



新西兰新闻秘书处消息7月29消息,政府为来自新南威尔士州的受管海归人员提供另外 500 个 MIQ 房间 ,今天宣布的进一步政府行动是平衡的COVID-19 响应。 代理部长 Ayesha Verrall 说:”新西兰人希望从澳大利亚返回,同时继续保护新西兰免受 COVID-19 的侵害,这让他们更有把握。这些行动是上周预示的,并且是管理从新南威尔士州返回新西兰居民的早期程序的一部分。隔离免费航班——敦促剩余的旅客立即预订座位。 在上周宣布暂时停止与澳大利亚的旅行泡沫时,政府为新南威尔士州以外的州和地区的合格旅客提供了 7 天的宽限期返回”。 Ayesha Verrall :说”登机前需要证明其 COVID-19 PCR 或 RT-PCR 出发前测试呈阴性,并提供符合指定标准的可接受文件,从维多利亚州返回的人也必须在家隔离,直到返回阴性测试。如果旅客无法提供出发前测试结果为阴性的证明,他们将不被允许旅行。 机构一直在与航空公司密切合作,并表示过去几天需求已经下降,取消的数量现在超过了新预订,并且仍有大约 3000 个座位可用。 在需要的地方增加了航班,例如从布里斯班和墨尔本出发的航班,而且由于人们取消了航班,从珀斯出发的航班也增加了运力。旅客还可以选择在澳大利亚的其他机场转机。根据这一建议,该窗口将于明天,即 7 月 30 日星期五晚上 11 点 59 分(新西兰时间)关闭。 我们相信,大多数希望回来的符合条件的旅行者已经采取了必要的措施,我们敦促那些可能仍决定立即采取行动的人。 我们将在未来几天继续监测局势,并将在澳大利亚提供领事支持。建议人们在外交和贸易部的安全旅行网站上注册,并订阅联合反对 COVID-19 旅行网站上的通知服务。来自新南威尔士州的旅行,从新南威尔士州出发的返程航班将按计划继续进行,来自该州的旅客需要在 MIQ 停留 14 天”。 Ayesha Verrall 还说:“到目前为止,MIQ 已经在前两个管理返回阶段提供了 1500 多个房间 – 估计可容纳 2100 人,包括 300 多个紧急和特殊情况。 今天,我们确认已在 8 月 9 日至 22 日之间为应急分配了 500 个 MIQ 额外房间。 为了管理和优先考虑预订,我们使用 Unite Against COVID-19 旅游网站上的表格为这些房间建立了兴趣登记流程 “。 该注册程序将于明天,即 7 月 30 日星期五上午 10 点开始,并于 8 月 3 日星期二下午 2 点结束,航空公司将跟进安排 8 月 9 日之后航班的预订详情。 为了管理和优先预订,已使用联合反对 COVID-19 旅游网站上的表格为这些客房建立了兴趣登记程序。 从澳大利亚飞往新西兰的航班上,不到一半的可用座位被占用。·      如果有人需要紧急援助才能回家,他们应该从澳大利亚拨打 1800 537 726、09 952 1695 或 04 830 3599 讨论您的情况。

 News from the New Zealand Press Secretariat News on July 29,Trans-Tasman travel window to close at midnight tomorrow  

 A further 500 MIQ rooms released for managed returnees from NSW    Further Government actions announced today are balanced to provide more certainty for Kiwis wanting to return from Australia, while continuing to protect New Zealand from COVID-19, acting Minister for COVID-19 Response Ayesha Verrall says. The actions were foreshadowed last week and as part of the earlier process of managing the return of New Zealand residents from New South Wales.    Quarantine free flights – remaining travellers urged to book a seat immediately “When announcing a temporary suspension of the travel bubble with Australia last week, the Government provided a seven-day grace period for eligible travellers in states and territories other than New South Wales to return,” Ayesha Verrall said. Evidence of a negative result from their COVID-19 PCR or RT-PCR pre-departure test with acceptable documentation to the specified standard is required before boarding and returnees from Victoria must also isolate at home until a negative test is returned. If travellers cannot provide proof of a negative pre-departure test, they will not be allowed to travel.  “Agencies have been working closely with airlines and have advised that demand has dropped off in the last couple of days, with cancellations now outweighing new bookings and around 3000 seats still available. “Extra flights have been put on where required, for example from Brisbane and Melbourne, and extra capacity has opened up on flights from Perth as people have cancelled their flights. Travellers also have the option to transit via other airports in Australia. “Based on this advice, the window will close at 11.59pm (NZT) tomorrow, Friday 30 July. “We believe most eligible travellers who wish to come back have taken the necessary steps to do so and we’re urging those who might still be deciding to act immediately. “We’ll continue to monitor the situation over the coming days and consular support in Australia will be available. People are advised to register on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Safe Travel website and subscribe to the notification service on United Against COVID-19 travel website.” Travel from New South Wales “Managed return flights are continuing as planned from New South Wales, with travellers from the state required to spend 14 days in MIQ,” Ayesha Verrall said. “More than 1500 rooms in MIQ have so far been made available from the first two managed return phases – accommodating an estimated 2100 people, including more than 300 urgent and exceptional cases. “Today, we’re confirming that 500 MIQ additional rooms have been allocated from contingency, between 9-22 August. “To manage and prioritise bookings, a registration of interest process has been established for these rooms, using a form on the Unite Against COVID-19 travel website. “This registration process will open from 10am tomorrow, Friday 30 July, and close at 2pm Tuesday 3 August, with airlines following up to arrange booking details for flights after 9 August.”   Less than half of available seats have been occupied on flights from Australia to New Zealand.·       If someone requires urgent assistance to return home, they should call 1800 537 726, 09 952 1695 or 04 830 3599 from Australia to discuss your situation.   


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