knowledge, capability and resources that Government needs, and are increasingly in a position to uniquely help the Crown meet its responsibilities. “The nature of the Delta variant, and in particular its increased contagiousness, mean increased needs for some whānau. For example, the changed definition of ‘contacts’ to active cases means increasing the number of people who must isolate, and some need support to do so,” Peeni Henare said. The agencies are supporting whānau to attend vaccination, testing and other health appointments, contacting whānau and kaumatua on their books to check if they need support and increasing communications across navigator and partner networks to keep whānau up to date with important health information
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