



11月5日新闻秘书处消息,新西兰承诺实现公正的过渡。气候变化部长詹姆斯-肖今天宣布,新西兰已经与其他一系列国家一起,承诺向低碳的未来进行公正的过渡。 在格拉斯哥举行的COP26会议上连夜发布的《国际公正过渡宣言》承认,各国必须以对所有人公平的方式应对气候危机。 

詹姆斯.肖说:”全球向低碳未来的过渡需要是一个公平和公正的过渡,不能让任何社区、家庭和个人落后。 前几届政府管理新西兰经济变革时期的方式,已经把太多的家庭和脆弱的社区抛在后面,这一次必须有所不同。我们的政府一直在努力为新西兰建立一个低碳的未来,在那里,每个人都有一个安全的收入,足以让他们在头上有一个温暖的屋顶,桌子上有食物。我们还建立了一个公正的过渡部门,该部门在2021年预算中得到了扩大,并建立了未来工作论坛,以便在那些受经济变化影响最大的社区建立复原力。这项工作正在支持社区以公平和公正的方式计划和管理其过渡。今天签署的宣言是在这项工作的基础上进行的。我们明年发布的减排计划将阐明我们将如何以公正、包容和公平的方式过渡到一个低碳的未来。这意味着有企业、工会、人民和受影响社区参与的过渡规划;可获得的教育和培训机会、对工作家庭的支持以及确保我们充分了解气候政策对人口群体的分布影响。 毫无疑问,向低碳未来的过渡是一个历史性的机遇,为本地企业创造新的工作和机会,降低家庭能源开销,更可持续农业部门,令人羡慕的全球品牌,更温暖、更清新的家庭。新技术为企业节省成本,以及在面对越来越多的不确定性时有更大的复原力。 我们的政府致力于确保我们以一种对每个人都公平的方式来获取这些收益”。 


5 November,NZ commits to a just transition
  New Zealand has joined with a range of other countries and committed to a just transition to a low carbon future, the Minister of Climate Change James Shaw announced today.
  The International Just Transition Declaration, launched overnight at COP26 in Glasgow, acknowledges that countries must respond to the climate crisis in a way that is fair to everyone.
  “The global transition to a low carbon future needs to be a fair and equitable transition that leaves no community, no family, and no person behind,” James Shaw said.
  “The way previous Governments have managed periods of economic change in New Zealand has left too many families and vulnerable communities behind. This time has to be different.  
  “Our Government has been working to build a low carbon future for Aotearoa New Zealand, where everyone has a secure income that pays enough for them to put a warm roof over their heads and food on the table. We have also established a Just Transition Unit, which was expanded in Budget 2021, and the Future of Work Forum to build resilience in those communities most affected by economic change. This work is supporting communities to plan and manage their transitions in a fair and equitable way. Signing the declaration today builds on this work.
  “The Emissions Reduction Plan we publish next year will set out how we will transition to a low carbon future in a just, inclusive and equitable way. That means transition planning with business, unions, iwi, and affected communities at the table; accessible education and training opportunities; support for working families; and making sure we fully understand the distributional impacts of climate policies on population groups.
  “There is no doubt that the transition to a low carbon future is an historic opportunity – the creation of new jobs and opportunities for Kiwi businesses; lower household energy bills; a more sustainable agriculture sector; an enviable global brand; warmer, drier homes; new technologies; cost savings for businesses; and greater resilience in the face of increasing uncertainty.
  “Our Government is committed to making sure we that we go about capturing these gains in a way that is fair for everyone,” James Shaw said.

  There are 15 signatories to declaration: EU Commission, UK, USA, Canada, Poland, Spain, New Zealand, Norway, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy and Belgium.


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